Seventh Plague: Hail

Such a storm of hail, thunder, and fire never before visited Egypt since her formation as a kingdom (Ex. 9:18) nor since. That peculiarly rich and fertile country is one exempted from storms, and one in which rain almost never falls; little wonder, then, that the haughty king was thoroughly terrified and forced to confess it too; for here were combined the elements of nature, which descended with such terrific force that all in the fields or outside, whether man or beast, were destroyed: the trees were broken, and the low-lying plants were smitten. Such a hurricane never was seen or felt by Egypt before or since. But our God delights in mercy, while judgment is His strange work; and so the total extinction of all agriculture in the country (Goshen as before excepted) must have been the result had not the wheat and the rye, then but in germ, been preserved (Ex. 9:32).
Sources: la93511