Children—Stephen Rule
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OK, which 134? OK #34 we'll sing the first two stanzas of #34.
Precious, precious.
More standard. More.
By the way, the usual Sunday school songs are on the back of the sheet, but pick from anywhere you'd like. I remember when I was your age, my favorite songs didn't come from the Backpage, and I was always disappointed when I was told that I had to pick from the Backpage. So you pick from anywhere you'd like, Emma?
39 Let's sing the first and last stands of that one, so we'll get more chances for hims.
Through the Lord in prayer.
Do my friends and spice.
Me take you to the Lord in prayer. Who?
Good. How about some more? We have time for a few more. OK, well, you can choose the next one and I'll get yours next. Go ahead.
Two little eyes.
Too long to fall to little years to hear everything's worse.
The new legs off the key to on this way.
Hands to work Oregon all my days.
One day so time to speak to Spirit, one breath of the heart for him. Now in my view, take the Lord Jesus come to life. Thank you.
OK, which one would you like?
#35 OK, we'll sing the first stanza and the chorus of #35.
Never believe, never believe, I said unto you.
Where you live? I said. Ever do?
We love, believe us on the sun, it is good.
Time for maybe two more, at least for now.
OK. What would you like?
#20 OK #28 will sing the first verse and the chorus of #28.
Skype for me.
I think we've had lots more boys than girls, so I'm going to give you the chance, Laurel.
#29 Let's sing the first and last verses with the chorus.
OK, let's pray and then you'll have a chance to say your verse. OK, who's memorized the verse and would like to say it for us, or at least a verse, OK.
There's no difference of come short of glory of God.
We're all have sinned in there too, OK?
There is no difference.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 322 to 23.
There is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. More than 322 and 23. OK, all right.
I'll come back.
We're all cynical short of the glory of God. Long, 2223.
All right.
There is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3022 and 23.
There is no difference for all of sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Romans 322 and 23.
Oh, thank you. Go ahead.
When 322 and 23 for all, there is no difference for all. Have to take the short of the glorious 232223. Excellent, thank you.
Whoops, sorry.
There is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 322 and 23. Excellent.
You guys want to see it?
There is no there is no difference for all sending. I'm short of the glory of God. Romans 323 and 22.
OK, there is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3. Romans.
3322 and 23.
All right.
There is no difference for all sin and come short of the glory of God. Romans 322 and 23. Excellent.
There is no difference between.
There is no difference.
Fall of sin and come toward the Glory of God. Romance 323.
22 and 23, Excellent. Thank you.
Anyone else for now?
OK, a couple more. There is no difference for office. And then come, Sir, of the glory of God, Romans 322 and 23.
There is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 322 and 23. I suppose lots of you know it because there may be one more that would like to say it. Okay, we'll let you be the last one here.
There is no difference for all of sin to come short of the glory of God. Romans 322 and 23.
I'd like to just think about these verses and the next one after it, and there's so many wonderful things in them. I want to try to focus on just one or two that we'll remember. So I'm going to need a few volunteers to help me. We're going to illustrate the verse that most all of you have said so far.
OK, got various volunteers help me out here. OK, we'll start with you, Adam.
That others of you will get a chance.
I'd like to see if Adam can reach up and touch as high as that sign on the wall.
OK, you can jump if you'd like.
You want to reach as high as you can reach anyway, Do the best you can, OK? Oh, got it Mark. There's his mark. Anybody else think they could do it now? You could do a little better than that. You can reach now at least. Maybe if you can't reach the sun, you can reach closer. Okay, yours is the first hand I saw. I'll mark it for you.
OK, I'll mark you right about there. I may not be totally accurate, so I'll take several more. Okay, you can go ahead.
All right here, about right there.
OK, a couple more.
We'll have time for we'll have time for several. That would be good for you. OK, you can come on up. And the rest of you that want to, why don't you get in line right behind here and I'll try to give everybody a chance at 10. All right, this will work out well. All right, go ahead. Oh, all right, we got you next one.
OK, I gotcha. Next line.
All right, Wow.
All right, gotcha. More.
All right, good.
Whoa. All right, Thank you. OK, You want to jump touch the wall? OK, fantastic. Thank you. Next one right about there. All right.
All right. Thank you.
All right, good. Got a couple more. Want to come on up here?
All right, here. You want to take this back to her? Oh, thanks. Oh, yours all right.
All right, all right, fantastic.
That'll be great.
Thank you, that'll workout well.
Now I'm going to get one other that I volunteered. And he kindly agreed. Tim, would you come up?
I, I don't know that I'll be able to reach up to where you mark so.
All right. Thank you.
All right.
Who succeeded?
Nobody. You sure?
I think Mr. Tim Roach did. Did he?
Who came short?
If you participated and you came short, raise your hand.
Oh wow.
See, all of you had a nice platform to stand on. I didn't say you had to go up on the stage, but Adam did that first and that was a good idea. And that maybe helped get a little closer, don't you think?
One of you had assistance from your dad. That was good.
And Mr. Tim, he's had a lot more experience. He's probably jumped more than any of you.
Even though he said last night that's not his favorite thing anymore.
But none of you made it, did you now?
I need somebody to say the verse for me again.
Say the verse for me again, somebody that didn't get a chance yet maybe I wanted to and I.
OK. Well, OK, somebody that said it before because I think I recognize all those hands. All right, go ahead.
There's no difference.
Austin, come short of the glory of God.
Thank you.
I want to see your hand in this room. If you can honestly say that by your own efforts you came short of the glory of God, raise your hand.
