Ruth 3-4

Duration: 1hr 3min
Ruth 3‑4
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I was just wondering if we could just try to.
Get to the end. It's such a beautiful ending to the book. You could bear that in mind and go quickly over there areas and and get to that last section.
413 from then on.
I said 27, I met 17. I didn't have my glasses on.
Which chapter?
One second chapter, verse 17.
Go right to the 4th job. He'd like to include the last two chapters.
Is it possible?
Well, sounds like today, you know, going too far and suggestions. I think it'd be nice if we finished the that second chapter and then.
A little bit on the.
On May 3rd and starting the 14th at the 13th verse.
Start with 217.
So she gleaned in the field until even, and beat out that she had gleaned, and it was about an evil of barley. And she took it up and went into the city. And her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned, and she brought forth and gave it to her that she had reserved after she was surprised. And her mother-in-law said unto her, Where hast thou gleaned today, and where wrought as thou, blessed be he that did take knowledge of thee? And she showed her mother-in-law, with whom she had wroth, and said.
Man's name with whom I wrought today's Boaz, Naomi said unto her daughter-in-law. Blessed be he of the Lord, who hath not left off his kindness.
To the living and to the dead. And Naomi said unto her, The man is near of kin unto us, one of our next kinsmen. And Ruth Mobitus said, He said unto me also, Thou shalt keep fast by my young men until they have ended all the harvest. And Naomi said unto Ruth, a daughter-in-law, It is good, my daughter, that thou go out with his maidens, that they may be not in any other field. So she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz to glean unto the end of barley harvest.
And of wheat harvest, and dwelt with her mother-in-law. Chapter 3 And then Naomi, her mother-in-law, said unto her, My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee? And that was not Boaz of Ark Hindrid, with whose maidens thou lost. Behold, he went in with barley tonight in the threshing floor. Washed myself therefore in anointing, and put on Put thy raiment to Ponty, and get thee down to the floor. And make not myself known unto the man until he shall have done eating and drinking.
And it's all be when he lieth down, that thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie, and thou shalt go in and uncover his feet, and lay thee down, and he will tell thee what thus I'll do. And she said unto her, All that thou sayest unto me I will do. And she went down onto the floor, and did according to all, that her mother-in-law obeyed her.
Own Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry. He went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn, and she came softly, uncovered his feet, and laid her down.
And it came to pass at midnight that the man was afraid, and turned himself, and behold, a woman lay at his feet. And he said, Who art thou? And she answered, I am Ruth, thine handmaid. Spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid, and thou art near kinsman. And he said, Blessed be thou the Lord, my daughter, and I hast showed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning.
In so much as thou followest not young men, neither poor nor or rich. Now, my daughter, fear not, I'll do to thee all that thou requires.
For all the city of my people doth know thou art a virtuous woman. Now it is true that I am thy near kinsman. Howbeit there is a kinsman nearer than I tarry this night, and shall be in the morning. That if he will perform unto thee the part of a kinsman, well, let him do the kinsman's part. But if he will not do the part of the kinsman today, then I will do the part of a kinsman today. As the Lord liveth, lie down until the morning, and she lay down at his feet until the morning.
And she rose up before 1 Could know another. And he said, Let it not be known that a woman came into the floor also. He said, Bring the veil that thou hast upon thee, and hold it. And when she held it, he measured 6 measures of barley, and laid it on her, and she went into the city.
When she came to her mother-in-law, she said, Who art thou, my daughter? And she told her all that the man had done to her, And she said these six measures of barley gave him a.
For he said to me, Go not empty unto thy mother-in-law, then should see, said she said, Still my daughter, till thou know how the matter will fall to the man will not be in rest until he have finished the thing. At this day should we read the 4th chapter?
So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife. And when he went in unto her, the Lord gave her conception, and she bare her son. And the woman said unto Naomi, Blessed be the Lord, which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman, that his name may be famous in Israel, and she shall be unto thee. He shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age.
So my daughter-in-law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath borne him. And he only took the child, and laid it in her bosom, and became nurse unto it. And the women, her neighbors, gave it her names. There is a son born to Naomi, and they called his name Obed. He is the father of Jesse, the father of David. Now these are the generations of Pharaohs. Pharis begat Hezron.
And Hezron begot Ram, and Ram begat a minute dab and a minute dab begat nation.
