Sin Came and Ruined Everything

Duration: 39min
Genesis 1‑2
Children—Jonathan Martin
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Why don't we sing a song while people are coming in and finding their seats? Does anybody, anyone of you guys have a song you want to sing to get us started out of the pamphlet? Yeah.
#2 you might need a hand starting this one.
That was a good one. Does anybody else have another one they'd like to sing? And if, uh, any young guys in the back row want to come up to the front, you're more than welcome to do that. There's plenty of seats. I know it's kind of scary to get up to the middle and the front row, but.
Umm, you're welcome. There's plenty of room. I saw a hand over here and then I'll be you'll be next. What was that?
Well, when did you want to sing there, Avi?
Actually, I'm just gonna pray 1St and then we'll keep singing for a little while. How about that?
Our God and Father, we just looked to you this morning on this beautiful morning, this Easter Sunday and this day that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. And Lord Jesus to us, it means everything because you rose from the dead and paid for our sins. And we're so thankful for that. And in a few minutes we'll be remembering your death for us. And now just help us in this meeting in this Sunday school just to be listening and just pray for help for me to.
Speak what's on my heart and help us to sing loudly and joyfully. So we just come at this meeting. To you and your name we pray. Amen.
Lost my clip all right. 45 I think.
I mean the ITWO. Yeah, it is that. I don't know what it is. I don't know. I don't have a kidney. I'm always going to adventure differently.
Thanks. Does anybody else have one they want to sing?
We'll go a little further down there.
Who's the furthest one down there with your hand up with in the white hat? You give one out.
46 #46.
All right.
Oh, we got down here. Jordan, do you have one you want to sing?
What was it? 29 sing #29.
Nearby Department of Maryland.
That was a good one.
They repeat that a lot. You must be born again, and that's because it's really important.
You must be born again, and if you don't know how to be born again, I'm hoping that by the end of this meeting you'll know how to be born again.
We're going to sing maybe one more and then if any of you guys who have done memory versus want to say them, you can. And if not, that's OK. All right, Caleb, what do you want to sing #5?
Nsnoise No.
That was a good singing. So does anybody want to say their verse for this week, whether it's the one out of the the Sunday school paper or when you've been working on for your class? If you wanna say it, it's good to memorize and say verses and you can stand up if you wanna say it, and then we'll know if you wanna say it.
So it's good to memorize verses and say our verses. That is a good thing to get in the habit of doing.
Well, Ari gave us out a song that talked about the word that had two little ears to hear his word. What is the word when it talks about the word? What's the word? Yeah.
The Bible. That's right, the Bible is the Word. And what's the first book in the Bible? Genesis is the first book in the Bible. And what's the first verse in the Bible?
Let me say it.
Somebody you want to say somebody? Can somebody quote the first verse in the Bible? Yeah.
Hold it, I read it. That's good. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. So that's the first verse in the Bible. It's in the beginning of the Bible, and it says right in the verse in the beginning. But is that the first thing that ever happened?
Did anything happen before God created the heaven and the earth?
Few things I think we know that happened from reading later in the Bible, but one of them was that God loved you.
Before he even made the world, he saw you and he loved you.
And he, it's almost like he had all this love to give and he had people in mind that he wanted to give it to, to spend time with, to have fellowship, as we say. And that just means spend time with and talk back and forth and enjoy each other's company. And he needed a place to do that. So he created the earth.
And he didn't wait very long after he created the earth and made it able to support people. He didn't wait a very long time before he created people. He couldn't wait to create people and to have a relationship with them and to spend time with them and to love them, to show them how much he loved them.
And who were the first people he created in the Bible? What do you think, Francis?
Adam and Eve, yeah, they were the first people that God created.
And he would come down, says to the earth, and he would spend time with them. He would walk with them. They could hear the voice of the Lord walking with them. He would came down to see what Adam would name the animals. He was interested in what they were doing. He liked spending time with them. But something came in and messed that up, didn't it?
