Song of Songs

Duration: 1hr 20min
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Address—R. Bauman
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Group things in threes.
We haven't found 22, three and four. They're grouping. He teaches that way. And in the New Testament we had that last night as they were enjoying a portion of Corinthians. But first Corinthians 12/13 and 14, it follows so beautifully well in the heart of the Bible, we have three books, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Psalmist Songs.
They're all written by the same man, the wisest man that ever lived.
Except for the man who gave him the wisdom, the man Christ Jesus.
And he wrote the Proverbs. The Proverbs speak of wisdom from heaven for a walk in this world, an earthly walk. And in Proverbs they don't just read a verse and sort of touch my heart. First of all, it speaks of who is them with who wisdom is I wisdom dwell is Christ the Son. But in verse 19, he says my fruit is better than gold.
Gay than fine gold.
And my revenue then choice Silver?
Well, you know, fruit is what one gives a lot. It gets all fruit and it speaks of the righteousness of God that we have through Christ in Christ. Really, gold speaks of divine righteousness.
But revenue is what he takes in silver.
Speaks of a bride, of course, redeemed souls, because silver speaks to redemption. Well then of course Ecclesiastes comes next, and Ecclesiastes is really for this purpose. It empties one of self. Please ask these has that effect. It empties one of self. And so the theme of it is brought up right at the beginning. Vanity of vanities. All this vanity and vexation of.
That's it. There's nothing left.
And then the Song of Solomon fills the empty cell with Christ. It's a beautiful thing, the beautiful order. You know, it's right in the heart of the Bible where it's needed so badly.
Wrote 1005 songs, 3000 proverbs, Decreased 1 faithful servant. We have them right here.
We're going to look at the Song of songs tonight.
Which is Solomon's.
But it speaks of divine love.
Redeeming love and restorative love.
If I love the love of Christ, it is really that passes knowledge. The love of Christ that passes knowledge. Now let's see #142 #142 but we'll just sing. The last two stanzas was that no tongue can teach love, that no thought can reach, no love like his.
God is its blessed source. Death snare can stop its course.
Nothing can stay its force maximus it is.
It's forgiven.
The song.
It's really a love song. It's a love story.
It's really for us.
Primarily it has to do with Israel, because it's Old Testament Scripture, of course, but by application we have a right to apply it to ourselves and of course to the church.
Only where it applies.
There are parts that are particularly Israel and the cut be applied can be enjoyed.
But you have the bride Speaking of the bridegroom over two dozen times this way.
My beloved lovely isn't my beloved.
But most of it is the bridegroom's thoughts toward the bride.
Now we look at it, the 1St chapter I call first love, first love and its attributes because we have it all here in the first chapter. It's like one that is a babe, you know, babe in Christ.
The song of songs, which is Solomon's Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth.
Well, my love is better than wine because of the savor by good ointments. By name is an ointment. 4th 4th. Therefore do the virgins love thee. Draw me, We will run after thee. The King has brought me into his chambers. We will be glad and rejoice in thee. We will remember thy love more than wine.
The upright lovely 1St 4 verses really introduces this.
You notice there's nothing here about pardon, or about sins, or about forgiveness.
You won't find it in the whole song.
It's good at Melissa. You won't find it in the whole song. Good to get that point right now.
It's the bride and all the perfection of what the group has made her by His love and His work. It's what we are in Christ. It's what happens on Wednesday morning when we come boldly before Him with all confidence and assurance that we have a right to be in the Holy of Holies. We're priests.
Why? Because.
He accepts us in the beloved one. That's why in all the perfection of His Son, He sees us and that's what we have here. Now there's two things prominent in these first verses we've read. First is she's taken up with His love. She's taken up with His love. My love is better than wine. Wine is typical. It's always the same as those scriptures. Some things have a different application for wine means joy. It speaks of it typically.
The Old Testament is earthly joy, but art is heavenly and still the lying type.
