September 17

Romans 8:1
IN Romans seven we have a man renewed by the Spirit of God, but struggling under law, hoping thereby to subdue or find deliverance from the power of the old Adamic nature. In chapter eight we have God’s way of deliverance through the death and resurrection of Christ, with which the believer is identified before God, and the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The chapter begins with “No condemnation” and ends with “no separation.” All who are in Christ Jesus are accepted in the Beloved and as free from all charge of guilt as He is Himself. He met all our deserts on the cross. Now we are linked up with Him in resurrection, not under law, but under grace.
“No condemnation! Blessed is the word!
No separation! Forever with the Lord.
By His blood He bought us.
Cleansed our every stain;
With rapture now well praise Him.
The Lamb for sinners slain.”