Sentence Sermons of H.E. Hayhoe
Henry Edward Hayhoe
Table of Contents
1: No Regrets
You'll never meet a man who walked with God that at the end of his life said, "I wish I hadn't done it."
2: Blessing
The heart of God is the source of every blessing.
3: What More
Every blessing that God has bestowed is a mountain peak beyond which God could not go. If He has not won your heart and mine, what more could He do to win it.
4: Happiness
The secret of a happy Christian life is learning to commune with the Lord as you would a dear friend.
5: The Source of Failure
All our failure whether sinner or saint springs from unbelief of the goodness that is in the heart of God.
6: Yet Without Sin
He went through every kind of suffering it was possible for a righteous man to go through, yet without sin.
7: The Sufferings of Christ
Many of the sufferings of Christ were not to put our sins away. Many of the sufferings of Christ were but to tell out the depth of the divine bosom that we might know in richer measure how much He loves us.
8: Training
God does not train His servants in the colleges of brick and stone...He trains them in the school of adversity.
9: Suffering
Suffering can be pleasure if it is for someone you love. If you're following the Lord, suffering can be joy.
10: The World in Your Heart
When you get out of bed in the morning, everything you contact tends to put the world in your heart.
11: The Only Book
Every worldly book will make the margin of all your thoughts the world in which you live. The Bible is the only book that tells us to lay up our treasures in heaven.
12: Every Person
Every person one meets is either living for himself or for the Lord Jesus Christ.
13: Our Whole Life
Our whole life is the fruit of what we think about and pursue after as an object.
14: The Root of Our Coldness
It is unbelief of the goodness that is in the heart of God that is the root of all our coldness, carelessness and lack of earnestness in the things of God.
15: Delivery from Self
I am delivered from self by occupation with Christ.
16: Walk By
We are to walk by faith, not by sight.
17: Sufficient in Everything But
God is sufficient unto Himself in everything but one thing. He must have objects to love.
18: As Much as We Want
We can have as much of Christ as we want and our lives show how much we want of Him.
19: A Happy Christian Life
Do you want a happy Christian life. Knowledge won't give it to you. What will give it to you? The enjoyment of Christ in your life.
20: Happiness Is
Happiness is a state of soul; not a question of circumstances.
21: What Controls Your Life
It is not what you know that controls your life, but it is the enjoyment of Christ in the heart that truly separates us from the world and brings a peace, contentment and happiness of which the world knows nothing.
22: What Nourishes Your Body
It is not what you eat that nourishes your body. It is what you digest.
23: Humble and Happy
We should be humble and happy. Humble because we are so little like Him; happy because He loves us.
24: More of Christ, Less of
The more we have of Christ in our hearts, the less room for self.
25: Thick Clouds
The thickest cloud brings the heaviest showers of blessing.
26: Behind the Scenes
God is behind the scenes moving all the scenes He is behind.
27: Correction
Correction despised brings sharper correction.
28: Trials Allowed
He will never allow a trial in your life without a needs be on your part and a purpose of love on His part.
29: Thoughts To or From
Never take your thoughts to the Word of God. Take your thoughts from the Word of God.
30: Circumstances and Difficulties
Take your circumstances from the Lord and your difficulties to the Lord.
31: Tested, but Not Disappointed
He may test your faith but He won't disappoint your faith.
32: Everything I Want
I have all of everything I want except more of Christ.