
Duration: 48min
2 Timothy 4:2
Address—J. Dodds
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Thank you. Turn to the 4th chapter of Second Timothy. The 4th chapter of Second Timothy in verse two, preach the word, be instant in season, out of season.
Be proved, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine, but the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.
But after their own loss, shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears?
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned on to fables. But watch thou in all things endure afflictions. Do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
For I am now ready to be offered. The time of my departure is at hand. I fought a good fight, I finished my course. I have kept the faith. Henceforth there's laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.
Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me, for Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed onto Thessalonica.
This is a meeting addressed to young people.
And I don't know where we draw the line.
Brother Dan mentioned yesterday the special needs of those who are between the ages of 12 and 16. I was glad to hear that lower limit because I sometimes think that as we get older it's hard to believe that a 12 year old is growing up and we still think of them as little children, but they are not.
I won't set the upper limit today. There may be some here who are older but who are younger in the face, and perhaps the words that are spoken could be valuable. The subject that I would like to speak about this afternoon is service.
I want to say this to young people.
That there's a lot in the Bible about service and service.
Begins when you're young.
I read this chapter.
Because are the part of this chapter because.
This is brought before us when the church.
Is in ruins. Maybe some of you don't understand that, but we were reminded yesterday.
That after the Lord Jesus went back to heaven, there was one body on the earth. Just one group of Christians. How different today.
Soon the church began to spread. Divisions came among the Lord's people. Unbelievers came among those who professed to be true.
And we had many bodies. We were reminded again that 150 years ago.
The truth of the one body was recovered and there were believers.
Who learned from the word of God that we should be meeting together, recognizing that there there only can be one body recognized by God. And so they began to meet in that way.
That was a testimony to the one body and that testimony today is in ruins. And young people, you may say, then what is the use? If the testimony is in ruins, then what is the use of us going on?
I believe.
That second Timothy brings before us very clearly, the individual.
Faithfulness of the believer, and so young Christian.
There is a place for service when everything is in ruins. I am absolutely convinced.
That we must continue in service.
To our Lord, even though.
There are great problems among us.
I recognize that some of you are facing and are living in the midst of serious problems, home problems.
Assembly problems, but nevertheless the Apostle Paul lived in similar times.
But he said to this young man, Timothy, he said in those very times, do the work of an evangelist. I'm going to pick that one out. But it could be any of the other things that he said too. You know, I've had brothers say to me, what is the, what is the use of trying to bring in lost souls, trying to see them saved and bring them in and then see them scattered again in the ruins?
The Word of God through the apostle Paul says do the work of an evangelist when everything is in ruins and so there's a place of service.
Even when the testimony is breaking up. And so young brother, young sister.
As young as you may be, or as old as you like to put yourself and still come under the category of young people, I believe that the Lord is telling us that we must be faithful in service to Christ.
I also would like to say that in spite of the.
That those of us who are perhaps just a little bit older perhaps can.
Identify a little bit with some of the problems that you're facing.
We're not very good at showing our love.
I've been thinking a lot about that lately. We really don't know how to show a lot.
But I'd like to say to you, and I can, I know that I speak on behalf of many of my age group that we really do love you.
And that we are concerned and exercised about some of the things that you are facing as young people in the midst of the testimony that is in ruins, trying to go on in ways that are pleasing to the Lord and often being discouraged.
I think we can identify to a certain extent, and we do love you. I think also that I ought to say that there are older brothers here, much older than me.
And the distance between 20 years, Saul and 70 years of age is quite a big difference and it makes it much harder for those who are older to identify. But I believe I can truthfully say that those older brothers love you. They may not know how to show their love, but they do love you. They may not be able to identify quite as well with some of the problems.
And so, you know those of us who fall in the in between age.
Sometimes feel that we're carrying three burdens. We're carrying the burdens of those of you who are young. We're carrying the burdens of those of you who are much older, and we're carrying our own burdens.
And sometimes that becomes discouraging and perhaps depressing. So young people, if you want to serve the Lord.
You can encourage us.
We need it.
We need our young people to take an active part in service in the assembly. Service is not just evangelization.
There the assembly does not work properly unless every role is being filled.
There's a place for young brothers and young sisters in the assembly.
