Saved, or Not Saved

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
The last load of corn had left the field on its way to the crib. The two men in charge of it were resting by the gate before proceeding to add their load to the crib's contents.
"Well, your field is cleared at last," said one.
"Yes, we are just taking home the rakings."
"Have you got all in now?"
"Yes, all but this load."
"Ah! Then the harvest is over?"
"Yes, for us."
"The harvest is past, the summer is ended," quoted the man, without completing that well-known passage in Jeremiah 8.
"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not—." How would you complete the sentence?
"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." What! The golden harvest of heavenly blessing is past, the summer of abundant opportunity is ended, and we are not saved!
"Not saved." In spite of the long summer and the golden harvest.
"Not saved." When grace has been flowing and mercy calling—and conscience accusing.
"Not saved." When innumerable opportunities were yours!
Take care! Oh, take care or tomorrow you may have to quote it differently. You may have to say, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are"—LOST.
If you are "not saved" today, you may be lost tomorrow. That fatal step is very short; once taken, it is irreversible. As you enter eternity, so will you spend it. "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still." When you leave this world, your eternal destiny is "fixed" forever.
"Son, remember—." Remember all your good things—harvest, summer, favor, mercy, many a call, many an invitation, many a golden opportunity—all gone now, and gone forever.
Shall it be so with you? Another step is short—oh, take it!—from being unsaved to being saved. Christ waits to welcome you; He died to save you. Believe in Him, and live. Then, though the harvest is past, the summer ended, yet, thank God, you can say: I am saved."