A young thrush had been found in the hedge; it was entangled by some string, and one of its feet was injured. Maisie put it in an old cage, and cared for it until it was well and strong. She loved the thrush more and more. It was her pet companion during long hours while she was on duty in her home. But it did not sing. It seemed to pine for liberty. And one bright spring morning Maisie took it out on the meadow, and opening the cage door set the bird free. It flew away in the sunshine, and almost immediately burst into song. It was delighting in its deliverance.
As I read the story I thought of the time I was set free. It was the time when I knew that my sins were forgiven, and that I was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. Never till then did I really rejoice. Never till then could I sing the song of deliverance. It was when the people of Israel had crossed the Red Sea, and knew that their enemies were all destroyed, that they could rejoice. And so we read, “Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord.” It was the song of redemption. It was the song of deliverance. They praised the Lord who had freed them. Can you sing that song? Are you set free?
ML 09/24/1961