And the second thing is she's taken up with his name, two things that attracted her right away. His love is made.
And so we have those two things that really mean everything to us, do they not? I know there's a little him I like. It sucks. 54 I'll just read the first. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believers ear. Ensues his sorrows, heals his wounds. It drives away his fear. That's what she has. That name has done that for her.
Now the second thing is she was in the secret chambers.
The secret chambers with himself.
So she was in the glory, she she was in the presence, She saw him in his purity and holiness in her thoughts.
And so we have in verse five, I am black. You know, that's the result of one who realizes.
What Jesus is, who realizes what Christ is, who realizes what God is? Isn't that the way it was with Peter when he realized he was in the presence of God? When he stood before Jesus and dropped to his knees? Depart from me promising for man. Oh Lord, that's it. Beautiful, isn't it? What about Job when he when he was in the presence of God? I'm harmed myself.
What about Paul? I know that in me that is my flesh, no goods thing.
You know this is beautiful, she said. I'm black. But then this thought comes to her, what he says about her, but calmly, She said. I'm black, she says, but calmly.
Reminds her right away what she is in himself and then she says I'm black as a pence of teeter.
Hey there means darkness. Peter means darkness. Peter was the son of Ishmael.
And the descendants of Peter were Raiders. Bandits.
And they did the work at night by stealth.
So they had tents that were black, I mean black so they couldn't be detected. And so she applies that to herself. You know, when one is in the secret chambers of his love, especially of faith, you realize what you are in your sins. You realize, and we have to realize it. We can't get saved. We can't become a baby. She is here. Have your eyes open until you realize what you are.
But she says I'm black as a tentative teeter. But he says.
No, You're as the curtains of Solomon, that beautiful. You're as the curtains of Solomon. What about the curtains of Solomon in that temple?
Fine twine, linen white.
Holy and pure, that's what he says. Also. Blue and purple and scarlet and all those beautiful colors that speak of heaven and royalty and who he is. That's how he likened her.
You're not black as attention, you're as the curtains of Solomon in the temple. How beautiful that is. Then she says this in verse six. Look not upon me, I'm black.
Notice at the end my own vineyard have I not kept.
All we like sheep have gone astray. That's the thought. All we like sheep have gone astray. Isaiah 53, six.
It's a good state of soul. It's a good state of soul. She's ready to learn, She's ready to grow. She's a baby, but she has this thought of herself. And you know, let's never forget it, brethren, what we were.
Again and again in the wilderness, Moses said, Remember.
He performed slaves.
Of of Pharaoh in Egypt. It's good to remember what we learned rather. And she remembers quickly because she knows she was an untrophable, what an unprofitable servant. So were all of us what we were saying.
Verse 7 Tell me, O thou, who my soul loveth, where thou fetus, where thou makest by flock to rest at noon. For why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions? Here's the thoughts of a quickened soul. Here's one who wants to know more of him. Here's one who wants to be with those that belong to him.
It's the force of a quickened soul. Beautiful, isn't it?
What did they say in John chapter one? Where it dwelleth, thou of the sea. Beautiful, isn't it? They wanted to be where he is. She wanted to be where he was. And where the flock rest at noon after they feed. You know, the shepherd at that moment when the flock rested at noon was intimate with them.
He called one out by name that comes from the flock and he's at that one and talk to it, see if there's any.
Injuries or scratches. Then he called another and another has a beautiful time. She was thinking about that. And so she says, why should I be as one that turns aside? In other words, why should I be as one roping? Why should I be as one that doesn't belong? Why should I be as one unattached and loose? Isn't that lovely? You know, it's wonderful to talk to one who's just received Christ.
Because they want more, but she she wants more.
Doesn't feel like she used to be. She doesn't want that anymore, but she doesn't know much. She's obeyed. First aid if thou know not.
You see, she doesn't know much. She's saved, but she's away. All thou fairest among women. Go thy way forth by the footsteps of the block, and feed the kids beside the shepherd's tins. There's the answer. She didn't do anything yet about gardens.
