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Mother,” said little Bessie, “can I be saved tonight?”
“Yes,” answered mother, “you may, dear, if you want to.”
Bessie said nothing but went upstairs to her little room, and there, kneeling down by her bed, told the Lord Jesus she wanted Him to save her, and wash away all her sins in His precious blood. She rose from her knees, and went quite happy, to tell the rest in the faintly she was saved.
“What,” said mother, “are you saved?”
“Yes,” said Bessie, “didn’t you tell me, mother, that Jesus would save me tonight? And I have asked Him to, and I am sure He has, and I am so happy.’’
Dear little Bessie was saved, and so may each of you he saved, if you truly go to Him, and tell Him you take Him as your own Saviour.
ML 12/24/1939