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The Testimony.
"I would put it to your conscience whether it must not be so, that God has 'a testimony for to-day,' even today. I mean not merely that He bears witness by His servants both to those general truths which the being of a God, and such a One as He is, and the present fallen state of man necessitate, and to the blessed truths of grace and glory as displayed in the Gospel;-but this rather, that the grace of God vouchsafes to apply, by the Spirit, a word to things as they are; and the Lord thus gives by His servants a present testimony. This supposes neither a new revelation nor any addition to the perfected standard of truth-the Scripture, but only wisdom from on High to see how the written word bears upon things around us, and power to set this forth: but that God has a distinctive, and in some respects, peculiar application of the word of His grace to the passing hour conscientious conviction. Faith is wanted and faithfulness."
Hope Still In God.
"Perplexed oft as to my steps, amid the anarchy around, through want of more singleness of eye with-: in,-yet this is my comfort, 'I am part of the Bride the Lamb's wife, and I must, therefore, be, brought there where His glory requires the presence of the Bride in her perfectness.' Faithful is, "He who has called, who will also perform. Yet a little while (how little a while!), and I and we shall all appear in His glory—shown out, loved even as He is loved."