Bethany's in the New Testament assemblies today. She didn't know anything about that.
Shelly knew she wanted to be near him and she wanted to know more of him and she wanted to be fed like his owner fed and that beautiful. And so he gives her that beautiful answer.
The shepherd's dance. I believe it speaks to us by application, brother, that there are overseers, there are the under shepherds raised up by the Spirit of God.
Now I thank God when I think back when I was first obeyed, when I was first saved.
Somehow or other, the Spirit of God let me close. I ate lunch with them. I was with them at night. I called them to my home. I went to their home just to hear more and learn more.
The under shepherds who are overseers, Beautiful isn't it? They're the ones of the father's heart that they lacked in Corinth 10,000. Teachers, but not many with a father's heart. But this is it. He told her to go by them. Go by them. You know, that's what he told Peter in John 21. Feed my lamb, treat my sheep.
That's the one with the father's heart. ******* really do now after telling her this and and hearing what her delights are now.
He tells her what he thinks of her first name. I have compared thee, Oh my love, to a company of horses in Pharaohs. Cherry, did you say that's a compliment for a pride prepared to accompany horses and Pharaohs chariot. That's a compliment. This is what appealed to him of her right now. It's her exuberance. You know the horses and Ferrell's Chariots, Can you imagine what they were like?
Chomping at the bit maids, bristling, stomping with their hooves into the ground, they just can't wait to keep going. This is her. This is first love. This is what appealed to him. A bright group. First blood. Her exuberance, her desire for more is exciting to him. You know the Ephesians left it.
Ephesians left it, and so have we. Sometimes, I fear many times in the assembly leaves it. You can almost sense it.
Let's never do. We can't lose it. They didn't lose it. You left it. It's true. You grow into a deeper love, a more precious love. But let's not lose that first love. Isn't that what's precious about Sunday school, these little children as such first love? We love the gospel Adidas. Let's never lose that thrill.
Having been given a new life, saved from hell, and save for him forever. That's it.
Now he describes her here in verse 10. Thy cheeks are calmly with rolls of jewels, and thy neck with chains of gold. He's speaking here of the dignity she already has. Gold is the righteousness is lovely. Verse 11 we will make them by borders of gold, with stunts of silver.
Why we?
Whatever it has to do with math.
Whether the created man in Genesis or a newborn.
Go above a St. is the work of the Trinity. That's why we it's like Genesis where he says let us make man.
And took the Trinity. The Trinity is always involved, brethren, when it's you and I, let's don't forget that it's beautiful. We we will make the borders of gold righteous, the studs of silver redemption.
Now there's some.
12 really just speaks of the praise of adoration going out from her to him, everything for him. Isn't that lovely to see that in a sense it's like John 12 verse 3 where Mary was at his feet with a spike flirt and the house was filled with the owner of the ointment. That's really what this is. It's all praise and adoration.
Is what happens on Thursday morning. She already has it as a babe and it's lovely to see it. Verse 13.
Is really Speaking of he's in her affections already in her endearment she's he's in her heart because the breast speaks of the place of affection and she said he shall lie all night. It took my breath. Love me to see that this is the this is the first one now verse 15.
Behold thou art, Fairy says. Behold thou art, Fairy says again. Behold thou art fair. Is that beautiful?
Wonderful grace, sovereign Grace, as he brings her up to this realm of his thinking what she is in him.
And then he says, Notice this. Hold thou art fair, my love, Hold thou art fair. Thou has some sighs.
Thou has done size.
You know the duck, whether it's a pigeon, dog or a morning dove.
Racing pigeon, homing pigeon, What it is, their eyes have a characteristic.
They look toward home for the maidens.
Was illness. That's what she has a warning now it's in her eyes. You know the Thessalonians when they were saved already they turned to God from idols to serve the true living God for what else wait for his Son from heaven. That's the thought already think of it already. It appealed to him doesn't exist. The last verse. The beams of our house are cedar and our rafters of fur.
