Signs of a Revival

 •  7 min. read  •  grade level: 8
The signs of a revival, whether in an individual soul, in an assembly, or in a neighborhood, will be found to be substantially the same. A revival of true, vital godliness in the souls of believers, or an increased number of conversions, is the work of God’s Spirit. Strictly speaking, He is the only Revivalist. To apply the term to any of the servants of Christ is a mistake. Hence the signs and fruits of a genuine revival must be in accordance with truth and holiness, for He is “the Spirit of truth,” and “the Holy Spirit.” All that is contrary thereto, must be attributed to man’s faultiness in the details of the work.
1. The first sign, or indication, of a reviving of the Lord’s work in a neighborhood, we believe to be afresh quickening of His own people in that place. Like the fire that has become set and dull, it needs to be stirred up, so that its energies may be renewed, and that they may spread forth on all sides. In like manner, with the Lord’s own people who may have become dull and inactive, they need stirring up. But when the divine life in the soul has been stirred up by the Spirit of God, then it will manifest fresh life, and fresh energy. A heavenly freshness will pervade the soul, as if it had received new life. This blessed work may begin, and for some time be manifest, in only one or two individuals; but where the Spirit of God is, there is gathering power, and their numbers must soon increase. By this means, the people of God are brought into sympathy and fellowship with His mind and purpose. Now they can work together. The love of the world in its many forms, will immediately and greatly decline. Obedience to its exorbitant demands will be refused. And on the other hand, love to Christ, and true subjection of heart to His claims will greatly and rapidly increase. To meet the desires of His heart will now be the delight of each newly invigorated soul.
2. The second sign will be manifested in a revived spirit of prayer. The tender sensibilities of the renewed mind, will soon be made to feel the coldness and deadness that prevails around. This will lead to an earnest desire for prayer on the behalf of such. Time and place will be found. Difficulties hitherto insurmountable will be overcome. In some places there are now prayer-meetings between five and six o’clock in the morning, to accommodate those who commence work at six. This sign is now so generally received as a token for good, that persons are in the habit of saying, “I have no doubt that the Lord is about to work there; the people are coming together for prayer.” Still, there may be an increase as to the number of prayer-meetings, without much increase as to the spirit of prayer. An effort may be made to “get up” prayer-meetings in one place, because they have been made a blessing in another; or because they are becoming general. In some instances, this may be little better than imitation. But where the work has been begun by the Spirit of God, there will be a real, earnest spirit of prayer. There will be such felt need, and such conscious weakness, that prayer will be eagerly desired. Any hour, any place, that affords the desired opportunity, will be heartily welcomed. The less display, the more congenial to the heart. There is a wonderful difference between merely coming to a prayer-meeting, and coming in the true spirit of prayer. The one may be a formality, the other is a living reality; the former may be gone through in a dull, sleepy state, but the latter will be manifested in the stirring energies of life- in a spirit of real waiting upon God, and earnest crying unto Him.
3. The third sign may be, an increased love for precious souls. The spiritual vision of the revived ones is now so bright and clear, that the fearful condition of unbelievers, and the solemn realities of the future, are vividly before them, and greatly affect them. Hence, the eternal welfare of the unconverted becomes a subject of the deepest interest. They will think much about them, affectionately entreat them, and constantly pray to the Lord about them. Their love for precious, immortal souls will grow exceedingly. The love of Christ, Himself, for them, is seen in a new light. His glory in their salvation, and His dishonor through their unbelief, are differently felt. The perishing soul is now, as it were, seen in His light, and loved with His love. Oh! what a change! what a happy change, as to their love for precious souls. When things are in a low state within the Church, souls that are outside are but little cared for.
4. There will now be efforts made answering to this love. We have observed, in such times of refreshing, that there is not only a difference in praying, but also in preaching. What plainness—what earnestness—what beseeching—what depth of feeling, is exhibited; and how intensely bent the preacher is upon one thing, namely, to win souls to Christ. The Church has been awakened, aroused, blessed, and has caught the sacred fire. Everyone is seeking to do something for the glory of the Lord, the building up of the Church, and the ingathering of precious souls. Attention and kindness are shown to strangers. Children are cared for. The salvation of their souls is earnestly desired. The thoughtless, outside, are thought of, and efforts are made to bring them in. Tract distribution, in various ways, is attended to, with the most lively and hopeful interest. All are at work, and all are earnest and happy in their work. A revived, healthy, vigorous, elevated tone, and self-denying effort, now characterize the assembly of God.
5. Another happy feature of a true Revival is an enlarged expectation of blessing. Not only is blessing prayed for, and efforts made to obtain it, but it is expected. God is trusted. His grace to meet every need is counted upon. Answers to prayer are looked for. Blessing to souls in connection with the preaching is searched for, and prayer is made that the search may not be in vain. It is no longer the mere routine of service, the use of means as it is called, and leaving the results with God, without being concerned as to what these results are. But now, in the improved state of things, diligent search is made as to what ground the seed has fallen upon, and where it has taken root. At such times, and on some occasions, it has pleased that Lord to give special faith to some of His servants in expecting blessing. So much so, that they have been led to pray for it, not only with expectation, but with certainty. And through them the faith of others has been strengthened, and encouraged to look to the Lord in the fullness of expectation, and in the confident assurance that showers of blessing would be poured down. Such faith can never be disappointed. Numbers of conversions must follow—the blessing must extend. The power of God is now manifest in the assembly, even if His special servants are absent. The work cannot stand still; it moves on steadily and surely. Conversions bear the special seal of God. Unbelievers are more thoroughly overpowered by the character of the work, than by the power of preaching. There is no room for criticism in such remarkable cases of blessing. God is present of a truth. His power is felt, and numbers of the most unlikely, and the least expected, bow before Him, confessing their sins, and worshipping Him as the Saviour-God. O, what a blessed, happy, God-honoring state for an assembly to be in. To be brought into such close communion with God—such real fellowship with Him in His work of grace —such blessed nearness, as to make the praying ones feel as if they were “inside the veil.” O, who would not earnestly breathe after such a state of things? Who would not seek to be blessed with the bright beams of such wondrous grace? Who would not fervently cry to the Lord, that He would so revive His work amongst us, and give us to taste and see such floods of blessing?
May the above thoughts, which have been suggested by such scenes, lead many, who may read this paper, solemnly to judge themselves before the Lord, as to how far their souls are in the present current of the Holy Spirit, and whether they are now praying and looking for such seasons of blessing, in this the day of His most marvelous grace.