You know what came in and messed that up? What do you think?
Sin. That's right. God gave them this whole creation to enjoy, to play with, to work with, to spend time in. But he said there's one thing you can't do. See that tree over there? Don't eat the fruit from it. Don't go over there.
And what do they do?
What they went over there and they, Satan got them to eat the fruit from the tree. So it wasn't very long before that. What God wanted, what he wanted was to spend time with them, to have a relationship with them, to enjoy company with them. And it wasn't long before they sinned. What would you call that sin that Adam and Eve did if you had to put a name on it?
What do you think?
What do you think?
Disobedience. Yeah, that was the. That's what you call that sin. That was a sin of disobedience. God said don't touch that. You can touch everything else, but don't touch that. And they went over and they touched that which.
It was only a matter of time.
They went over to what they weren't supposed to do, and they touched what God told them not to touch.
And I've kind of noticed from watching.
Kids. So that tends to be the first thing that any of us do.
Even before, well, I know as soon as a kid can walk, even before they can talk, you can see them, their parents say, now don't you touch that.
And they kind of look back at their parents and then they look over at what they're not supposed to touch. Sometimes they get a little half a smile and they go running over to what they're not supposed to touch.
We're all like that. We all disobey, and disobedience is sin.
So almost right off the bat, even though we might have started.
Even if let's say we started without any sin, it's not very long before we disobeyed, and even if we started clean and without sin, pretty soon.
It's hard to write upside down. I should get some help.
Pretty soon we've disobeyed and we have a sin and we're no longer Adam and Eve. Once they sin, we're no longer able to spend time with and enjoy and have fellowship, we'll say, with God, because God is perfect and he's holy and he's just, which is he means he's fair, he's righteous, and he can't.
Be in the presence of sin he can't enjoy.
Company and communion and happiness with you if you have sin, but it's not very long before what are some a good way to find?
Umm, kind of measure ourselves and see if we're perfect or if we're not perfect is to look at the 10 commandments. And one of the 10 commandments is thou shalt not lie. Has anybody ever in here told a lie? You don't have to raise your hand, but I'm going to because I've told a lie.
And so I better write that down.
Umm, so it's not very long before we've told a lie, and I've told a lie, and one of the other ones is Thou shalt not covet. Do you know what it means to covet?
Yes, Caleb does. What does it mean to covet?
No, you're on the right track.
You think a lot about something you really want. You see something and you think, oh, I've got to have that. I want that so bad when you look on. and they come out with the newest Lego set. You think, Oh God, I have that. I wonder if I'll get it today. I wonder if I'll get it tomorrow. I wonder if I've got to have that. I won't be happy till I have that. That's coveting. I better write that one down.
This marker doesn't work very good on shirts. Pretty soon I've coveted. And then what happens next? Then you go over to your friend's house and he's got that exact set.
And you say, man, if I was that kid and if I had his parents and if I was allowed to do what he's allowed to do, I would have that and then I would be happy. And then you're jealous of your friend. And then I better write that one down.
It's not long before we've got sin.
It's hard to talk in right upside down.
We've got all sorts of sins, and now God can't have the relationship and the fellowship and the communion with us that he wants to.
And do we only do each sitting once in our life?
No, we seem to do them over and over and over again, especially lying. One lie seems to lead to another lie, seems to lead to another lie. Mr. Hyland was talking yesterday about Peter denying the Lord and he told one lie. A girl came up to him and said, Hey, you with Jesus? Nope, No, I wasn't, don't, don't know that guy. Nope. That was a lie. But she didn't know really any better. And then somebody else came up to him and said, no, you got the accent. You're definitely, you were definitely one of those guys that was following the Lord. You, you.
That's like saying, no, you have a British accent. You definitely work for the Queen of England. I know it. It's not proof, but it's now Peter has to tell a bigger lie. Nope, never heard of him. Don't know who you're talking about. And then some guy comes up and says, look, buddy, not six hours ago you cut off my cousin's ear with a sword. Now I am going to forget a lot of people that I meet, but I'm not going to forget you. And Peter still has to tell another lie. Even though he's faced with a pretty strong eyewitness, he still has to tell another lie. So she get lie on top of a lie on top of lie.