They're considered together now, but the Cedars speaks of incorruptibility.
And for lasting quality. So the last thought given to her.
Is the thought we have in Psalm 23 six really I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever.
Have beautiful glass door. So this is the big now the first chapter is beautiful to see that chapter 2. I call that confidence and assurance and you know we gain that quickly when we're saved. Isn't that true As you're growing the truth and you see these blessings, wonderful truths from the word of God and the Spirit of God makes it good to your soul.
They have confidence and insurance. And so she doesn't say she's black here. No, no, she's not black as intensive either. This is her speaking. I'm the Rose of Sharon. Really. It's, it's of the narcissist family, the Bolt family, This Rose, it isn't what we know of it. And the Lily of the Valleys, that's her name.
A true name, Lily.
Can be applied to us too, I say, But that's a new name, as a believer is one of his.
He says so. Be careful. He says. You're a Lily, But as a Lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters, he warns her quickly.
Forts and thistles, where did they come from? Sin.
Genesis 3 You don't have thorns and thistles until sin.
What did they give award a crowd of thorns, the product of sin. So he says there's thorns here in this world where you are, you're a Lily. That's right. But you're among thorns. I believe the thorns speakers of the wickedness, the evilness that so rampant in this world because of sin and Satan means Jeremiah says so thou not among thorns. We have to be careful. She has to be careful of the thorns.
Now her thoughts, verse 3.
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight. His fruit was sweet to my taste.
Turn the wood trees of the wood.
Speak of Christ in his humanity.
The apple, the choicest of all the trees for fruit.
These are choices of the hall, so she's already thinking of that. But she has rest, she has peace. She's fully satisfied with himself and with his, with his love. So she says. I sat down under his shadow with great delight. His fruit was sweet to my taste. That beautiful house. She's coming into this confidence and assurance now.
I could fight so much with herself. She's occupied with him. Her thoughts are of him. He brought me to the banqueting house, his banner over me, Love.
My margin says House of wine. I believe it's that too. It's all joy. It's a banqueting house. It's all joy. God is love.
Like the ring for the particles finger. Eternal divine. She's basking in the good of it now.
She says at the end of verse five, I am sick of love.
This world has an expression club stick. I believe it's the same thought, only it isn't divine love they're talking about. I'm sick of love. I believe this is a deep longing within her now, to be with him, to be with him.
His left hand is under my head. His right hand does embrace me.
These are her heart's thoughts now you know she's looking for him to come. She already mentioned that she's looking for him to come. She longs to be with him though his Verse 8. This is her thoughts really, the voice of my beloved. Behold, he cometh, leaping upon the mountains and skipping upon the hills. Pitiful thought she's having. And when she says his left hand is under my head, his right hand.
Nothing praised me. She just pictures herself fully and his trust fully in his care fully in his love and have lovely to see this honest verse up seven. I charge you. Oh you daughters of Jerusalem rhythm of the city by the Rose and by the eyes of the field that just turn out up or wait aloud till he flees. That's beautiful, isn't it? It's like James if the Lord will. In other words, her pleasure.
Life is what he pleases, what he wants. Now it says here in verse 10, My beloved faith, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away for all. The winter is past, and the rain is over and gone, and the flowers appear on the earth. The time of the singing of the birds has come, and the voice of the turtles of this earth in our land, the fig tree put us forth our dream things, and the vines with the tender grape.
Give a fourth of the good smell, Arise by love, by fair one, and come away.
You see, this is all in anticipation. Verse 10 and the end of verse 13. She knows he's going to come for her. He knows he's going to take her home. But this thought.
As it says in verse 11, let's her rise above the trials, the afflictions, and the sorrows down here. It lets us rise above it too. Isn't that true? Isn't that what takes us on realizing we belong to Him? We're His delight. He won't be satisfied until we're with Him and He's coming Himself forth. We rewrite above the circumstances that we're in.
