"Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment"

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
There are few books or tracts that have had as wide a circulation as “Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment:” and there are few Publications that have been as much blessed of God to both saint and sinner as this one. It is a very unpretentious little booklet of about 32 pages, but it has proved to be a blessing to untold thousands. It is said that Queen Mary of England was converted through it, and that she herself often distributed it.
“If the Bible’s True I’m Saved!”
A copy of this booklet was given one evening to a Science Student at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. He and a fellow-student always lunched together at a small table in the far corner of a large restaurant on St. Catherine St. The following day he arrived at lunch a little late, and the room was already full of people. He saw his friend in his usual place, and waving his hat above his head, shouted to him across the room,―
“If the Bible’s True, I’m SAVED!”
Thank God! The Bible is True!
Dancing With Rage: Dancing With Joy
Another interesting incident about this little book is told by William Luff. “A young man went home to tell his father of his conversion. The old man worked himself into a fury at the son’s presumption in saying that he was saved, and turned him out of the house. The son dropped a copy of Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment in the passage. Next morning he returned to see his father, and writes thus: ‘Last night I left him dancing with rage; and this morning I found him dancing with joy.’ He was saved through the booklet.”
But now hear the rest of the story, ―
“While traveling in a corridor car with low partitions, I was speaking to the passengers when a head bobbed up, and a young woman said: ‘I was saved three weeks ago through reading, Do you Hope or Know that you have Eternal Life?’ She was a daughter of the man who was so angry at his son’s presumption.” (You may read Do you Hope or Know that you have Eternal Life? for yourself on page 149 of this book).
Three Classes
The Booklet, Safety Certainty and Enjoyment, begins by pointing out that there are three classes of people traveling from Time to Eternity. They are, ―
1st Class―Those who are saved, and who know it,
2nd Class―Those who are not sure of salvation, but anxious to be so,
3rd Class―Those who are not only unsaved, but totally indifferent about it.
Which class are you traveling?
There are three things the writer says he desires, by the Holy Spirit’s help, to make clear to his readers: and putting them in Scripture language they are these:―
We take the liberty of quoting a little from this booklet on the first subject mentioned above,