It may not be a public place, but there's a place for you. And I challenge you now in the presence of God. You may only be 12, you may be 30, but are you seeking by God's grace? Are you seeking in the fear of God to find what His service is for you?
I want to move on on the topic of service. Sometimes we hear statements like which is more important, service or worship?
And I don't care to get into a discussion of that.
To me.
Service and worship are brought together in John chapter 12. If we could just look at it for a moment.
Verse 2.
There they made him a supper, and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.
Then took Mary a pound appointment of spike in our very costly and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment. I see there Martha serving Lazarus at the table.
Perhaps Speaking of fellowship, communion, perhaps even of the remembrance of the Lord Jesus. And I see the sacrifice of Mary in worship.
And I believe that that's true assembly order. Without the service, there'll be something missing.
Without the worship, there certainly will be something missing. Who are we to claim that one is above the other? But I believe that if you look at it carefully, worship and service come together.
I'd like to turn you to turn with me to John 15 now.
In the 16th verse.
Ye have not chosen me, but I've chosen you, and ordained you that you should go and bring forth food, that your fruit should remain. But whatsoever you shall ask of the Father and my name, he may give it you. I enjoy this verse.
Because it says here that he has chosen me. And I'd like you young people just to get a hold of that, that the Lord Jesus.
The one who came to this world.
The one who died on that cross.
Chose you.
There's not one young person in the room here who can say I'm not important in the Assembly of God. No, you were chosen as I say this. This has always been a real source of confidence and strength to me, because I know that in the world people tell you that you have to be successful in order to have confidence.
You have to have self achievement. You have to have self esteem.
And they tell you that you can get this by getting money. They tell you that you can get this by being popular in the sports world or whatever, or that you can be power. You can get power. But in one way or another, if you're going to be have self-confidence, you have to have self achievement. But for the Christian young person, you and I may not have much that will give us self achievement in this world.
Some of you do, some of us don't. But the thing to remember is this.
That you young person, whether you're 12 or 30 or 20 or 15, you have been chosen by God and it says here to he has our danger that you should go and bring forth fruit. And that's my definition of service in this for this meeting to bring forth fruit.
And so, young people, God has chosen you, and you may be criticized.
For your service, you may be told that you're not doing it in the right way.
But you have the confidence that God chose you and that you are answerable to Him.
I would like to say a word about criticism. Criticism comes to those who seek to serve the Lord.
When I was a very young boy, my father used to get me to read CHM Mr. Mcintosh's writings and there was a statement in there that said the blunder is do all the work. And so young people, I know that some of you are being criticized for some of the things that you are doing in service to the Lord.
I'm not saying to disregard the criticism, but I'm telling you the criticism comes in two ways, or in two types.
And sometimes it comes in two types from the same person. First of all, there's the unfair criticism, the unnecessary criticism.
And you can disregard that, disregard that whole no bitterness about it. And then there's that which is fair and needful. And so you have to take that to the Lord and say, Lord, is this really true?
Am I really going against your word? Am I really disregarding what you have said?
And you as a servant of the Lord must answer that question. But don't be discouraged. You have been chosen by God, and so don't give up. I've often felt like doing that, and I can say this, that when I felt like doing that.
Was often.
A young believer.
Who encouraged me?
You know, as I say, sometimes the pressures of assembly life.
Kept discouraging and I can think of young people.
Who made a point?
Of encouraging me when I was discouraged and so.
Keep it up young people, that's one of your services that you can carry out. The Lord watch for those older brothers.
Who are a little bit discouraged.
And speak to them.
Well, as I say, we have the confidence then that we've been chosen of God to go out as service. And I enjoy that confidence, I really do. And I hope that you will grasp just a little bit of the significance of it. But when you teach your Sunday school class.
Or when perhaps you bake cookies for an elderly sister.
Or when you.
Go out of your way.
To be friendly and helpful to one of those young people who has just started coming to the meeting, who perhaps is doesn't just fit into your gang. When you go out of your way to help out, remember God has chosen you to do that and do with all your heart.
I'd like to turn now to Romans chapter 12 in verse one.
I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice.
Holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Young people, you've been chosen. God has his eye upon you and He has a job for you to do, whether it be as an evangelist, spreading the word to the unsaved, helping in the assembly, encouraging those who are discouraged, doing whatever God has given to you. But you cannot do it unless.