It gives us a a sense of joy and peace.
And arrest, no matter what the problem is. Well, she has that already. I'll notice. Verse 14. Oh my dog. Little boxes that spoil the vines where vines have tender groups. Second warning. The first warning he gave her was the Fords.
The Thistles.
Now, he says, you know, you're getting pretty competent here. You're getting pretty assured of of your position. There's little foxes, not so much that's so glaringly open in sin, but that comes on by stealth, unsuspecting. They can't ruin the Cubi, they can't ruin the true violin, but they can spoil the fruit.
Ones are. We'll eat this morning, brethren. What are the little foxes?
I believe it's the deceitfulness of riches or little practice to get us in all kind of ways, you know?
It's the cares of this world. We're told we're going to be charged with the cares of this world, but we're not to be overcharged.
And it's the littlest member, James says that cannot be changed. All the damage, the destruction to the fruit that little member does for Tom. I believe little foxes are many areas, but he warns you about those. Now notice verse 16 by the lovers mind, she says, and I am his. He feedeth among the lilies.
She knows where he delights to be lies those that are his own. She still doesn't know anything about garbage.
Doesn't know anything about assembly truth, but she's learned something. The only problem is here.
And she's occupied with herself.
You see in this verse, it's a lovely verse, but it's it doesn't take you up very high. My beloved is my she's occupied with herself. I am his she occupied with herself. She sees the emotion connection with herself. Real danger of that for the little fox is right there. Little fox is right there until the day break and the shadows flee away turn.
My beloved and feel like a roller to a young park that was about to Bethel.
Well, her last thought is lovely. It's just coming again. That's her desire. Chapter 3.
You know what? I have to title it Failure. Failure. Why?
Because of self and brethren, it brings on all the failure.
Occupation with yourself.
That we had in verse 16 is the reason for this failure. She didn't take the warning. She didn't take the he Oh, see it.
Little foxes.
By night on my bed. Now that should read in the night.
I believe J&D has it by the Knights in the night time. In the night on my bed. I thought him who my sole love is. I thought him, but I found him not on my bed. Speaks of taking your ease.
In the night speaks at the wrong place at the wrong time. You know, it's this thought. I believe it's Proverbs. Maybe we should turn to this proverb 6 But I think this is very important. Proverbs chapter 6.
And a verse There are two Proverbs. 6, verse nine. How long will thou sleep? Will sluggard, when wilt thou right out of thy sleep get a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep? And so shall my poverty come as one that travaileth, and thy one as an armed man.
Spiritual poverty by application. I will use it.
And that's what she did. She grew dull.
Thoughts are occupied with herself. She took her ease.
We find her in the second verse in the city on the broadways in the night time. Think of it because it started on her bed, taking her ease. I remember hearing of a brother who prayed in a prayer meeting in which very few were there.
That night one told me that he prayed for our brethren for our invents of sickness at this time, and also for our brethren who are our beds of leisure.
You know, that's a solid thought. You get a little sleep, a little slumber, little folding a hand. Spiritual poverty comes on now, she said. I haven't found him. I can't fight him. Why?
He's not there. That's why she knows where he was at the in the last chapter. She said he feeds among the lilies. She's not there. She's in the wrong place. Darkness now, confusion. That's what happens. You know, you give away. I tell those who are younger, don't take the first step away. It's already a long way back. Already a long way back.
She'll try come in and make the distance tremendous, although it's one step.
I will rise verse two and I'll go about the city in the streets and in the broadways, and I will seek him who my soul others. She lost the ceremony, but already I saw him, but I found him not because he's not there. The watchman they go about the city found to be to whom I said saw ye him whom my soul loveth. I'm not sure, but I believe the watchman in tight would feel it Speaking of her conscience, which to us the Holy Spirit.