And Nation begat Salman, and Salman begat Boaz, and Boaz begat Obed and Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David.
This portion is very much the the sovereignty of God side God was moving.
In this direction and every detail that we've read was of God. Pretend we might think well.
A little bit strange that this girl would be so familiar with the man, but we must remember that this is holy ground and this woman was a virtuous woman and there wasn't a thought at all of immorality. I think it's a help to the younger ones.
To see that this is what God was doing to move this.
Faithful woman.
Into that position where she would be the the, uh, ancestors of great King David and then on down to Christ.
That was her responsibility side and what she had said. I will go God's part in doing the rest. So it's beautiful to know that our lives are mapped out by God.
And if we walk in his will, we'll take those steps.
And it will be for His glory and our blessing.
Every life of every one of us here has been mapped out by God.
I think it's beautiful to see that she not only gleaned, but she beat out what she had gleaned. And we've been doing some gleaning over these two days, haven't we? Are we going to go home and beat it out?
Let us work it out.
And meditate on it and enjoy it and not only enjoy it, but notice what else she did. She, she gave her mother-in-law some of what she reserved. Have you reserved a little bit to take back with you? Have I, I believe that's God's intention. I think we find that in, umm uh, in the minor profits, it talks about the, the send portions to those who, who have nothing.
There's an awful lot of hungry souls out there, uh, in this, uh, world who are looking for something to eat. And if you and I have been richly fed by the Lord and we've had some handfuls of purpose, haven't we? This is sweet to think the largest purposely put them there for us. What are we going to do with it? Well, we've got to go home and feed it out and exercise beforehand and then, umm.
Eat as much as we we can.
How much is it? So we're satisfied and then reserve some and give it to others. And I think that's God's order in these verses 17 and 18.
It's an exercise for us, isn't it?
I didn't notice something that they, uh, over.
Versus UH-15 to 16 and also in verse, uh, nine or more chapters. And that is that Boaz went to a considerable effort to ensure that there would be a, a tone or a attitude in this, in this workplace, if you will, this, uh, harvest place where.
This young lady would not be damaged or harmed.
Uh, what I'm referring to is verse 15 letter glean among the sheaves and reproach her, not the next verse, verse 16, that she may lean and rebuke her knowledge. And earlier on in the chapter in uh, verse 9.
Have I not charged the old men that they shall not touch them now, using the application of this chapter to a little picture of the assembly, or especially the local assembly? It's extremely important, isn't it?
Especially for those of us that are older that we.
Endeavor that there would be a spirit and tone in the assembly that would promote positive nourishment of all the things. The teaching may be excellent, there may be real clarity and all kinds of gifts, but as First Corinthians 13 teaches us, that there isn't love, which lays, they might say, a background or a backdrop of supportive, for lack of a better word, in the assembly.
And these things are not going to be, uh, unless we all step in, in mercy because they're not going to be received and there's not going to be growth. And we're responsible for those that are coming after us that there would be growth. So I think it's important to remember this side of things and take that with all the exportations with the concern and without being compromising about the truth that we seek to encourage the young folks and new converts, even if they come in their 60s.
Umm, that we, uh, take people the way they come and, uh, seek to, uh, walk together with them and encourage them and see the Apostle Paul writing to the Thessalonians and he says we were gentle among you, umm, and quite full diversity. That's the first Thessalonians chapter, umm.
Verse 7, Verse 60 describes his exercise not to be burdensome as the apostles of Christ. 1St Thessalonians 2 and then in verse 7. But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse. Cherish it for children. So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because you were dear and blessed.
And then even with the Corinthians who required a sort of a different hand, Paul writes in the second fiscal first chapter that he puts it this way to spare you. I came as not as yet to current, not as though we would have dominion over your face, but to be helpers. I think it's this. So our tendency may be to tell everybody not only what the truth is, but how to apply it in their own life and to reach in too far.
But, uh, I believe we have, we have to realize that, uh, it's by faith that they're going to stand. And on our part, we exercise that. There's an environment, if you will, an attitude that promotes, uh, the growth of the space and that we don't, uh, go in an overreaching way to have dominions to order and over God's heritage, etcetera, by being a demanding or critical spirit of those kind of things. Very important.