There is sacrifice unless there is sacrifice on your part.
I have seen young people come to the Assembly, young people who were new to the Assembly.
And I knew that it would take sacrifice on the part of somebody to give up their little group of friends and they go and sit with that person during the meetings.
Took sacrifice. You cannot serve the Lord unless you are prepared to sacrifice.
It says here that your body's a living sacrifice. The Lord, perhaps is not calling you to be a martyr for the faith.
He made, but at this moment he is calling you to present your bodies, a living sacrifice. That's hard to do.
But I believe that if you recognize that God has chosen you for this job, for this work, then it will be a little easier. But you cannot do it unless you're willing to take your body and lay it as we're in the altar and say Lord.
All yours.
Not keeping back anything. Not keeping back my time, not keeping back my money, not keeping back my friends.
Not keeping back my new car. Lord is all yours. If you do that, you've begun.
And the way to service for the Lord, how much did he keep back?
For you and I.
How much did the blessed Lord, our Master, our Savior, how much did He keep back? Nothing gave all that He had.
Keep all that, he had says. Now I want you to serve me. Lay everything on the altar, as it were. I want everything.
And so we must remember that we are not our own.
We belong to him. You're going to give what is his to him.
Like you now to turn with me to John chapter 12.
In verse 20.
For verily, verily, I say on you, except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die at a bite of alone.
But if it died, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it on the life eternal. If any man serve me, let him follow me where I am. They're also my servant be. If any man serve me, him will My father. Honor was particularly verse 26 that I had in mind, but I would like to refer to verse 24.
Does it ever seem, young person, that perhaps you stand alone in your assembly?
Don't have much in the way of encouragement. Don't have much in the way of somebody to help you.
I know that it can be like that, but the Lord Jesus as it were, stood on this earth alone.
Nobody really cared for him.
But if he were to have a bride, if he were to have those who could enter into his thoughts and to whom he could commune with, with whom he could commune, he had to die.
And that's what I say about sacrifice. If you don't want to be alone in that little assembly of yours, as the only young person is going to have to be some sacrifice on your part, you're going to have to go out after some others. There are out there in in the world other young people.
Who are hungry for the truth.
And there are Christians going out and taking it to them and then taking them back into the camp system.
Where are you and I?
I believe that we're standing alone. Too much should be going out there and bringing others in.
You know, sometimes I hear people say there's no use anymore.
That's not so.
Tell you a little story. Two sisters came to my wife and I about three years ago, It was three years ago in Saint Thomas at the Saint Thomas conference. And they said, you know, Jim, you often talk about serving the Lord when we're young, but really in our assembly it's really not possible. And I said, what is the trouble? And they said, well, you know, there are really no fellows there to sort of bear the the responsible part or to take the public part. And so we can't go out and have a hobby class. We can't start a work among the.
Folks home and have a little meeting because there are no males there to do it.
Well, that was a real problem and so.
I said to these sisters, and are you really sincere about this problem? I said, yes, we are, and I believe them. So I said, if you really sincere, my wife and I will make a little agreement with you. We'll pray with you for a while, but the Lord will send or bring some young fellows to your assembly.
To help you.
What we didn't hear for a year and a half, we got a letter year and a half later.
So that's about a year and a half ago now.
And this sister said there are now nine young men.
Breaking bread in our assembly. We have a hobby class and we have visits to the old folks home.
You see sincerity.
Going out, don't stand alone, lose your life in order to bring others in. It's worth it now in verse 26.
If any man serve me, let him follow me.
You know, young people, I've often thought that I would have liked to have been Matthew as he sat at the seat of customs there. You perhaps remember the story. He was sitting there as a tax collector doing his work. And along came this lowly Carpenter, the man who had come to earth and taken the form of a servant and stood in front of him and said, Matthew, you follow me.
And what did Matthew do? Says he followed him. You know, I've often thought that I would like to have been sitting there and had the actual the Lord Jesus stand right in front of me and say that the young people, you've heard me say this before, but the Lord Jesus, the same blessed Savior, stands here in front of you this afternoon.
He has those hands to show you of His love. He has that wound in his side to show you of His love. That same blessed Savior, whether you're 12 years of age or 20, He stands in front of you and says, follow me.
