Rutherford's Dying Testimony

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A few days before his death, he said: "I shall shine, I shall see Christ as He is, I shall see Him reign and all His fair company with Him; and I shall have my large share; my eyes shall see my Redeemer; these very eyes of mine, and no other for me. This may seem a wide word, but it is no fancy or delusion; it is true, it is true; let my Lord's name be exalted, and, if He will, let my name be ground to pieces, that He may be all in all. If He should slay me ten thousand times ten thousand times, I'll trust."
On another occasion he said: "My eyes shall see my Redeemer, I know He shall stand the last day upon the earth, and I shall be caught up in the clouds to meet Him in the air, and I shall be ever with Him; and what would you have more? There is an end!" and, stretching out his hand, again replied: "There is an end!" Being asked, "What think you now of Christ?" he answered, "I shall live and adore Him; glory, glory to my Creator and to my Redeemer forever; glory shines in Immanuel's land." He frequently exclaimed: "Oh, for arms to embrace Him! Oh, for a well-tuned harp!"
On the night of his departure he said: " This night shall close the door and put my anchor within the veil, and I shall go away in a sleep by five o'clock in the morning," which accordingly took place.
When spoken to about his faithfulness in ministering Christ, he said: " I disclaim all that, the port I would be at is Redemption and Forgiveness through His blood; ' Thou wilt show me the path of life, in Thy presence is fullness of joy;' there is nothing now betwixt me and the resurrection; but ' Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.' "
To his child he said: "I have again left you upon the Lord; it may be you will tell this to others, that the lines are fallen to me in pleasant places, I have a goodly heritage; I bless the Lord that gave me counsel."
"Of myself," he said: "I have my own guiltiness, like another sinful man, but He hath pardoned, loved, and washed, and given me joy unspeakable and full of glory."
Samuel Rutherford fell asleep on March 20th, 1661, repeating the words: "Glory, glory dwelleth in Immanuel's land."