I'm looking there's some adults that apparently didn't come short of the glory of God, but most all of you children did.
Hi everybody Did the Bible verse here that we read is talking about absolutely everybody in this room. Isn't that sad?
Everybody in this room has to admit they've come short. Some of them had maybe some good training when they're younger. Some maybe had a mom and dad to help them. Some had lots of years of learning. All of us have come short of the glory of God. Now I want to read the next verse in the Bible. Some of you can quote it. I want to make sure that I get it just right. So I'm going to turn to Romans chapter 3.
And verse 24.
Romans chapter 3 and verse 24.
Being justified freely.
By his grace.
Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. There's lots in this verse.
But I'm going to only talk about part of it.
And I was thinking about one of you.
Before you came short.
There are a lot of you that came short. How many, by the way, in this room? Think just in this illustration, they could stand on that stage and jump and touch about as high as where that sign is.
Raise your hand if you think you can do it. We'll give you a chance. Some of you are taller, Some of you can jump. You think you can do it? I'll give one last chance.
OK. Did you get a chance before? No. OK, come on up. We'll give you one last chance.
Because, you know, sometimes people need a lot of opportunity to decide that they really don't. They're not able to do it.
OK, Well, I think that's fits in with a lot of the other ones. That's a little short though, isn't it? You know what? I was thinking about one of you, and I was thinking about one of you before you fell short.
And I had a plan for you. I want to give you something that you didn't learn.
You didn't succeed.
You didn't earn anything extra, but I was thinking about you before you fell short. And I'm going to ask you, Adam, would you would you come with me? OK, you come on up. And then we're going to leave here for a little bit.
So I'm not going to let the rest of you just sit here. You're going to sing #28 the first verse and the chorus again. You already say it once. First verse in chorus, and #28 you sing it again. Adam and I are leaving for a little while, but we'll be back this way, Adam.
That's fine.
OK, see, Adam and I had or Adam didn't have any plan. He didn't know what was happening. We had a reward up here that was planned out long before he fell short. I'm going to give it to Adam, but before I do, I want to ask you children, what did Adam do that you didn't?
To earn this, what did he do that you didn't?
Good thought, but no.
What did Adam do that you didn't turn this?
Emma, he came with me. That's right. Does he deserve credit for that? Was that his idea?
I went and asked him.
You know, Adam doesn't deserve this from anything he did. Didn't he come short? I think I remember Adam jumping and I think I remember Adam coming short. But I had a plan for him and I'm going to give this to Adam. We'll come back down real quickly here. But that's and I want to talk about a couple other things in the verse.
Sis, you've learned on Sunday school before a definition for grace. What's grace?
OK, that would be mercy, and that's an important part of the Word of God. What's grace?
Yeah, and there's a lot to it. What did Adam do to deserve the gift he got?
Nothing. To receive it, he had to come with me, right? To receive it, he had to come with me. But to get it, to earn it, he didn't do anything. It wasn't his idea. He didn't plan it out. He didn't earn it. By the way, notice that window over there? Isn't that about as high as that? Did I say you had to jump up and touch this? No. You just had to jump up that high.
And Adam got that high, didn't he? Now let's notice another thing in the verse.
I want you to think about one other thing in this verse. We'll keep it simple. There's lots of wonderful words, justified and redeemed. But we're going to notice one other thing in this verse. It says the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. And there's lots of wonderful parts to that, but we're going to focus on one of them. But I want to tell you something first.
Out of Saint Louis Conference quite a few years ago maybe.
Nine or ten years ago, I walked into the McDonald's that's right near where they're have. They have a conference in Saint Louis.
Anybody been there?
OK. And on the way in the door, I saw maybe eight or ten, I can't remember how many gold, silver dollars. I call them gold, silver dollars. That's not right. Little gold dollars, right. Wow. How would you like to be walking in the door and see maybe 8 or 10 gold dollars lying on the ground? And so my son and I, we were together, we scooped them all up, and that was kind of exciting.
But in the back of my mind, I was wrestling a little bit.
Because see, this wasn't a wallet, there was number license with it. There was number way to find the person who lost it.
Except I saw Mr. Daniel Junot in the McCombs, and I couldn't think of anybody that I know in the world that would carry gold dollars, and lots of them in his pocket, except for Mr. Daniel Junak. So he went over, we checked his pocket hand, there was a hole in it, and all his gold dollars had fallen out on the ground. So he gave him back to him and I think he kindly gave us a couple of them as a thank you.
How many of you have lost something?
Yep, anybody here has never lost anything.
Wow, you know, everything that I've been given, I could lose. I want you to notice something in the Word of God when you're reading it in the future. If it says it's in Christ Jesus or in Christ when you're reading the word of God, that's not something you can lose because it's not in you. I know that's a little bit tricky, but when it's talking about the redemption in this verse, when it's talking about all these, wonderful.
In this verse, at the end of the verse, it says in Christ Jesus, that's a place where a place is maybe not even the best word, but we'll use the word place. That's a place where nothing can be lost. So remember, everything good that we received from God, we received by his grace. We have to receive it. We get it by grace, but it's in Christ Jesus.
Where it can't be lost.
Let's finish that #28 second and third stanzas in the chorus of #28.
There are many Christians in this room. No, I'll change that. All the Christians in this room that still have the flesh. That means all of us. I think sometimes we find ourselves jumping up against the wall and checking out how high our little blue piece of tape is compared to other Christians.
Let's just remember that grace isn't just what we need to be saved. It's grace all the way until we're home. And let's not compare ourselves among ourselves. The Bible says it's not wise. Let's pray.