Serving and Waiting

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
“Ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; and to wait for His Son from heaven.”
“To serve Him! Do we think it hard
To hear that word of old
Which tells us of the place on earth
Our Lord would have us hold?
The place where we can work and serve,
While waiting for Him here,
While rays of glory beaming down
Sustain our hearts from fear.
“To serve Him!” Does it mean some work
That history’s page will hold,
And thousand grateful hearts and tongues
Will to the world unfold?
“To serve Him!” Nay, ‘tis but to go
To those His heart holds dear;
To soothe the orphan’s bitter wail—
To dry the widow’s tear!
“To serve Him!” ‘Tis within your home
To shed that sunshine round,
Which tells, with louder voice than words,
The treasures you have found!
“To serve Him!” ‘Tis the angry word,
Checked, ere it well began;
It is to make a stream of bliss,
Where once but discord ran!
“To serve Him!” ‘Tis to bow our hearts,
Though He our cup should fill
With deepest sorrow—and, through all,
Have faith to trust Him still!
“To serve Him!” ‘Tis with little deeds
No other eye can see,
But His, whose voice will one day say,
Ye did it unto Me!
“To wait!” These hearts too often ask—
How long, O Lord, how long
Must we amid the world’s rude scorn
Still battle with the wrong?
“To wait!” O is it to look on
Through heavy clouds and gloom
To that bright light, whose rays e’en now
Shine out beyond the tomb?
“To wait for Him!” Nay, it is to watch
With faithful hearts and true
For His return, while all around
Grows darker to our view.
“To wait for Him!” ‘Tis just to find
His absence such a loss,
That, pained, we turn from earth’s gay scenes
And gladly clasp His cross!
“To wait!” ‘Tis like some brilliant light
Through darkness shining clear:
The “day-star” rising in our hearts—
The Lord will soon appear.
“To wait!” ‘Tis day by day to cry,
And in our hearts to be
Ready to go or stay, blest Lord,
As best may seem to Thee.
Be this our one desire, O Lord,
Whate ‘er our earthly state;
And sweeter may it prove each day
To serve Thee and to wait!