ONE SUMMER day a young boy on his way home from school was coming along a country lane. He amused himself by chasing birds and butterflies, and then he startled a grasshopper. He began chasing it, and my, how that grasshopper could jump! To escape the boy, at last it jumped over a fence, and the boy followed.
But that was as far as the chase went, for there on the ground on the other side of the fence lay a bundle of clothes, cozily covering the form of a baby boy, whose sweet, innocent face and lovely eyes at once attracted him. Seeing no one around, he felt it was unsafe to leave the little one lying there. He decided the best thing to do was to take it home to his mother. So he gathered the little bundle into his arms and made for home.
The little unwanted baby had no name. No one ever knew who its mother was nor where it had come from. And so this little baby boy was taken into his new home and cared for just like a member of the family.
You might not expect much from a boy who had received such a strange start in life; yet he was a clever little fellow and grew up to be a good man who served his generation well and was honored by many. On the top of a building erected to his memory, you would see not a man’s head, nor a rooster, but a grasshopper. The grasshopper still told the story of how a grasshopper was used to guide the footsteps of a schoolboy in the rescue of a little abandoned child.
In the Old Testament we read the story of how a little baby boy was found in a basket floating on the water at the riverside. This little fellow had a name, however, and perhaps you can remember what it was. A princess found him and adopted him as her own son. He was brought up in the palace of the king in all the wealth and culture of Egypt. God had His eye on that boy and drew him to Himself. Later he became His honored servant to deliver His people from Egypt and lead them to the land of Canaan. His name was Moses and in the first five books of the Bible, which he wrote, you may read how God used and honored him.
God loves little children and He has wonderful ways of caring for them. He loves you too, dear young reader, for He sent His blessed Son down into this world to die and to put away your sins. If you trust the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you will become not only one of His lambs but God will make you the object of His love and care forever.
He has a work for you to do for Him in this world too; you can point others to the Saviour. And God has a home in heaven waiting for you when He calls all His dear children away from earth to be with Christ forever.