Actually, thanks for your call by attention some months ago to, uh, Ecclesiastes 10 and verse eight. That is the part where he says, have I not commanded the young men that they not touch you? That's one of the hedges the Lord has put up for the protection of the southeast of the Saints, for my protection and for the young lady's protections too. And we tend to break those down in our society, don't we? If you do, the serpent's going to bite you.
No doubt about it is there first Corinthians 7 one I've written unto you that is not good for a man not to touch a woman, And we say, Oh well, God is trying to keep me from having pleasure.
He's not. He's putting a hedge for our protector. What's on the other side of the head.
I've appreciated that scripture, especially Bruce in recent months. And since you've pulled it to our attention there now taper, uh, it's, umm, it's something they've got. And that's not the only one. There are many hedges that God has put for our protection. You're not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Is that because God hates unbelievers? No, he's and his son to die for, but he's, we put a hedge there for our protection. Let's not break them down. And, uh, I like the thoughts that the environment that the Lord provides is a safe environment.
For learning the truth, isn't it?
Like, uh, not to be unequal yields, but it also says for us to, uh, to, uh, try and win souls from the unbelieving and the unbelieving people. So we are to, uh.
Fellowship with the brethren and love the brethren, but we are also to to go to try to win souls.
So I see that.
I don't know when we can respond to that.
I think it's an important principle that we don't have to go into their position to win them.
We can stay in the position the Lord has put us in in obedience to the word and still win souls. And, uh, it's a lovely thought. I believe that winning soul started Proverbs 11 and verse 30, either when it goes as wide or I think, uh, Mr. Garvey's translation says the wise winner. So we think sometimes that, umm.
Winning arguments is important.
It's not when you market, it's when you sold. Even as believers in dealing with one another, what are we interested in doing? Winning an argument with a brother or winning him?
And I think it's so important to understand that, but I don't think it would. It requires us to violate one principle of the word of God to win a soul.
That's the point that you mentioned. Good to realize that we're, uh, it mentions about that the, on the unsaved wife and for the 7th chapter, of course, Corinthians, uh, it says there that the wife has become saved and the husband does not that the word that the husband.
Without the word, maybe one by the manner of life of the wife.
The manner of life, that's how we would win and we should be presenting the truth that's been pointed out walking in it.
All right, all right, well then should say that are in the dish. You don't go into the ditch to help him. You may get a rope, but you stay on firm ground and help him by pulling him out. By staying on firm ground with the ditch, you probably get stuck yourself.
So we can never or should never violate the Word of God in order to help someone really hindering them, teaching them obedience to the word is not important, but it's important that we obey the words and we become an example in that way.
And in the sense the truth of the gospel is looked at as obeying the gospel, isn't it? It's an act of submission to the will of of God, who he commands all men everywhere to repent and to accept the work of the Lord Jesus, which he's done for our salvation.
He just had a little experience of that, yeah.
In place and for example, there's a big warning not to go to his pier. Her flag is raised doubly worn people of the danger while a young man jumped into the water. And so his friend, seeing his predicament jumped into the water after the statement when they both drown. Very sad. And that was just a few days after somebody else had gone out there and slipped into the water. And there was a great little sympathy and sorrow over this one. It slipped into water. We'll see Two others went out there and one fooling around fell into the water.
Somebody's thinking he could save him lost his own logic. So what she said is very important is that you have to stay on the ground in which, uh, God has given us to occupy our communal health and maybe in great peril ourselves. Say thyself and obviously hear that first of all, I'm saving yourself and then then the other to hear you.
Years ago, umm, well, in fact, 1936, we made a trip to Florida, my father and mother and Jack and I and, uh, see my great grandfather in Key West. And most of you knew my father's character, you know, he was a very daring man. I just like to go over the edge, you know?
Challenge of something. Yeah. Well, he drove out on the beach and one of the places down in Florida, I don't know where it was now, but he got stuck modeled A4, you got stuck out there on the beach, called tow trucker, Tow truck came out and the tow truck got stuck.
We had to get a tow truck for the tow truck tow truck. And I think that just bears out what you're saying. You know, you don't go into a bad situation.
It's stuck in our our minds because it not only cost one tow truck, it costs 2 trucks two times.
The second chapter. So she kept fast by the maiden. Oh boy.
That's exactly what they've been told to glean until the end of barley harvest. It arrived at the beginning of barley harvest. And here she's continuing on and off the wheat harvest and dwelt with her mother-in-law. How, uh, Christian like this is, isn't it? Yeah.
