Rustic Civility.

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RUSTIC CIVILITY—Perhaps these are words that many of you little children do not understand. So first we will find out what they mean.
“Rustic” has to do with the country. And “Civility” is another word for politeness or good manners. Then “rustic civility” is good manners in the country, or good manners of country people.
This is a beautiful country scene, with the road winding through the woods and the happy-faced children at the big gate. What do you think they are doing? The oldest child is going through the motion of tipping his hat, or making a salute. They see someone coming and have kindly opened the gate so this person or persons may pass through without any trouble.
Often children in the country are more polite and show more kindness to strangers than children in the city. If you live in the city, do not let the country children put you to shame.
The Lord is pleased when you show respect to others, especially older people; and He wishes you to show kindness to all.
“AS WE HAVE THEREFORE OPPORTUNITY, LET US DO GOOD UNTO ALL, ESPECIALLY UNTO THEM WHO ARE OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH.” (Galatians 6:1010As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:10).)
ML 09/08/1912