Satan's Lies.

THESE are usually prepared with exceeding cunning and consummate art. But, saith the Scripture, “We are not ignorant of his devices.” A bold, black lie would frighten most people―certainly it would alarm Christians―so Diabolos usually whitens his lies to the appearance of simple innocence, A lie, in itself, is a bitter thing, and, sooner or later, every lie will be found to be bitter, like death. Diabolos acts not so foolishly as to offer the sons of men, who like sweets, plain gall — he covers a little honey over his gall, and people taste and say, “How sweet this thing is.” Perhaps the gall won’t be tasted for a long season, but if Diabolos can get a child of man, sinner or saint, to swallow his gall, however honeyed, he has succeeded to the satisfaction of his heart. But as gall is gall, so are lies, lies. Whiten them, sweeten them, they are lies still. Whitewashed pitch is pitch, and the day will prove the truth about a lie, that a lie is a lie.
Walking With Christ.
CULTIVATE communion with Christ. He will not refuse you His company, if your heart be free from folly.
WE become partakers in spirit with Christ of the joy of resurrection, by going through sorrow and distress with Him.
Sympathy is gained by suffering.