THIS is a true story told me, by a minister, who knew the circumstances:
An old man who was unconverted had a good Christian wife who had prayed constantly for her husband’s conversion for years, with no visible success. She could not even get him to go to church with her. She had a pet dog she liked very much who always went with her to church, went under the seat and remained perfectly quiet through the service.
In time the old lady died. The dog seemed heart broken, as well as the husband, who could find no consolation anywhere without his old companion.
For several Sundays he noticed the dog leave the house at a certain hour and come back at a certain hour. One Sunday morning he thought he would follow the dog, so he started after him. The dog seemed delighted to have his now only master go with him. He trotted along until they came to the church door. The old man stopped as the dog bounded up the steps, waiting at the top for his master. After standing a few moments, he said, “I’ll go in to please the dog; won’t do any harm.” He went again the next and the next Sundays and found the dog in his wife’s accustomed seat at the church. One morning after services he arose with tears streaming from his eyes, and told the story of the faithful dog leading him under the sound of the gospel, and that he now had accepted the Lord Jesus as his own Saviour. So we see He uses many ways to lead precious souls to Himself.
Have you, dear little reader, accepted Him as your Saviour?
ML 06/16/1918