Simon Peter

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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When work on an issue begins, sometimes the theme is clearly defined; other times a general subject is considered, but in the process of gathering material, the aspect of the subject to emphasize becomes clearer. When this issue began, the theme in mind was the Apostle Peter. When it ended, it was Simon Peter. Many of us relate to Peter, because of the lessons he had to learn due to his natural character as self-confident and impetuous. That seems to be reflected in the name “Simon.” What the Lord called him to be was “Peter,” and through the lessons recorded for us, we see him gradually become more Peter-like in character. Sixteen times the Scriptures refer to him as Simon Peter, and not once is he called the Apostle Peter. So the writers of the articles emphasize the lessons through which he passed more than how he was used after he learned some of his lessons. Paul once had the character of an “insolent overbearing man,” but in God’s school he learned to be “gentle  .  .  .  as a nurse would cherish her own children.” We, too, are in God’s school learning our lessons, for, like Peter and Paul, we need our characters changed.