It was.
Fellowship and obedience.
Interesting there that it says that verse 22 and Naomi said to Hunter Ruth her daughter-in-law at the 2nd chapter. Umm is good. My daughter. I go at the row office of 80s that they meet the not in any other field. If we compromise if we if we see you're putting the gospel first. Why I'm not disparaging the gospel. That's a needed thing, isn't it but God is sovereign.
And God can save even apart from anything that we may do. We can be saved by the life of a Christian, as you were pointing out, Neil, he can save by 1 by by one's life. But when we talk to somebody about the gospel, where do we direct them after they get saved?
That's a good question. Where do they go in Christendom? After their if they if they get saved, where do they go?
You see that's, that's there's a, there's a, there's a compromise there.
They're not being brought to the end where they can be fed and nourished because.
It's it's not the full gospel. Somebody said to me one time, you have the full gospel. I said, well, by the grace of God, yes, I said, you know what the full gospel is.
You get your your soul, you get saved and then where you go, Oh well, you go to the Church of your choice. I said not, not much, Scripture says.
God wants to bring you to the place where he's gathered his people together. There's only one place, and that's where the Lord Jesus is and where he is owned and where His authority is owned and where his his everything concerning the Lord. That's the necessary thing, isn't it? I think of our dear brother John Kemp traveling all over the world with pounds and hundreds of pounds of literature and money, gives them the gospel. Where does he lead them? Where does he direct them?
To the end.
He directs them to the assembly.
And I believe I see, I see that here in in pictures that it says they that they meet the knot in any other fear.
You could look at John 11 because we often think of the job in terms of it meeting our needs. Would it be can can become a very selfish thing in John 11?
And it's all known. And I believe this is John added these few lines to kayak. This is prophecy, wonderful prophecy. John 11.
Umm, or consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people.
And that the whole nation perished not, and this is based not of himself, of being high priest, that if he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation and not for that nation only, but that he should gather together in one, The children of God were scattered abroad. We often think of the Gospel simply in terms of Christ dying for us, meeting our needs. But he died that he might gather together and won the children. I thought they were scattered abroad. And so the Gospel simply becomes a selfish thing if I think, well, my need is met. But what was his desire in God?
What was his purpose in diamond she gather together in one of the Chamber of Broadway scattered abroad. It's a very important part of the gospel and so to say well, you're saved now tend to change your choice. It's to speak to take the blessing and I just completely deny him his desire and dying very serious thing. We don't have to look at it as the light thing that people can stay attend the truth of your choice.
I'd like to make a suggestion.
Our time is very limited.
And umm, our brother Mary has an exercise regarding versus 13 and forwarding chapter 4. I wonder if we could ask him to just give us an overview of the third chapter and then we could go on to those verses. Would that be agreeable?
First, would it be agreeable to brother Barry?
And so.
Like the very first verse of the third chapter. Now Naomi, her mother-in-law, said unto her.
My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee? Shall it may be that it may be well with thee.
Naomi was the mother-in-law, but she her concern was blessing a large blessing on her daughter-in-law. And how sweet that is for us all to remember.
That we should be concerned for the welfare of everyone, not only in our family, this was in her family, but for the welfare of the of the and the growth of of each one and the and the assembly.
And then she outlines.
Uh, who this man is so beautiful there in that second verse and now is not Boaz of our kindred, with whose maidens thou wast behold, he was he Winova barley tonight and the threshing floor. Well read some of the details of it and again emphasize.
This was a picture, I believe a picture. Not the church, but a picture of the church.
Giving herself we have, we haven't been married yet to the Lord. The marriage is going to take place, but it's a betrothal and a betrothal is different than an engagement. You can break an engagement with people, uh, people, a couple can exchange rings and then things don't go so well and they decide, well, maybe we're not fit for, we're not suited for each other.
Uh, she was saying yes, I was thinking the same. So they just give back the rings and at the end of it, but it's a betrothal and the betrothal required a legal separation. Now we have been Devo, we have been.
Betrothed to Christ, fall spoken of that I present you as a chase version to Christ. Beloved ones, this is our position today.
We're going through this world and Christ is our husband to be and he's waiting there and we want to keep ourselves pure, pure girl. It's it's going to be a marriage of a boy. Why she keeps herself pure for him. She doesn't say, well, my boyfriend is on the other side of the continent, but so I'll go out with other ones. She doesn't do that.
