Similitudes of the Kingdom, Part 3

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
The last four parables of the kingdom of heaven give a presentation of the present dispensation while the King is in heaven all the way to the time when the Lord, the King, will come — there will be a separating process of the good from the evil. In Matthew 18 the King freely forgave, but the evil servant abused the forgiveness and came under God’s government. The parable of the laborers in the vineyard (ch. 20) describes how God is the dispenser of grace — He dispenses it however it pleases Him. But the very goodness of God calls out the evil in man, who is ready to charge God with injustice. The parable of the king who made a marriage for his son (ch. 22) is an invitation to participate with the king who is acting according to the riches of his own house in order to glorify his son. It is all about His Son and His grace. The parable of the ten virgins (ch. 25) tells what will happen when the Lord comes and how the church would become drowsy and go to sleep, forgetting to watch for her Lord. The wise enter the bride chamber.