Song of Solomon 2

Song of Solomon 2
Address—G. Jones
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Would you turn with me to the 113th song?
And I left the room and I wasn't too sure that I.
Would be able to read when I got here, but.
Learning this goodness has made that possible.
The 113th sound and verse 5.
Who is life unto the Lord our God, who draweth on high?
Who humbled himself the whole of things that are in heaven.
And in the Earls he raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifted the needy under the dunghill that he may set him was Princess even with the Princess of his people.
The first I had before me was if it was, Who is like unto the Lord of God?
And I would say like to say who is comparable to this Blessed One?
You know.
I feel that the only thing that can keep our hearts going on with the Lord and in the enjoyment of the Lord as to be occupied is to be occupied with the person Himself.
And I remark off times that I feel that life is too short.
Other than to tell you about the Lord Jesus and of His wondrous love.
Even if my life was just beginning as I realized the fact that it's not too far the largest income, the span of life is not too much before me. But even if I was just young starting out again.
I knew I had these years in front of me.
The older I get, the more I feel that time is too short to preach Christ.
We can be occupied with many other things and I have sometimes likened that, you know that.
If we were to, we'd say in Saint Louis, some of the large cities put up a sign and a large auditorium.
Or a tent, whatever the case may be that.
We were going to tell you when Russia was going to take over the United States or the United States going to take over Russia. Well, I'm sure you'd have to have officers out there to control traffic.
But you put a sign up there preaching Christ and him crucified, that the only way to glory is through the finished work of Calvary. I'm sure you'd get a few dear Christians that always enjoy the word that would be there, but you wouldn't get many from the outside. I remember our progression.
We had a solid week of this gospel meetings and the brothers there got busy and put out little hand builds about the size of my side of my Bible here and maybe a little bigger and inviting and we went all from home to home inviting all the people around to come in and hear the gospel. We got very few. We were thankful for those that did come in, but very few. We had a very happy time, however.
And I would like to say, who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwell upon high? You know when you start to realize the wonderful things that the Lord does, how He undertakes for us from day-to-day. And we realized that this is not a day of miracles, yet we do see miracles day after day. In those days when the Lord Jesus walked the scene, it was necessary for to raise the dead and so forth.
Then he might prove to the world He sought so hard to prove to the world that he was truly the Son of God and came as the Savior sinners. He sought so hard to do it and but still there was no ear for him. Only thing he could hear was to crucify him, crucify him. But you know, ideal, maybe I could tell you this when I was up at Craven this year at the conference.
You know the roads up there, those of you who have been up there know they have roads and when it's wet they they call it gumball and instead of just being mud that will fall off, we get tires. It just sticks to the tire until it builds up till you can't, can't move you front wheel, you can't stare, you just blocks it and you can just slide the digs without any trouble at all.
So they have played the roles and they're much better. The only real bad place we had was half a mile from off of the gravel Rd. that used to be all this gumbo road and now I've stayed half a mile down to the hall where they have meetings.
Last year we stayed right in the home, right next to the hall, but this year we stayed in Regina and we had about 20 miles to go, all paved except this half a mile. So he was thankful for that. But you know it does. It would only take that half a mile for you to get down. And we did as I said, and that's all you needed, just that half a mile. And so it.
A big cloud came making up over in the West.
Kept getting the soil and got real black on and there the cloud just came up. Looked like it just took the earth and went on over there. So I was out in the car, it was between meetings and I sat there and.
Watched that cloud and the thought was.
What it was going to mean to all of us to get home good and some of meds, miles to go, but we only had a half a mile because I said that was bad enough.
So I sat there in the car and finally the rain, heavy rain, you could just see it just a little distance over there.
I sat in the car and I said, Lord, if it's possible, you know, I just felt hesitated to ask the Lord such a thing. It just seemed like it would be impossible because they had the rain one. You could just see it.
If it's possible, stop this frame so that it won't hinder folks from getting home.
By that time, a few big drops began dropping on top of the car. You know, you've seen it sometime. Big drops, you know.
So I said, well, Lauren, it seems as though you're not going to stop the rain, so do let us all get home, all right?
Those big drops of rain stopped.
And never ran a particle other than those few big drops on the top of the car.
And by that time, Mr. Clark, the dear brother whom you stand with, you come, you looked over and he said, well.
