Satisfied With Thee

 •  1 min. read
Satisfied with Thee, Lord Jesus,
I am blest;
Peace which passeth understanding,
On Thy breast:
No more doubting,
No more trembling,
Oh, what rest!
Occupied with me, Lord Jesus,
In Thy grace;
All Thy ways and thoughts about me,
Only trace
Deeper stories
Of the glories
Of Thy grace.
Taken up with Thee, Lord Jesus,
I would be;
Finding joy and satisfaction,
All in Thee:
Thou the nearest,
And the dearest,
Unto me.
Listening for Thy shout, Lord Jesus,1
In the air;
When Thy saints shall rise with joy, to
Meet Thee there,
Oh, what gladness!
No more sadness,
Sin, nor care!
Longing for the Bride, Lord Jesus,
Of Thy heart;
To be with Thee in the glory,
Where Thou art.
Love so groundless,
Grace so boundless,
Wins my heart.
When Thy blood-bought church, Lord Jesus,
Is complete;
When each soul is safely landed
At Thy feet;
What a story,
In the glory
She’ll repeat!
Oh, to praise Thee there, Lord Jesus,
Oh, to grieve and wander from Thee,
Earth’s sad story
Closed in glory,
On your shore!
Then Thy Church will be, Lord Jesus,
The display
Of Thy richest grace and kindness,
In that day:
Marking pages,
Wondrous stages,
O’er earth’s way.”
1. It would seem from John 5 that the shout is for the dead, and not for the living.-ED.