In order to show the great blessing and influence for good which a consistent Christian may be, and how this may work for the glory of the name of Christ, I will relate what I know of a young man who now occupies an important position of trust in a large dry goods establishment.
"When I came from the country, to seek a situation, I was employed in a fashionable house of business, where a great many assistants were kept. I soon found out that the habits of the young men were frivolous and trifling. I had made up my mind in coming to the city to see a little more of the world than I had done, or could do, in my own little country town in the far north.
"Never having really felt my lost condition before God, nor my need of a Savior, and never having known His great love for me,
I was neither anxious nor troubled about my state. There was, however, one of the assistants in the store who often spoke to me about my soul's salvation. She was a very bright, consistent Christian, and her good influence was felt by many. She told me of the happiness and peace she had in following Jesus, and what a safeguard she had found it in business, surrounded as she was by many temptations, and by those who had no sympathy with her, and who made a mock at sin, calling it innocent amusement; and she warned me against the halls and theaters frequented by young men.
"One evening, which I believe was, in God's hands, the turning-point in my life's history, some of the young men told me they were going to a certain Hall after business, as something very attractive vas to be sung and performed there. Would I go with them, they asked? As yet I. had never been to such places, and had been laughed at for not going. I was much tempted to go and see for myself what it really was like; but the words of warning spoken to me against the places seemed to follow me. A struggle went on within me between conscience and inclination. Shall I go, or shall I not go?
When at last I was able, by God's grace, to say plainly and definitely,
“‘No, I shall never go to that Hall,' the temptation was gone, and I stood a free man and a victor. Thanks be to God!"
"Dare to be a Daniel!
Dare to stand alone!
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known!"
How true is the word of God,
"The next morning I told the Christian lady what a battle I had had, and how I had gained the victory over the temptation.
"O, I am glad," she said, "praise the Lord for answering my prayers. It was the Savior who helped you through; you did not know it." She was right. From that hour the Holy Spirit worked mightily in my heart, and humbled me in the dust before God; showing me that I was a great sinner, and that I could neither save myself from the power of sin, nor from its condemnation, but that I needed a Savior. I have found Him, or rather, I should say,
He has found me, and has put my feet in His way, and guides me onward.
"When I look back on the past, I ponder over what might have been, if I had gone that night to the Hall with companions in folly. I feel confident I should have plunged into a life of wickedness, for the drinking, gambling, and smoking in which they indulge, combined with the influence of the companions they meet there, all work together towards certain ruin.