It's active with, you know, and we get away. The Holy Spirit, thank God, isn't it active? He works in our conscience, and I use that. I'm not sure whether that's the meaning or not, but I believe so. But only the five group, only Him could satisfy her soul. She got a longing soul now.
She's looking for it now. No one else can satisfy when you get away, brother. And there is anyone else can satisfy. Nobody.
Be back where Christ is satisfied. Therefore it was but a little that I passed from them. But I found Him who my soul loved, and I held Him, and I would not let Him go until I had brought him into my mother's house in the Chamber of Early to see it to me. She had joy now.
But he found her.
You know she says that, but he found her. She restored my soul. S 23 For the Lord brings me back when wandering. That's what it means. He found her. How lovely that is. Of course, she said I found him because she was so dope, delighted and so full of joy. And perhaps that could be a thought.
But it's the Lord, brethren, that goes after us. The two on the way to Emmaus didn't find Jesus.
He went after them.
And they came back and I don't remember exactly the words, but I think they said we found him.
I've had to look at it, but at any rate it's the same thought. They were so thrilled to go back. Verse five I charge you old daughters of Jerusalem by the roses, by the Hinds of the field. His turn out up or awake, my love, till he please. She's back where she was. You know you have to come all the way back.
To where you were in order to get the servant again and to have that heart's affection where it should be. And so now the thought is getting James, if the Lord will till he please his pleasure is now what she desires. Isn't it lovely his pleasure Now verse six down through verse 10. Strictly speaking, and I believe in particular, Christ Israel.
It's hard to fly that part, but to us.
Really speaks of the prophet prophetic view of the bridegroom with the pride coming out of the wilderness and it's Israel. But I like to make a couple comments here on this one though. Notice the 1St 9. King Solomon made himself a chariot of wood of Lebanon.
It's all his work, whether it's the earthly pride or the heavenly pride, it's all of him. That's the thought you get here. And of course, the will of Lebanon is Seeker. He made the pillars there of silver, the bottom there of gold, the covering of it purple. The mixture of faith with love. How you've got it.
And it doesn't matter whether it's earthly prior to the heavenly pride, it's all of him, Cedar.
Speaks of incorruptibility, and the pillars speak of strength. Look at that. Father's lying.
And silver speaks of purity, redemption of course, 2 gold of divine righteousness of God, purple royalty. And notice the base of everything. Love that beautiful.
All founded on love, the foundation of everything that the Lord does as well. So we have that in Colossians. I think it's sort of beautiful. 314 And above all, put on divine love, the bond of perfectness among us in assembly. That's beautiful.
Forgive one another, even as Christ has forgiven you. That's lovely. But above all, put on divine love. That's what we have here.
Chapter 4.
I call it restoration or restore because she's restored now you brought her back. This song speaks of redeeming love and restoring love. It's divine love. It all speaks of Christ.
Now here he speaks this way the whole Thou art fair, my love, behold thou art fair. Thou hast thumbs eyes within thy lot. My hair is as a flock of goats that appear from Mount Gilead I want to mention.
Whenever the pride group speaks of the bride, he describes her by 7 distinct features. 7 distinct features. Well, you have here, you have eyes, you have hair, teeth, lips, temples, neck and breaths. 7 distinct features because seven.
Scripturally, the number of heavenly perfection and completion and he describes her always in all the perfection of his work for her and what she is because of his love to her and what he's done. And so he gives those thoughts. I know this well. We don't want to go into all these because I'm going to try to get through when he speaks of her neck in verse four, the tower of David building for an Armory and so on.
The next piece of dignity. But it also speaks of power.
That's always describing what she is to him and the two breasts in verse five. It speaks of affection. And so he describes these things so beautifully. But notice.
7 Thou art all fair. This is the third time he says it in this proportion now at all fair, my love, there is no spot in thee.
Not one mention of her having gotten away. Not one thought of her having faith.
That's love. That's divine love. You brought her back. I'm just precious brethren. You know she didn't get hurt much here, but next time she gets away, she gets hurt.