I believe it's going around. I don't believe you're going to get in it. We never got a particle or a brain. Isn't it not wonderful to know that the savior I want to tell you about tonight is the Savior that has control even the rain, just almost as we say a stone's throw that he has complete control of everything. Why it was so wonderful. You know, I just couldn't help but telling it when in the meeting I said, well, it's just so wonderful how good the Lord has been and the rain and the.
In a low place not too far away they call Moose Jaw. They got 4 inches of rain, so you can imagine just what that would have done around that little section where the deer souls had to come to the meeting. We had about 200 in the slow country place.
Well, it sounds ridiculous, doesn't it tell you the same thing happening. It's better. Well, the next day, you know, I was a little backward to ask the Lord do the same thing over again.
But you know that the same thing happened and it came out over there and Mr. Clark came out and we stood there and watched it. And I couldn't help but say, Lord, you did it yesterday, could you? Would you do it again today? He did it. And Mr. Park says it's gone into vagina this time and went well around us. We never got a particle of rain. I just want to tell you that that's my Savior and that's what I want to tell you about is that blessed One whom to know is not only salvation.
But he hasn't promised that he won't have trials here.
No, but what does he say? He says when you have trials, I'll go with you. I'll go through the trial with you. Well, you know, if you're sick and in the hospital and a loved one comes by you inside, what a comfort is, isn't it? They had just to have someone to hold your hand that you know, loves you.
Some of us who have gone through that experience, how much it means to us.
Well, to think that when you go through these trials and these problems that the Lord says I'll never leave you, I'll never forsake you.
To know that you have that one now I want to answer is anybody from peril to that bus at one that would come down all the way from Calgary from glory to Calvary's cross and die in your stand. Anyone that you know of anyone that could be in the glory like the Lord Jesus the creator of all things, the creator of devils and earth, but in his love to you and I would come down and say for this cause came I into the world What?
The Savior of sinners. And we're seeing sometimes Christ is the Savior of sinners. I can truly say that I know and I trust all and say Christ is the Savior for me. What it means, isn't it, to know that Christ is the Savior of sinners. I was telling, I think some of you the other day that in Los Angeles before I went, there was quite a convention or conference, I don't know what they called it, of those who do not hold the truth.
And it was over. The paper said there was over 118,000 the last night of their coming together that May and I couldn't help but think in the city of Los Angeles alone, there was over 118,000 that openly associated themselves with that which was only taking them to a lost eternity. Now when you start to realize that you and I have been brought to know that Blessed One as our Savior to think of what we've been delivered from.
And Colossians, you have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. But think of what it means for you and I. You know, one feels so much in all that. The great danger is that we don't realize, we also lightly of the truth of who it is that we belong to, what He has done for us.
And to know that he said, Thou art mine, thou art mine, He has redeemed us with his precious blood. And then he says, a nun can pluck you from my hand, and my Father, who is greater than all, none is able to pluck you from my Father's hand. What a wishing some time blessed assurance. Jesus is by an order foretaste of glory divine. But it just means to you and I to know that to depart and to be with Christ.
The far better part, well, we must go on here says who is life unto the Lord our God, and who dwelleth on high? Isn't it wonderful to know that he's there? You know, I don't know much about this because I don't follow it. But as they, as I understand the different countries are trying to get onto the moon and then they say they can just control everything on the earth, you know.
But I sometimes say I'm not going to stop at the moon.
I'm not going to stop at the moon. I'm calling beyond the moon, but in that wonderful to know that the one of whom we're speaking about, it says here who is like unto the Lord of God, He controls the world. And when you stop to think of this world that always many, maybe thousands and thousands of years, as they say, it turns on its axes. It turns there just the same year after year, the old moon in her place, stars in their place and everything. And who is that?
Why? That's my father.
That's my Savior who has control of all these things. Now, I say this because I feel that there is the great danger that we don't stop to realize who it is that we belong to, who He is. He's not only the Savior, sinners, as wonderful as it is, but He's the one that has sought and found you and I. As a child, God associated us with Himself.
And we are to be his companions for that eternal day. Now in all of this, when I speak of all this, and I want to turn you to, I want to bring before you that he is incomparable and is humility. If you turn with me to Philippians, the 2nd chapter, Philippians two, we know these portions.
And I think about the 7th and 8th verses.
He said, well, he might read from the fifth verse, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
Being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.
Now the seven first, but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. How wonderful isn't it to know that the law of Jesus.
He humbled himself and came down from the glory to Calvary's cross. He was mocked, he was despised, he was spit upon.
Nailed him to the cross of Calvary and yet.
He opened not his mouth. He never complained.