If she's wanting to be faithful to him, she just says no, I'll for bear. That is our position and I believe here was the beginning of it where Naomi says this. Now you give yourself in the threshing floor.
You do this and do that. I explain exactly what to do, not immorality, but I think it's a beautiful picture of.
Our devotion today to Christ. And so she did. She did exactly what she was told. She didn't vary it. She didn't exaggerated, she didn't push too much. She just did exactly what she was told. And the man responds.
And he said that the man says, we know that this is a virtuous woman. You dear each one of us. We are the bride of Christ to come. He's waiting there in the glory, and we're waiting here for him. We're a spouse to him. May we keep ourselves pure from this world, friendship with the world.
And Matthew with God, oh, may there be the desire in our heart to see in this beautiful picture how she carried out exactly what was told her and the man toward the end of it. 14th verse she lay at his feet until the morning, and she rose up before 1 Could know another. And he said.
Let it not be known.
That a woman came into the floor, he might say, well, he was a little bit smooth about this. No, it's holy ground, beloved ones, this is holy ground and.
She did exactly what she was told.
And 15 And he said, Bring the veil that thou hast upon thee, and hold it, and so on.
And 16 and when she came to her mother-in-law, she said, who art thou, my daughter? And she told her all that the man had done to her. The mother-in-law again is concerned and interested in asks all the details and how lovely it is for us to be concerned. There's a person in Isaiah that says.
To seek the welfare of.
I forget the last word, but I'll each other. Are we? Do we love each other? And are we concerned about our spiritual wealth or not only our health, but our spiritual airplane?
When she came to her mother-in-law, she said, Who art thou? And 17 And she said, these six measures of barley gave it to me. Well, I believe that that the food that the Lord gives us along the way, food for our souls, we can go away from these meetings feeling that the Lord has given us.
This precious food.
Truth concerning the Person of Christ.
May we guard this and walk in us.
18 is so lovely too.
And she said.
Sit still.
Sit still.
Is that good advice for you very young people? Don't be impatient.
Sit still. The Lord has a purpose of blessing in your life. Sit still.
Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter shall fall. Let's remember that verse. Take that word with us. How is the matter going to fall? Why is it we've been singing? The precious Savior is going to come with a shout to call the bride and welcome into his arms. This is our destiny. And so he's saying.
I was very globally versed and I Ezra 7 around 28 or so and it says watch.
Keep until all the same verse. Watch. Keep until and this is much the same. This is what you and I need to be doing, not to be looking for something unusual or something startling quiet going on with the Lord.
Please sit still until.
We have been taught in the New Testament the many of the secrets they didn't know, but it's been tight.
Like the last statement there that even the 1St.
This for the man, will not be in rest until he has finished the thing. This day. Maybe sometimes we get restless to be home. But you think of him. I mean, he's watched this church for nearly 2000 years and he's watched her through difficult times, perilous times. And he's watched, you know, the shedding of the blood of his martyrs. He has watched the perilous times when, you know, when she, uh, wanted to link up with the political things in this world. We've seen the whole thing.
Right down to probably, brethren, the most dangerous day.
Of her sojourn in this world, which I believe is the present day, and I'll tell you why. Because we live in a day of indifference and heartlessness for the Lord Jesus. What can you do with people who are indifferent and have no heart? What could I do? You know, What could you do if your wife had no heart towards you, your husband had no heart towards you? But isn't it lovely? I would state that here. The man will not be in rest until he had finished the thing. This day. We often speak of our longing for him, but brethren, it is nothing.
In comparison to the long that he has for us, but to be his name.
The beginning of the fourth capture, there was another man that was closer.
In the relationship and had the first title, so it outlines there how?
Boaz and confidence and waiting on the Lord, patiently waiting.
He gives this other man the opportunity to have to raise up.
A family with with Ruth and he says no, it'll spoil my own inheritance.
So the door is opened now for boys. No hinders. So lovely to see the boys was waiting for this. Well, this can be a figure, I believe of the law.
As, uh, it might say that the priority, but the Lord Jesus has waited and when?
The work of redemption is completed. Now the door is open for the Church to come forward.
Yes, the law would have an opportunity, but the law couldn't save anybody, just condemned, exposed what sin is. And so that has been settled now at the Cross of Calvary.
