Shine Forth, O Lord, Thou Bright and Morning Star

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
Shine forth, O Lord, Thou bright and morning Star!
Come, quickly come! Thy people waiting are,
Shout, shout the word that bids Thy dead arise,
And calls Thy saints to meet Thee in the skies.
Amen, come, Lord Jesus!
Claim Thy people for Thine own!
Crown Thy church in glory,
Seated in Thy throne!
Shine forth, O Lord, come soon for Thy redeemed,
For those on whom Thy tender love has beamed;
Thy pilgrim saints oft weary in the way
Cry out for Thee—Star of the coming day!
Shine forth, O Lord, and claim Thy blood-bought bride,
Put forth Thy power and raise her to Thy side,
We wait the hour when our glad shout shall be
That death is swallowed up in victory.
Shine forth, O Lord, and bring to pass the day
When every clime shall own Thy rightful sway,
When all mankind before Thy throne shall fall,
And heaven and earth shall crown Thee Lord of all.