You know, I thought of Isaac and his father leading him up to the mound where he was to be offered up.
And all he could say his father is the fire, he is the wood and he is the fire always the land burn off him always said, My son, God himself will provide a lamb and don't hear any more reminder. He never questioned it. He never, he never questioned me.
And the Lord Jesus, he never questioned God.
He could say that, he always did. The Father's friend. Oh, it was always his purpose and his desire to please the Father, not himself. You know, it's the natural attitude of my heart to please stop, isn't it? That's the natural attitude, but not the Lord Jesus.
But he pleased the Father in going to Calvary to die in your staff and mine. And I feel that if as Christians if we could lay hold of this more well then Pastor says, what kind of people are we to be?
The more I enter into what I am to him, you know, we think of what he is to me. And that's wonderful, isn't it? He's my favorite.
But if we could only enter more fully into what we are to Him.
What we are to him.
Well, you know here it says, He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even even the death of the cross.
To go there and then could say to him He saved others himself. We cannot say it. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cause and say thyself in US. He could have, He could have.
The Creator of all things He spoke in the world came into existence. He.
But He wouldn't have had you, and He wouldn't have had me had He done so. In order to have you and I as His bride, He had to go to Calgary and to die in your stead and mine. Well, it says here He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Well then, if you were to turn to Ephesians the 5th chapter, we see that He's not.
There's nothing comparable.
To his love.
Ephesians the 5th chapter.
I think.
Ephesians 5 and.
And verse 2.
Ephesians 5 and two, and walk in love as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor. Now here, as I said here.
And that he is incomparable in his humility. He is incomparable in his love, the love wherewith he has loved us.
And it says in the first verse, Be therefore followers of God as dear children, and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God.
For sweet smelling savour, Well, Christ also loved us and had given himself to us. Is there any love that's as comparable as that? I said to a young doctor one time.
When he said he would like to be saved, I said, well, why don't you tell the Lord Jesus what you told me? I could never, I could never be as interested in your salvation as the Lord Jesus. I never died for you, but the Lord Jesus died, the Savior, precious soul. I could never be as interested in you as he. Just tell him what you told me, what he did.
And through the Lord's goodness, he was saying that there. And how wonderful it was to see this young doctor turn to Christ and to accept him as his own personal Savior and walk in love with Christ also had loved us and had given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for his sweet smell and favor, you know?
The offerings that went up in those days when they offered these offerings from day-to-day.
Why, you know, when we come often we go in the home and something that broke his arm, we said mine. Something surely smells good. We smell that sweet odor. Well, you know.
When those offerings were offered up, God could look down and to see man and his hopelessness.
And yet death had come in and it was being offered up to God, well, the Lord Jesus.
The one who was offered in your standard mind and the sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor. Well, he offered himself. He offered himself. He could say for this cause came into the world the cup that my father had given me. Shall I not drink it? So he gave himself. No one took his life from a man's heart. In man's heart he did.
But the Lord Jesus, you know, is him on the cross.
He gave up his life, so there's nothing that's comparable in his humility.
And there's nothing that compares with his love.
There's nothing that compares with His grace. Second Corinthians, I think the 18th chapter.
2nd Corinthians, the 8th chapter.
We know this so very well in the ninth verse.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Corinthians 8-9.
That though he was rich, yet to your safety became poor, That ye through his poverty might be rich.
Now what grace did it take?
In a reading the other day back home.
There was a brother that was speaking about grace and.
His illustration was such that it thought, you know, that it might be just limiting.
But you know, Grace is what we often hear. Mention is on Meredith Taylor.
Well, could you ever measure the unamerican favor?
That the Lord Jesus showed us when he went to Calvins cross.
Is there anything to compare with? It's just uncomparable. You can't compare nothing with the grace that led him to calm his cross.
Where He died in your stand in mind, that's where you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We know it only.
We can never enter into the fullness of that great, Never will. You couldn't. It isn't comparable with anything.
But we do know something of it, don't we? For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, how rich was He? Well, the Creator of all things.
And it tells us in the 8th Proverbs before the heavens, before the earth, before the sea, before anything was I was He was the joy that delighted the Father. But isn't it wonderful? Could you compare anything with this place? He says. But my delights were with the sons, with me and.
Before anything was his heart reached out to you and I that God was been killed to him. A pride for that eternal day that God might be able to display his love, which I think at the appearing of Christ when the bride is on display. As I said in the beginning, you know, I'm inclined to say, well, the Lord's mind, but you know at that time it's going to be displaying his glory.