And so this brings up the question of discipleship. We can be believers without being followers. There's no question about that. We can say I believe. I can remember the day in my life when I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior, and I'm thankful I did. But that doesn't make me a follower.
I remember when I learned for the first time that my sins were gone. I was seven years of age, and I thank God for learning that. But I also remember that there came a day in my life when I had to say, Lord, I'm going to follow you. There were no great lights that suddenly went on within me. As a matter of fact, I was a university student carrying my bucks under my hand. I was in front of McNeil House at Kingston University at Queen's University in Kingston, ON.
And it was as if, just as if the the Lord stood there and said, Jim, are you going to follow me or you're not?
Young people.
The joy of being a Christian only comes.
In following, it doesn't come in believing that he's your savior. And so if you're willing to follow him to be a disciple, that's what counts. Turn to Luke chapter 14 with me.
And verse 26.
If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters, yeah, in his own life also, he can. He cannot be my disciple. That's pretty plain. Cannot be my disciple. Doesn't say. Cannot be a believer, but cannot be my disciple. Why? Because the heart of this person is more devoted to a person down here on the earth than to the Lord Jesus.
That's why, and the Lord says, if you're going to be my follower, you're going to be my disciple. I must stand first and foremost in your devotion, your devotedness.
And so, young people, I ask you as a challenge, are you willing to follow Him? Are you willing to let the Lord be first and foremost in your thoughts? That's what he wants.
He doesn't want any person on the earth to stand between you and him.
There's no verse that is more troublesome to the young people.
Of Malaysia the young Christians than this verse.
They go home and they see their parents sitting there, and their parents tell them exactly what they're supposed to do until they get married.
And their parents say we want you to be a present when we have the family worship for the ancestral worship, which it really is.
And we want you to take the little jaw stick and hold it to the island.
What would you do? One young man got off the plane and went home, and there was his father. He hadn't seen him for five years.
Said I'll We expect you to burn this stick to that idol. What would you have done?
There's no great deal of truth.
Thank God, he said. I can't.
Furthermore, he said, I will never will be present when it's done again.
Christ was foremost.
Not his father, not his mother, not a girlfriend, not a boyfriend. Bryce.
That's what discipleship is. But then he goes on, And whosoever does not bear his cross and cannot come after me, you cannot be my disciple.
I believe the bearing of the cross means that there will be in our Christian lives trouble and difficulty especially designed just for you or for me.
And sometimes we like to shirk that. Young people, we say, as one, a number of young people have said to me in the last couple of years, it's easier not to be a Christian.
They sure they're not willing to bear whatever the trial is, and some of you are bearing trials here today. I know.
That would make anyone weep.
Are you willing still to say I'm going to not going to give up? The trial is deep. The trial seems unfair, I can't understand it. But I'm not going to give up doing the whole thing, going to cling to Christ that's following him.
And then if we go on.
Verse 33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaken not, all that he hath, cannot be my disciple.
All that he had.
I would have been satisfied if the Lord had said 90%.
But when he said all that was hard.
Without the trouble with you, the word all is there.
And I'd like to speak.
I hope without offending, I believe that the major problem that we as believers.
Gathered by the Spirit of God to the Lord Jesus are facing.
The problems of materialism.
The problems of materialism. I'm not about to tell you or to criticize you for anything, but I say to you that it seems to me that we who follow Christ, who claim to follow Christ.
Are pretty rich.
Are we willing to give it all up? Are we willing to set it all aside?
I sat in a McDonald's in the Philippines, in the nil in the Philippines.
With my family, the first time, we've been to McDonald's for four months.
And we ordered our usual Big Macs, I suppose today, the chips and whatever else.
And we made the mistake of sitting beside the window.
There came some little faces.
And looked in the window.
For the first time that I recall in my family's history, the McDonald's meal didn't get eaten.
To see those little starving faces looking through that window with the guard at the door not permitting them to enter, a gun in his hand if they should try.
And I thought to myself, what would the Lord Jesus do? Would he turn around and look the other way so he wouldn't see those little starving faces? I know what some people say, well, you can't feed all the starving faces of vanilla, I know. But I ask you again, what would the Lord Jesus have done if those little faces had looked at him?
Can we really justify the?
