Saved Just in Time

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
A sister, writing February 4, says:
We have been for a little time to B—, and had a time of such refreshing as we have not had for ten years I must tell you of one case. A poor old man, not knowing he had a relative in the world, having buried his wife and child years ago, himself dead in trespasses and sins, and utterly ignorant of God’s way of saving sinners, came to the gospel preaching; he was awakened; came to know himself a sinner before God, and for a week or two was in great distress of soul, almost in despair. Just three weeks this evening he came to the preaching, and while the word was sounded in his cars, “God so loved the world,” &c., Jesus was revealed to his heart as the One that gives “eternal life.” He was filled with joy, and after the preaching came forward and confessed Christ openly. He went to his lodgings and told what God had done for his soul―he sat down to supper with a face beaming with joy―he did not taste it―his head fell back―he was gone to be “for over with the Lord!”