We look at Ruth, there's a picture of the, uh, the remnant of Israel that's going to be brought into blessing in the coming days. It's a beautiful thing on that too, that.
The law couldn't bring that nation into blessing, not because there was a defect in the law, but the defect in managed. But Ruth is going to be blessed, as we'll see in this chapter. And Israel in the coming days is going to be blessed on the principle of grace.
So we nations and if you ask their opinion, she went to the United Nations in New York and say what do you think of the fact that that the Son of God is going to come back from heaven and exalt 1 nation over all the rest?
That nation is gonna be the head of all the nations, and that nation is gonna be Israel. Why? They would suspect.
And they would give you reason after reason why that was unfair or unjust or whatever.
I suppose it might be the same if uh.
You know, if you and I was, if somebody was to go back into our past life and ask our associates, uh, what do you think of the fact that this, uh, Bruce Conrad guy, this, uh, you know what? My, uh, you know, it's gonna end up bearing the image of the Son of God. I'm going to be in glory.
Full of perfect acceptance from love there. They probably say the same thing. I've got all this, that and the other thing. We stand there and the principle of solid grace. And I think it's beautiful not only to think of the center as being justified that way in that day, but the thing that makes you all they've improved.
And, uh, finally, at the end of the day, they're gonna be brought in on that wonderful, wonderful Christ consulting principle of grace. And that's going to be a wonderful thing. I believe you'll rejoice in it on his behalf too. And we'll be able, I believe, to observe it and to rejoice in that part of the trace.
The Lord does not have two bribes.
Neither here nor in the case of Summer Solomon.
This is a picture of a bride, but not unearthly bride and bride. He's going to only have one heavenly taken from Israel and the Jew and the Gentile.
Could we go ahead with our?
Uh, 13th verse of the last chapter.
May I make a practical point whether notice the expression the Lord gave her conception?
We sometimes act like in this modern way of thinking that we that's something that we have under our control. We don't. It's the Lord and we want to acknowledge that.
I don't want to build any great doctrine on it, simply to understand that. And the moment we lose respect for that, and I think we have as a society, the moment we do this, respect for that, we can get into anything.
Well, let's remember that it's the Lord that does it.
I don't think we really realized.
How much the influences of this world has come in and affected our thinking in regards to these things. I really don't think we really understand how. How much of A ramification is that on us and impact that it's had on us? I won't take the time to turn to it, but there's a verse.
Umm, yeah, I think it's an Amos 8:00 and 9:00 or 9:00 and 8:00, can't remember which in connection with the statement was made. There's no birth because there's no conception or no gestation, and there's no gestation because there's no conception. But the thing we need to realize that the Lord controls all of that. No light without Him. He controls it. Uh, he gives it. He has the right to take it.
And because man was created in the image of God, we need to have our thoughts formed by the Word of God, not by men. Man is never right. He has never been right, and he never will be right. And it's wonderful to go to the Word of God and see what God's mind is about this. I want to encourage all of us, and myself as included. Let's not go to the Word of God with our own thoughts. Let's go to the Word of God and say, Lord, what is in this book that you want to teach me?
I want to hear, Lord, what Thou just have to say on this. And that's the place of blessing and safety for every one of us.
That's very important business. Go go to the word of God, bring something you're seeking to get something in front of them and that that's very important. And I think I agree. That's the part that's where intellectualism comes in. Man and his, his own thoughts and his own intellectualism. He comes to the word of God. He got certain views, certain thoughts.
And he tries to fit those in with the word of God. If that doesn't work, it doesn't work. He's going to get into confusion, further confusion.
But if you don't ask questions, you won't find nothing matter.
You sure that's true? Oh, I said that I bought all that was little. Like why is it that the purchase price is not given?
You'll never be able to have any raw eternity.
At 15, first complete say a big circle doesn't.
That starts off by.
The father-in-law taking his family away from God's center.
And he dies in the two sons die. It looks as if it's the end of everything, but there it says, And he shall be under thee, a restorer of life.
Is it referring? He says he said OK, where to relax the child or her husband?
Think of the world as the present day.
I heard someone make a statement, You know, well, I don't want any children. They're just a nuisance, you know?
