Last October Robert Hanson, a night watchman in Charleston, West Virginia, was making his final round before dawn in the basement of a department store building. Suddenly an intruder shot him in the chest, but miraculously Robert was not wounded.
The reason? He was carrying in his shirt pocket a small New Testament, and it effectively stopped the bullet that struck him “like a sledgehammer.”
Later Robert explained that he was in the habit of carrying a New Testament.
Wonderful as this story is, there is something more important than carrying the Word of God in our pocket. It is to have it hidden in our heart.
How can we have the Book of God in our heart? Well, first of all read it faithfully, at least a chapter each day.
Second, memorize verses and passages. If you memorize a verse each day, that will mean 365 verses in a year!
Finally, meditate on what you read and memorize. If you are truly saved, this will nourish “the new man” in you, which is Christ, and will help you to grow strong in the knowledge of Him.