And how do we get rid of all these?
Sins and lies and coveting another one is stealing. That's one. When I was younger I stole something.
I'm running out of room.
I stole something from a corner store. I don't know what you call it here convenience store in Quebec, we call that death on our I stole a stamp that I really liked. It had a dinosaur on it.
And it wasn't in the right bin. And I thought, well, somebody probably just left this here. I should probably take it home. And I did. And I stole something. But I went back the next afternoon because my dad saw my new stamp that I didn't pay for, and we took it right back and gave it back. So I brought it back. I'm just going to write it back over top of steel. But did that take away my stealing or is it still there? Is it still stuck to me?
I'm still there.
And what if a lot of people will tell you well.
God sees all the sins that you do, but he also sees all the good things that you do. And at the end he kind of balances out. He says, well, as long as you do a good work to cover up the sin, then you're safe. You're even if you do one more good work then all your bad works, then you're safe. That's what a lot of people will say, but I we know that's not true. We know we can't if I write a good work over top of a bad work.
Does it take away the good work or does it take away the bad work?
No, I'm just making a bigger mess on my shirt, aren't I?
I really appreciated what Jordan and Zach's dad said in the gospel one time because he said if you think that God's going to let one sin into heaven, look at what happened in the Garden of Eden. That was perfect. God could spend time with the people he loved and enjoy time. And then once sin came in and ruined everything, he said if you think that God's going to let one sin into heaven because he did a lot of OK things to balance it out, that's not going to happen.
So we get tin on top of tin on top of our tin, and pretty soon.
We just look like this.
I'm gonna change shirt pretty soon. We just look like this. We can't even tell which the fins were and which they weren't, and we don't remember them all, but they just pile on top of each other because that's the way people are. We naturally, we sin, we're naturally contrary to God.
So this doesn't sound very good for us, does it? We're kind of in bad shape. So how do you, what can you do? How do you get? Can God just look at you and say, well?
You did some good things and you did some bad things and we're just going to even it out.
No, there's a place God made.
The Garden of Eden because he wants to spend time. He made the earth because he wanted to spend time with the people he loved. He wanted to enjoy their company. And he's made heaven because he's going to be a new place where he can enjoy the company of the people that are saved, that he's redeemed. But there's also a third place that the Lord has made for people who he's made it for Satan because he has to punish Satan and his angels.
And it's a place called hell, and he has to punish sin there. And if our sins are still stuck to us, then when God punishes our sins, we're going to be the ones that get punished because he can't.
Can't just sort of sweep it under the rug. And he asked to punish sin. He's just, he's a just right God. And we wouldn't want a God that wasn't like that. We wouldn't want a God who was kind of, well, that's OK. And this is this is OK. And he's just and he's holy and that's why he's God. But what do we do? Because we're not just and we're not holy, we're not perfect. We're all sinners, we're all covered in sin. So what do we do?
What could God do? Could he just say, well, we'll let it slide, that's OK.
No, he couldn't do that.
My favorite verse, but he wanted to he wanted to have fellowship with you. He still wants to he wants you to be able to talk to him like Adam and Eve did talk back and forth to him about your day. He wants you to read your Bible so you hear from him. He wants to be involved in your life and he loves you very much. My favorite verse he in the Bible, one of my favorites is in Romans 3 and it's talking about God that says God that he might be just.
And the justifier of him who believed in Jesus, God had to be just. He had to be. He couldn't.
Couldn't just let it slide. He had to be just a righteous judge. It's like if you were in court, God was the judge and all your sins were in front of you. You were accused of all these sins and God has to punish sin. But it says he wanted to be the justifier too. He also wanted to be your defense lawyer. He also is on your side and he wanted to make sure you could get into heaven. He wanted to make sure you didn't have to suffer for your sins. So.