And the glory that is due him because of the work of Calvin's brothers. Oh, therefore ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Think of how rich he wants. He passed up angels and came down into this world, went to Calvary's cross.
And died for you and I. It says that you know through his poverty that ye might be rich. And how rich are we?
Ah, I think of Rebecca, you know she was going to the man she had never seen.
And she was to share with Isaac all the wealth of Abraham and the servant said.
You know all my my master, all that he has Isaacs coming, he's going to be heir of all the hearts and she was to be as pride to share it all with him. And Romans tells us heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ to share and share a life with that blessed 10. They think of the glory. And surely you know my brother said one time he said well, joy, suppose he says, suppose one gets a crown and the other doesn't.
What about it? I said, Walter, you know what they didn't do with the problems, don't you said why? What are they going to cast him at Jesus, people?
No, we wouldn't want credit for anything, but we want Him to have all the glory because it belongs to Him. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ said though he was rich, yet for your sakes and mine we became poor. And how poor was he? He's the one that sat on sidecar as well, subject to a simple woman for a drink of water. Poor dear Saul, when you think of the God, the Creator of all things.
To a sinful woman.
Sitting there on cycle as well. And you know, Mr. Diver said just before he went home, so I was told he read, he was asked what he was thinking of at that time and he said I'm soon going to see the man that sat on the cyclone. Oh, how wonderful. That was enough for him.
Well, as I said, there was a.
We see nothing to compare with you His humility, nothing with His love, nothing with His grace. And then we want any more or less spoken about the sacrifice. But I think on the 10th of March, the 10th chapter of Mark.
Verse 45.
Mod 10:45 For even the Son of Man came not to be minister unto you, but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many. It wasn't just giving.
Some, as we often see here, some wealthy outfit or person giving a tremendous sum to some good or good worthy case, we'd say, or some organization that they think is worthy of it.
No, it's not that the Lord needed. The year is light. He gave his all. He said, Father, unto thy hand to come in my spirit.
Yes, He gave up his life. He gave his life as a ransom for your sins and for mine and and to give his life a ransom for men. Well, now we find nothing to compare with his humility, nothing to compare with his love.
Nothing to compare with his grace, nothing to compare with his sacrifice.
But nothing to compare with is power either.
And the 28th of Matthew.
And the 18th verse, Matthew 28, the last chapter of Matthew.
We find that all power has been given into his hand. All power, not just some power, but all power has been given into his blessed hands. 18th verse. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power.
Is given unto me in heaven and in the earth.
Our blood savior. So that's my savior. That's the one I want to tell you about tonight. All power has any sense talking about stopping the rain or that is simple thing that was easy enough for him. He controlled it. Everything is under his control, everything. And you know, sometimes I remember long ago I used to feel, you know, some little something I'd ask the Lord for. And then I think more you should ask the Lord for all things like that. But you know, the Lord wants you to ask him for everything.
He wants you to ask him for everything. Sometimes I tell my girls when they were in school, you know, they'd have a problem. I said, did you also or Lord to help you? Did you ask the Lord to help you? Oh, the more you more you're talking with the Lord, the more you're in commuting with him, the closer that you are. You're talking with him all the time and your thoughts are occupied with the person of himself and you feel and realize your need of dependence and you are.
Depending upon him, what do you think he disappoints you? Well, we always say he always answers our prayers, but sometimes he says no. And I have often told this, and it might be well to tell the game. Sometimes, you know, we get impatient because things don't just work our way. One time I had to make a call at a bakery and I was delayed there. And I had so much at the office to do, I just fell. I just couldn't wait, you know?
Well, finally I didn't handle the transaction there and I kept going. When I started out, I just went a little ways.
And it was a corner, and just as I got to, the light caught me. You know, it was just so disgusting, you know, that here I was in such a big hurry. Any other lights caught me? Well, of course, didn't hold me very long. I soon went on. But there was another fellow there with a Chevrolet ran alongside of me, and he got through.
And I don't think I went more than seven or eight blocks, but for here this fellow, someone had come out of the side street and ran right into the side and turned him over. And I helped him get out from under the car and take him to the hospital. You know what I thought? I thought, oh, the Lord just said no.
No, How many times the Lord is shielding you and I from something that would be harmful to us? He says no, no. And why does he do that? Because he's ever loving care and ever loving desire to protect us, to watch over us, to keep us. But sometimes, you know, something happens and and whatever we're talking about long ago, you know, about a certain soul.