I say people are in this day and age are saying I don't want any children. They're just going to be a nuisance. They're just going to get in the way. If you think that they're coming today at the Lord tarry. You know when those children will be a very valuable thing. I think of you know, couples with forego you know, children and they think that well this and that and and they don't. I think of one couple at the present time. They don't have any children at all. I think if the Lord carries someday they're going to be in a nursing home. Nobody to come to visit them or anything like that. Often think of that, you know, when I read this verse.
And there is European in nine old age. But that's some of the outcome, you know, of selfishness. It is brought with pitfalls in these things, you know.
All right, I was just wondering too if I don't see it in this verse. UH-15.
A God coming in in such a way as to complete a circle. You know, to read all this without the answer, without thinking it sounds like a lot of confusion to us, wouldn't it? But God brings us now into a completed circle, like it says He shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life.
A nourisher of thine old age for thy daughter-in-law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons. It's just an interesting thing to see how God has put this all together. If the Lord himself, who else could do this?
Man would only make further confusion. But he brings it together, doesn't he? Completes the circle.
There's two repentance, congratulations. The Lord couldn't restore to her husband and her two sons that He gave her something better. And so there always ought to be the confidence in the heart of our heart, condemn as God is greater than our hearts, and the knowledge that God will come in and bless them if there's true repentance towards God and true restoration. But often there's a struggling in our souls to try to recapture the thing that we lost through our unfaithfulness, and there is no real recovery of that.
Where there was repentance, God could give her something better.
It went back to Naomi's returning.
What happened? What is it that you received this? What do you mean? It's very beautiful to see. That was all she did. She went back.
To her own land. But what did God do for her? You made all these arrangements for her and she could say this child is mine. Wonderful truth, isn't it beautiful?
It's so wonderful to grasp.
Verse 16 she became a nurse to it. Verse 17 what did they say?
Important to ma'am, they own it.
And the grand thing about it is that 1300 years in this very same town, think of it, let the weight of it sink in 1300 years later, in this very town, the true kinsman Redeemer was born. This isn't a fairy tale, you know, This is reality. This is reality.
What a wonderful day. Just thrills us all to think of it. God coming in, in the sovereign ways, bringing the whole thing together over ruling in spite of man's failure over ruling because it's because of sin, blessing as a result of it. And I think that one of the reasons why we're going to cast our crowns at his feet someday, because we're going to realize the ways in which that sovereign hand came in and ruled overruled when we made such a mess.
I'd like to ask a difficult question, or maybe, maybe uh, an ignorant question on my part, but umm.
They called his name Obed and I see the footnote that says without a Redeemer.
Why would that be? Is it? What would be the lesson in that equivalent? This child without a Redeemer?
Mr. Slater is not here. I'd ask him about it because he doesn't know some Hebrew and ask him whether that's correct or not, but it just seems puzzling to me. I don't doubt Mr. Garvey's no refers to the Son being born that is Obed. It makes me wonder why would it say without a Redeemer?
Well my wonder brother Nick and she mentioned the answer doesn't fall on the 15th 1St in this whole picture of Israel giving birth. You know the woman with the 12 stars in her head giving birth to the Son of God, that he was to be a restorer of thy life that obed as a picture himself of Christ was without a Redeemer. It's only a suggestion.
God give us a little picture in Peter's address where he says to the nation, especially to the elders, there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. I think, brethren, that there's significance there. I really do. They the nation at the present time, what are they looking for? They're looking for the Messiah, right? They don't realize that he's already come.
That he's been rejected. The remnant of course, is gonna be instructed in the future day to look for him. I I think of that person Daniel and I think we should turn to it because it's a very beautiful verse 11 Chapter, Daniel.
It could be the last chapter, but I'll get to it there in a minute.
Very, very significant verse.
Look at Daniel.
The 12Th chapter.
Verse three, chapter 12, Daniel verse three. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever. Don't say they are the stars as the stars. These little articles are very, very important. You know, we've been kind of mentioning that all through the conference of both these little articles as this dark heavenly wisdom given to the awakened ones to teach the remnant the truth about these wonderful things.
And they're gonna be ready to receive him when he comes. When he when he comes, the nation of course, is going to perish in unbelief. They don't believe. They don't believe at the present time. They're not going to believe. Thank God, he's going to save the tents of Judah, just a little remnant of faith. And then of course, the 10 tribes brought him to blessing later and so on. But I want to point that out that there's no salvation in any other. There's no salvation for the Gentile apart from Christ. And there's no salvation for the Jew either if they embrace that false Messiah.
