Years ago an earnest servant of God, named Daniel Wheeler, was deeply impressed with the thought that the Lord would have him carry the gospel of His grace out to the islands of the South Pacific. Accordingly he gave up a good position, and after much prayer and looking to God, money was found to purchase a small ship that would enable him to set forth on his long-cherished mission.
The little vessel proved herself to be very seaworthy. For several years she bore the earnest missionary across the vast stretches of the ocean, among the islands and coral reefs, riding through many a mighty storm which threatened to swallow her up and the brave hearts on board.
It was during one of these terrible tempests, when the sea ran mountains high, and the great waves poured over the decks of the little ship, that even Mr. Wheeler himself feared she couldn’t withstand their fury much longer. Still his trust was in God and he remained calm, so much so that he even went below to get some much-needed breakfast, after the buffetings of the night of storm.
He had not been down below long when he heard the voice of one of the sailors calling him to come up and look at a sight worth seeing.
Arriving on deck he saw a hundred or more whales, each about twelve feet in length, close to the side of the ship. Daniel went below again to finish his breakfast, and when he came back on deck again, the whales were still there around the ship. Some of them could easily have been harpooned, but swimming so gently and steadily in regular order, Mr. Wheeler said not to do anything that would frighten them away. It was clear to all by this time that they were serving as a most wonderful breakwater, themselves taking the violence of the waves which had threatened to engulf the boat. From the time of their coming they prevented the great billows from reaching the vessel so that not one sea broke over her decks all the while they remained.
After a time their service ended, the whales disappeared, but not before God had caused the raging of the tempest to subside, and this His other servant, Daniel, was still spared to witness for Him.
Mr. Wheeler wrote: “I give this wonderful circumstance just as it occurred, and if any should view it merely as a thing of chance, I do not. I believe it to be one of the great and marvelous works of the Lord God Almighty.”