You know, that could happen. We're not sensitive to these things.
What happened here? Her mind wandered. She got careless. She got occupied with herself.
And to me it happened so quickly. We don't we don't realize it even at the most precious moment when we're remembering the Lord on Lords take. It can happen so quickly. We have to be a guide on that. I love that second here in the old black input written by John Nelson Barbie, don't you No inputs changing pleasure like by wandering mind. I love that here, not that it gives me comfort.
But let me see that even one so gifted in the chosen vessel like that same thing happened. You know what it tells me?
Pleasure slash, brother. It was never changed. It was never improved. It can't be. That's what happens to her. Flesh is flesh. The flesh of a prophet is no different than the flesh of a Sinner. The flesh of a priest, the flesh of of a stage is no different than the flesh of the Sinner.
When did Tarsus and God said go to Nintendo? He's a prophet.
I call the prophet they'll just because he's unwilling, but grace, he's called the prophet the new he was a prophet.
What about about Peter Apostle?
He denied the Lord with cursings.
Fresh, no different. This is what she's got Learning, brother. This is what we have to learn.
I know that in me that is my flesh is no good thing.
And so he says, no spot indeed. It's a beautiful thought, isn't it?
She's still there, although, she wondered, she's still there and all the perfection of himself. The pride that doesn't brother. It humbles us, doesn't it? It ought to.
Some high thoughts here. Birthday, come with me, he says to her. Come with me. This is the bridegroom speaking from Lebanon. My spouse, come with me from Lebanon. Look from the top of the mana, Look from the top of Sheena and Herman, from the lion's den and from the mountains of the leopards.
With him is safe. That's it. You go with Jesus for safety.
You know, Satan sometimes comes on as a liar, you see.
He goes about the city as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, if sometimes open bold sin faces you.
But he comes on to with the stealth of a leopard. That's what we have at the mouth of the lepers. Peter says the Wiles of the devil, the Wiles of the devil, he comes that way too. But you're safe if you go with him. He says, come with me, you'll be saved. But now notice these three places. That's where she can be with him and look.
Those three places you know every word, every name, every number, and the word of God has meaning.
God cannot even have an idle thought.
As I have thought, says the Lord, so shall it be.
We can't understand that with these lights, but it's true. And so if you know meanings of numbers, you know meanings of names, you get a more a fuller understanding and appreciation. You don't have to know them all to grow and enjoy the word of God, but this is exhaustless and you just have a little fuller thought. Havana means constant.
And that's the first thought he has toward her. That's what he wants. The first desire is a settled soul.
Fully trusting in him and being constant in that.
Isn't that what Boaz found that delighted him with Ruth? He says thou has shown me more kindness in the latter ends. And at the beginning, what did she do to show him more kindness? She said I am thy.
Redeem me. She put all her trust in him, nothing else, not wavering that that appealed to him. The second word is Sheena. It means landfarer. The second thought he has for her is I want you to be a light reflecting my glory, reflecting me and my love and brother. That's what we ought to be in this scene. Cheater.
The light, Light. The moon. We have none of our own. The moon has no light. And the moon's placed up there by God for witness. It tells us in the South. A witness of what? That the sun is still shining with all his beauty and glory, even though you don't see the sun. That's the pride, a landfare.
We're a witness here that Christ in all his glory, and that's what he wants in Herman.
Means devotion.
A good of wisdom. Devotion. He's telling her deep things. Mouth. He's letting her know what most appeals to him from her, what he expects and loves from her. Devotion. A servant's heart.
Her desire was to please him and he loved it. She says, till he please if he will. DV ought to be our whole thought, Lord willing. Now verse 11. Notice how beautiful this is. Well, let's go to 12.
A garden. Enclosed is my sister, my spouse. A spring. Shut up. A fountain seal. You know she has grown.
You can't help but grow as you go on with him, even though you fail.