Style of living when not only unbelievers are in that position, but believers are in that position.
I know that it takes wisdom as to how you.
Handle this situation. What I'm afraid that materialism is getting the hold on us. You know, if the Lord called you to serve in one of those countries, it would be much easier if you didn't have that big new car. And if you didn't have all the comforts and luxuries that you have, it'd be a lot easier to give it up. Now, I'm not saying you wouldn't. And I know that some, I hope many, I hope all of us would be willing to.
And so young people.
You are not the guilty ones. We, your parents, are more guilty than you.
We have taught you that you get happiness from some of this.
And then we have had to sit back and watch you pursue it.
We have taught you wrongly.
Happiness is to be found in following Christ, and only there.
And if you think for one moment that you can have the same happiness from riches, and all that riches bring from a good job and all of a good job brings, if you think for one moment that you have the same happiness as you can have serving and following Christ, you're wrong.
You're wrong, and so I'm not telling you to go home and get rid of all your goods. I'm simply saying that our hearts need to be less devoted to it. And if the Lord lays it on your heart to get rid of it, do so. There are lots of places that the money can go.
There was a sister came to me once and said, Jim, do you know any place that we could as a family distribute some of our money? And she took me by surprise because I knew her husband had been out of work for a couple of years.
Perhaps she's here, I don't know.
She said when my husband was out of work, we learned that we could do with much less than we really need. Now that he's back to work, we see no reason to use it because we didn't need it.
That's all you see. She was willing to part with it. I hope that the Lord gives it for us to look after. I hope we're not using it on ourselves.
Well, let's get back to.
This verse that we read in John 12 and 26.
Instead of any man, serve me, let him follow me.
And where I am, there shall also my servant be.
I don't know how others.
Explain this verse. But I always related to Matthew 18 and 20, where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them, and where I am, there shall also my servant be.
And so, young people, I believe that if you're going to serve the Lord, that He wants you where He is in the midst.
And as long as you believe that He is in the midst, you should be there.
And if you don't believe he's not, if you don't believe that he's in the midst, you should not be there. You should be where he is.
It says where I am, there shall also my servant be.
The simple truth of taking the bread and wine.
As a symbol, symbolic of the oneness of the body of Christ, is a truth in simplicity so great that it cannot be compared?
And some of us haven't paid very dearly for it.
I remember as a young boy in my home there would sometimes only be my father and mother to break bread. Sometimes later there were more of us.
And we would sit in that little living room around the table.
And we would watch as the cars drove on the road by our house, and we would see my uncle, my cousin.
My other uncle, my aunts, and their children all drive past in part. They could go down the hill just a half mile down and park their car in front of the church.
The church where my father had grown up.
And from which he had come.
And sometimes I would see a little.
Trickle come down my father's face.
He felt the reproach of being gathered in that simple way.
Why was he there?
Where I am, there also shall my servant be.
You're going to be a servant. You're going to be there.
I would like to digress just for a moment and make a special plea to my older brothers not to set up criteria.
Which make it difficult.
And which are not found in the scriptures.
For young believers to be there.
I just lay that on your conscience.
Do not please set up a criteria requirements that are not found in the scripture.
To be there, it's a simple place. It's not a place to exclude those who are ignorant.
When you think of the 3000 who were saved in the early book of the Acts and who sat down to remember the Lord, there must have been a lot of ignorance and there must have been a lot of variance in their thinking and their attitudes towards things. And there must have been a lot of things that each other as they grew, they didn't agree with each other must have grown at different stages. But I trust that during that time of growth they were all fed.
And that they were not driven away.
I plead with my older brothers.
And any others who might be tempted to say worldliness coming in, we must put up some barriers. If the barriers are based on the Word of God, by all means, but let's not put up our own personal barriers.
Now the next says, If any man serve me, him will my father honor.
Young people, I suppose that in a sense we'll never see the Father, but we are going to look into the face of the Lord Jesus.
Who will reflect the thoughts of the Father?
And I don't know where you are in your spiritual life right now, young person, but.
I just say this to you that I don't think it's going to be very long until we're going to look into the face.
Of the Savior.
It may be before this meeting is over, we'll do it.
And he is going to honor us now. Sometimes he honors us before.
I'm not saying that we won't get a lot of honor before then, but we are going to look into his face.