What did he do?
He said his Son, because his Son Jesus came to the earth, He was God and he walked on the earth and he never did any sin. He never sinned. He was a sinless when He went to heaven as He was when He came to earth the first time. He never had a mark of sin on him.
But if and if he had, he wouldn't have been able to die for your sin. If the Lord Jesus had sin and he went to die on the cross, we would have said, yes, that's fair. Sin, die on the cross, sin you punished for your sin. That's fair. But because he was, because he had no sin and he willingly went to die on the cross, He was able to take all of your sin too. He was able to take all of the sin that you've done and will do.
He was able to take the penalty and the punishment for them by dying on the cross.
He took.
A lot of hurt from men and he took a lot of punishment from God for your sin so that you don't have to. But what do you have to do to to have that?
Do you have to work for it? Do you have to do a lot of work to make up for all the bad stuff you might have done?
No, that's that's pride. Thinking I could do enough to earn my way into heaven. That I could be good enough to be with a holy perfect God forever in my own strength.
Impossible. But if you accept that the Lord Jesus was a perfect man and be perfect sinless man, and because of that he was able to take all of your sin and pay for it on the cross so that you wouldn't have to pay for it in hell, then you'll be saved. And then you get to put on a new shirt.
Like Mr. Cross was talking about yesterday.
Mr. Pross was talking about being in Christ yesterday. And if you accept the Lord and you're in Christ, the Bible says put on the Lord Jesus Christ. And if you accept him as your Savior and you are put on the Lord Jesus Christ, then when you get to heaven, the Lord Jesus or God will look at you and he won't say, well, there's all this bad stuff and there's all this good stuff and this could kind of work out. He's going to either see sin.
Or he's gonna see Jesus.
And if you see sin, he has to punish sin, and that means he has to punish sin in hell. If he sees Jesus, he sees you've accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you've put on the Lord Jesus Christ, then he's going to welcome you into heaven. And he's looking forward to it. When we talked about Adam and Eve and how we created them as soon as it was ready, he didn't wait a hundred 100,000 years to make people. As soon as the earth was ready for people, he made people. He couldn't wait.
To show his love to you. And that's the way it is in heaven. The Lord says, the Lord long-suffering and not waiting for anyone to perish. And as soon as the last person accepts the Lord Jesus, he's going to come back and he's going to take us to heaven with him. And we're all looking forward to that. So make sure you don't leave this room. Don't leave this school. Make sure you know where you're going when you die because everybody's going to die someday.
Or the Lord is going to come back and take us all home because He can't wait to do that. And we can't wait either. But if you're not saved, we want to wait for you. And we hope that you'll do that today because it's very serious. It's eternity. Not just the next few weeks or the next few months. It's where you're going to spend eternity. It's very important. All right, we're going to sing another song and then I'm going to pray. Who hasn't given one out yet?
Trip, do you have one you want to sing #3?
We'll see #3.
Well, I'm going to pray here, and I hope that if you haven't accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior that you'll do that today. And it's easy to do. There's not any work involved and it's all you have to do is to tell the Lord. I recognize that I'm a Sinner and I deserve punishment. And I recognize that the Lord Jesus was uniquely able to take my sin for me and to pay for it. And I accept that, and I want to.
Have a relationship with God and that's an amazing thing that we can have a relationship with God, so.
If you don't know how to do that, you can talk to me or anyone of the people in here and your parents or your grandparents. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to explain more to you, but I'm just gonna close in prayer. Our God and Father, we just would thank you for this time and this reminder of your love for us. And we thank you for the songs that we were able to sing and the verses that we heard. We just thank you.
For loving us and we.
Think of the rest of the day and for the remembrance and this time when we'll sit and remember the incredible pain and, and suffering that was endured on our behalf. And we just would thank you once again for that unmerited favor and the love that was shown to us. And, uh, we thank you for loving us and for dying for us. Your name we pray, Amen.