
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 15
Nothing, Saviour, we believe it;
Nothing shall we need or crave,
Joyfully our souls receive it;
In Thy presence we shall have
All for which our souls have waited,
Every wish anticipated,
Every longing satiated,
Satisfied for evermore.
Asking nothing; simply reading,
Lord, in Thine all-answering face,
All the myst’ries of Thy leading,
All the marvels of Thy grace.
In thy tender smile discerning,
Love’s great work its fruit returning.
With its deep and patient yearning,
Satisfied for evermore.
Jesus, Lord, our hearts adore Thee,
And by faith behold that day,
When, in all Thy future glory,
To the world Thou wilt display,
How unmingled is the pleasure
Which Thyself and chosen treasure
Know without decrease or measure,
Satisfied for evermore.