Sometimes the Lord takes one of our loved ones.
He wants to speak to me, but maybe he's going to use it for somebody else to bring to exercise somebody else's soul. After all, you and I belong to Christ. He has a right to do with this when He pleases. We're not our own. He has a perfect right. This is my Bible. I have a right to do put it, take it, care it. What I want is mine. Well, Lord Jesus, just the same with him. Well, as I said there we find now that all power.
Is given in given to me in heaven and in earth.
All prices in heaven, all fires is in earth, and we know that Satan has given a lot of liberty.
But I have enjoyed so much and been so thankful for that Virgin Colossians, I've already quoted that you and I have been delivered from the power of darkness, you know, Job says.
I know you got a hedge builder on it.
Satan recognized the fact that he cannot touch you and I unless the Lord allows you. But finally he said to Joe, will you go ahead and do anything you want, but don't touch his life now in that conscience. You can't take your life from me. Your eternal life is giving it to you. Satan can't rob you, he says in John, He says, and none can flock you from my hand, and my father who is greater than all, none is evil to pluck you from my father's hand. God said, you do anything you want with him, I'll just let you go here.
But don't touch his life all one of all. And then he says you've got a heads building. Say he says building, you've got an edge build around. And I sometimes remark, you know, I remember a bottle of Jackson one time he was mentioning. He was telling you though he said, well, you know, it's been said if we tell souls that they have eternal life, then they're blocking the world and doing anything they want. Mr. Jackson says you can, but can you? You could, but could you? Could you tell you whether you loved her and then do everything to disobey her?
And dishonor her? Well, if you did, I'd certainly have a credit right saying you don't. You don't have that.
And I tell you, I love the Lord Jesus and going out in the world and doing world things to please myself. Oh, you have a perfect right. So you don't act like a Christian, I said, but I am a Christian. When you don't act like it, will you have a right to tell me that too? Well, as I said, all power. But now let us turn to First Timothy.
First Timothy, and we see that there is nothing to compare with his honor either.
First Timothy, I think the 6th chapter.
First Timothy 6.
And 15.
First Timothy 6 verse 15 which in his time.
He shall show who is the blessed and the only potentate, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So we find here there's nothing to compare with His honor. His honor is beyond comparison with anything.
And isn't it precious, who is the blessed and only important thing?
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Well, when I was mentioning there, you know that there was nothing to compare with his humility. If we'd gone a farther, he said that he is King of Kings and Lord of the Lords to the glory of God and Father. And wouldn't he accept him as your savior or not? Be blind if you have to face him as your judge, just remember.
You'll have to face him and owning him as Lord. The one who came into the world is the Savior of sinners, the one that we rejected, the one that you wouldn't have.
And on him and God says everyone is going to have to own him aside.
You're going to have to bow your knee to him and on him as such. But if you reject him, he'll only be your judge. And I have so many times mentioned, you know, dear soul, if you are unsafe and stand before the judgment's either the great white throne, your face, the blessed Son of God, and you are here, the sentence passed apart from me, a person you work as of iniquity. I never knew you, and you'll never see his blessed face again. You'll be banished from the presence of God. Now you can have say, Oh God have mercy upon me. There'd be no mercy in hell.
There'll be no grace in hell.
There'll be no love there, and you'll face him once, never to face him again. I don't know anything so solemn or more solemn than to tell you to reject Christ and to face Him as your Judge at the judgment seat of the great White Throne, as the most awful thing I could ever tell you. Because you'll never, you'll see Him. You'll have to own it. You're being cast into hell because you rejected Him, because you refuse him, because you didn't want him.
And to look into His blessed face, never to see it again. Never. How solemn, isn't it? How awful is to think of those, those solemn moments that will your face now It tells us to in Revelation the 5th chapter.
That there's nothing to compare with his glory. Revelation the 5th chapter.
And the 11Th verse talk verse.
Sang with a loud voice, worthy as the Lamb that was slain.
To receive power and bridges and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing. Now, as I was saying, you know, there's nothing to compare with His honor, His glory. I might repeat it again. There was nothing to compare with His humility, his love, His grace, His sacrifice, His power, his honor. And now there's nothing to compare with his glory. Nothing.
Nothing saying with a loud voice worthy as the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, and wisdom and strength, and honor and glory and blessing, and every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea.