And after we have received whatever reward or honor he gives, I don't know what how he's going to go about doing it.
Do you think I'm going to turn around and say it just wasn't worth it?
I ask you young people, from the be honest now, do you think that when we get there, when you get there, you're going to turn around to the Lord Jesus and say, Lord, I served you, but it wasn't worth it? No.
I think without hearts.
They'll say, Lord, if we had only known.
We would have served you with every last drop of strength.
If any man serve me, him will my father honor.
We're coming to the end of this meeting.
And I say that again.
Serving is an individual exercise.
The apostle Paul said, Lord, what will I do?
Have you said that, Lord? It doesn't matter what everybody else in the assembly does. It doesn't matter. But all the problems and difficulties that there are in our assembly, it doesn't matter about the difficulty in my home.
I can't use any of that to excuse myself. Lord, what will I do?
He has something for you to do.
I like to think that when difficulties and problems come into our lives that it just makes us a little bit more able to understand the sufferings of the Lord Jesus.
I remember once I felt very much alone.
And the thought came to me. Now you can understand just a little bit.
Of what the Lord was like when he was alone on the cross.
They were suffer pain, let you understand a little bit what the Lord suffered on the cross. So, beloved young people, don't make all your problems an excuse. I know that's easy for me to say. I've had a relatively easy life, but do not allow the difficulties. And I know that you recognize those difficulties. I know that you recognize when brother Saul and Saul gets up out of his chair and doesn't speak to brother Saul and Saul.
And I know that you recognize that those things are happening continually.
But you cannot, and I ask you, why lose the honor of the Father?
By letting that be the problem. I ask you just to think of that blessed Savior who gave up all, gave up all. He was willing to go through untold sufferings in order that he might have you. And now he says to you, I'd like you to suffer a little bit for me.
Then please don't use the failures of all your other brothers and sisters to excuse yourself. Can we turn back the Second Timothy 4?
The Apostle Paul said in verse six, I have verse seven, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. There was no mention of the fact that all in Asia had turned away from him. There was no mention in the fact that about his problems with Barnabas, with Peter or with Mark.
But here he could stand. Now he's just about to pass on and he could say I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Yes, young people, there's a lot of problems among us and there may be, there may be more, but.
Are we going to let this?
Take away our desire to live for Him and to serve Him.
The Apostle Paul didn't.
He went on faithful to the end, and you and I can too, regardless of what happens in the future.
I'd like to take the last five minutes of this meeting to tell you that there's a need.
For servants in Asia right now.
There's a great need, and one of the exercises of my heart is why those of us who.
Professor have the truth.
And I believe we have truth beyond what anybody else has, why we are so lackadaisical about the needs. I know there are needs in other parts of the world, too. I've just come from Asia and it's very much in my heart.
When a young sister in KL said in Kuala Lumpur, W Malaysia said to me, why can some couple come here just so we could break bread?
I had no answer.
When our young brother and sister who are now in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Saved and gathered in Halifax.
Call Sunday after Sunday unable to break bread.
Because there's nobody to help them.
There's a need there.
It will require sacrifice. It will require you to be a disciple. I'm not suggesting for one moment that you're all called to go there. There's a great need in Africa. There's a great need in South America. But I will say this, there are other Christians going.
What is holding us back? Is it materialism? Has life become too cushy and soft here? We're not willing to lay it all on the altar. We're holding back.
It's a young persons work.
A young person, well founded in the truth, well grounded, stable. Could it be that the Lord is calling you? There's a need in northern Canada among the Indians.
Could it be that the Lord is calling you young people? You cannot live in a vacuum.
You cannot do nothing.
You cannot go along with all the don'ts.
That people may put upon you.
As being part of Christianity.
And not get involved in the do's and still be happy.
There if you're serving the Lord.
And if you're seeking to please the Lord here and there and do exactly what the Lord wants you to do, we won't hear questions like.
What is wrong with going to the football game? I'm going to be honest. I won't be worried about you if you go to the football game. If in every other aspect of your life I see your desire to serve Jesus and to let Him lead your life. No, it's when you've got no interest in these things, in serving, and you want what the world offers.
That those of us who are a little older hang our heads in shame and say, is that what we showed them? Is that what we taught them?