That's the warning and it's very important to see that the more people would realize, you know, that there are things afoot in the in the world today. One of the most popular women in America at the present time does not believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. She believes that there are many ways. Where is she getting the idea from? From this new Age philosophy that's just sweeping into this country, That's where.
I'm recognizing the Redeemer. It's very interesting in the last chapter of Isaiah.
Not to wander too far from my chapter, but in Isaiah chapter 66 and verse 7.
Before she traveled she brought forth. Before her pain came, she was delivered of a man's child. Who had heard such a thing? Who has seen such a thing? Such things shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day shall a nation be born at one. For as soon as Zion travels she brought forth her children.
Well, the what a wonderful thing that the Lord was born 2000 years before Israel went through the labor pain, so to speak. They yet have to live through their labor pains, but the sun is already born and they don't know if they don't recognize it.
The law could not do in those weeks through the flesh God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh for sin condemns it in the flesh. So the first one who had right was this kinsman who was brought in in the first part of the chapter, and he couldn't redeem. But then here comes the Redeemer. And so the law couldn't do it. And their brothers just remarked. This is interesting passage there in Isaiah that.
They're going to see when they look upon that one who is pierced that the Redeemer was born long before while they were traveling, trying to get blessing under the law.
And this means too, that, umm, that Ruth becomes the great grandmother of David, doesn't the one born as the grandfather of David makes it all very, uh, very real. I think when you think of that, this isn't something remote back right after the flood is coming right down to David's time. So, uh.
He became the man of God's own thoughts.
And umm, yet, uh, his great grandmother was brought in by sovereign grace.
Matthew, I'll just read it, the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David.
The son of Abraham.
What? What a sweet and here is a faithful girl woman faithful to the Lord, who is brought in from that land of more that was.
For 10 generations they were not to be brought into the congregation of Israel. The grace of God. Oh, let's not forget that grace of God that would bring that poor woman.
Right into the very.
Thread that line of golden line that leads right on to Christ.
So we all can.
Realize our privileges and our responsibility to remain faithful to Christ. Cast what may.
Doesn't it say even the Senate generation, if I'm not under any that is, it seems as if there was to be never that they were to come in. I don't know. That's how I read it. Maybe I'm going very just asking that as a question.
#23 just to read that word as you mentioned earlier.
Even to the 10th generation, shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever? That's God's government.
Verse 3, Deuteronomy 23 three. And that's 'cause government translation says even their 10th generation, not everything. And uh, then God comes in and grace.
And bring this loose them all by this and it's interesting it's been mentioned several times where it's wherever 3 edges route the mole bike.
Well, the grace of God comes in there, doesn't it?
What about ourselves? Do we deserve it?
Grace of God, we will Northeast I I make this statement quite often and I'm I'm the more I'm I'm every time I say that, I'm more convinced myself that I do not understand the grace of God. I believe it, but I can't say that I understand it.
Really you should change.
And you just see the sovereign working of the grace of God and amongst this complicated story of man's treachery and.
Deception. And yet you see the sovereign working of the grace of God even regarding Ferris in the 18th, 1St year. I'm sorry.
With the Malachi, isn't it Malachi is.
Two of my own like.
I think it's James dude that says whatsoever a man saw us that shall he also reap that the statement in God's word. Whatsoever man souls that shall he also reap that the government of God, but the grace of God. Second Timothy 213. If we are unfaithful.
He remained faithful. He cannot deny himself. That's what we follow back on, brother, not on our life, but on the perfection of the grace of God that shows us even when he knew that we would so often make a failure after we've been saved, as many of us can have to confess, but the grace of God.
He remains faithful.
And shallow forever.
They could, she couldn't. And then later she brings her in. Now they do not. They say that's not the truth. God didn't tell the truth. I said wait a minute.
You don't want to say that because you don't know anything of the grace of God. If you deny that you don't know anything. And man is in the government of God even though he thinks he isn't. But the grace of God comes in and brings in this one into the royal line. What a beautiful thing. I would just like to make a comment. **** asked about the name of that and I looked it up in the proper names and it says worshipping or serving law.
And they only named her son worshipping her, serving home a lot nicer than the other thoughts he had had the better. That's leaves me much more satisfied.
Can we enclosing seeing that grand old millennial hymn, hail to the Lord's anointed great Davis Greater Son?