And all that are in them heard I say, blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon his family, and unto the Lamb forever and ever. And the four beasts set all men, and the four and 20 hours fell down and worshipped him. And live it forever and forever. Our beloved souls. Please be thoughts tonight, because as I said, regardless of what I might tell you about.
To me there is nothing so important.
To you as a child of God, as to know the person of the Lord Jesus, to really be in love with Him. You know, after dressing my baptized a couple there, I had a letter the other day from Portland and this brother was there.
I don't remember saying this.
But he said to me in the latter, he said, you know, Mr. Jones, you said something.
That meant so much to me, more than ever. A.
Words to that effect.
You mentioned the need of being in love with Christ.
And that's the important thing. If I am in love with the Lord Jesus, I want to praise Him.
I want to do what he wants me to do, and I'm going to walk in the way that I know will please him and we can, you know, just before he left the country, there was a young man that hasn't been converted too long and he came down to visit with my granddaughter's husband and.
He had fallen. He's a nice Christian boy, and he fell in love with a Christian girl.
And he walked around, you know, and he said, oh, my son, two weeks, 2 weeks before he could see his girl. And he said, oh, if I'm sent to Germany, what will I do? What will I do? Well, why was he taking that attitude?
This, this young lady had won his affections.
And he was in love with her, He loved her, and He wanted to be where she was. It's natural, isn't it? And I want to tell you, if I'm in love with the Lord Jesus, I want to be where His people are, where they're talking about Him, where we have things in common, where we can get together and enjoy the precious things of Christ together. That's what we want to talk about. Because that's the objects before. That's the object before our souls. All dear ones, may I say again, may I repeat it?
That the thing that's so important today with Christians.
Is that we not only know him as our Savior, but that we might actually really, truly be in love with the one of whom is longing to have us, to be with himself. He said, Father of will, of those whom God has given me, be with me where I am. He longs to have you with him in the glory. He's waiting the forest time to take you home, to be within time. And So what about us? I thought in the book of grief, you know, Bruce.
She was a widow, but she had a widow's heart. The Lord Jesus has gone back to the Lord and we are here down on the earth.
Do we have a widowed heart? Is that the kind of heart that we have? Looking forward to the time when we will be united with that Blessed One and all who have gone on before to be with that Blessed One For that eternal day that our praises and Thanksgiving will never cease, but for the day without end. May each of us look forward to that, and may the desire of our hearts.
Need to know more in than to really be in love with him. Maybe someone here for him.
I think 84 independence.
84 backed the book.
One there is above all others. Oh how he loves.
Is Islam beyond abroad? It's all Harvey loves.
Earthly friends, me walking with him, pleasing him. And so it says, if any man will do.
His will, not his old, His will the will of the man that went to Calgary. He shall know the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself.
Oh yes, you can. You can depend on it that it will be a path of faith, but it will be a path to trust that blessed man for the whole journey. Now let's turn to one more scripture and we'll close over in the book of Timothy.
Let's make it 2 scriptures instead of one, I should have said.
The second Epistle of Timothy.
The second chapter.
And the 15th verse first.
Studying to show thyself approved unto God.
Oh, how good that was. The Apostle Paul in writing here, you know, he is talking to his young son in the faith, he is talking to Timothy. He's writing him a letter and he says to Timothy, study to show thyself approved unto God.
Oh, if you have that, you know you're not thinking of men's approval. Men's thinking.
It's good to have the approval of that less of mine up in the glory. So he says, study to show thyself approved unto God, a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed. Well, if you're seeking his approval and you're seeking to serve him, you're seeking to walk with him.
You'll find that you'll be a Workman that needs not to be ashamed, and as you go on in the path, you'll get another you'll.
Rightly divide the word of truth. Oh yeah, I don't mean that these will all come consecutively, but the wisdom of God will come in and unfold them to you and you'll see it now here. Here is one more thing.
And that is on the 19th verse.
Nevertheless, the foundation of God stands ashore having this deal. The Lord knoweth them that are His.
And now that everyone that nameth the name of Christ is in our translation.
If you look in other translations and I believe it's more correct.
You'll find that everyone that nameth the name of the Lord.
In other words, here it's owning the Lordship of Christ.
Owning him as the one that leads and guides and directs and we seek to walk as subject to him.
In the path of obedience.
And so it is.
That everyone that nameth the name of the Lord.
Depart from an empty.
Ah, you see.
Set anything that would be contrary to that aside that we might serve, we might please him.
But first of all, you know it must be that we be brought to know Him. We have our faith that puts our trust in the Lord Jesus.
Let's have a word of prayer.