She's grown now, she can hear and know about the garden first time. And he tells her what the garden is, the place where his lilies are gathered, where he could be together with them in the midst. You know, it speaks of Bethany's in the Old Testament and it speaks of assembly today in tight. And he says he closed, shut up, sealed. What does that speak out?
Exclusive nothing separation.
That's what he wants.
His love is a jealous love.
God's love is a jealous life. Why? He paid too great a price, brethren, for us to share us, that's why. And that's what He wants for her. Everything set apart, sanctified, separated for Himself. That's what we have at that birth. My plants, verse 13, are an orchard of pomegranates with pleasant fruits.
Campfire or peanut flowers with spikner, spikenard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon.
Of frankincense, Burnello's with all the chief spices. You know what that all speaks of?
Separation means to him it's everything. It's all the sweet spices.
When we're a separated people, when we're gathered to him, which is what we're speaking like, Lord say brethren.
We have no idea what.
The thoughts of sisters, beloved. The Spirit of God just sets it up. He's mentioning the variety he gets from his lilies when they're in the garden. And now notice verse 15. She's going to learn a lot more. A fountain of gardens. Not one garden. A fountain of garden, A continuous flow for himself. Isn't that beautiful?
There's assemblies all over the world.
A continuous flow for himself.
Living waters and streams of Lebanon. It just there's no end. But he's the husband one.
He's the one that's taken care of it. He was proved.
16th verse tells us, Await, O North wind, and come thou S blow what my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out, and let my beloved come into His garden and eat his pleasant fruits. The last verse is heard responding. The first verse is Him, and you know He carefully adjusts the winds.
He carefully adjusts.
The breezes so that it'll come as needed.
And whether it's sometimes in our assembly, we need the North Korean.
We need the north wind. The north wind puts us on our knees together before him. We need it. But he knows just the proportion and he sends us out. Freezes too. What is the result?
Testimony and food for himself. Now she says, let my beloved come into his garden, eat his pleasant fruits. Is that a beautiful thought she has his fruits, his garden.
Let him come. She's gross. She's gross. It's a good place to take a break. We'll go on chapter 5. We'll get 5 completed because I dare say it's sad she she fails again. Let's just take about 10 minutes, could we?
He responds to her invitation. She said, Let my beloved come into his garden and eat.
Notice what he says in verse one of chapter 5. I am come. I have gathered. I have eaten. I have drunk. He slides done. I am coming to my garden, my sister, my spouse. I've gathered my nerve with my spice. I've eaten my honeycomb with my honey. I've dumped my wine.
My milk. Eat old friends. Drink. Yay. Drink abundantly, old beloved. He loves to do that. He doesn't fight any of us. He takes the thoughts of the children. Even that lovely milk.
Takes the wine, the ones of us that are so happy at times, but he takes the myrrh too. When we're sorrowful, He loves to take it off. Now in verse two, though I sleep, this is the bride. I sleep. Isn't that sad?
Happening again, still proper 6/6 or 10. Little sleep, little somber, little pulling their hands. Spiritual poverty comes on. One is women and tribal. There it is. I sleep but my heart waking. It's the voice of my beloved and Baka saying open to me, my sister, my love, my dog, my undefiled. I want to tell you something.
Word on the file in the Song of Solomon is reserved for time of failure.
That's Mark was great, isn't it?
Marvelous Christ, he said. Well, I'm the Father, for my head is filled with dew, and my lock with drop to the night.
Do in Scripture speaks of blessing, heavenly blessing. Do only false in the still of the night when there's quietness and peace. Our assemblies, you know, the blessings from heaven had come down when we're going on together.
In unity, in love, that's when it comes a blessing. Well, his head is filled with blessing, his thoughts toward her are blessing, and she isn't where he can shower the blessing order. And he says by locks when the drops of night, let's do the drops of night that's due.
For this what she says, these are thoughts he gave her. I believe the Spirit of God does this for us, brethren.
When we grow them, there's nothing that brings us back but thoughts of ill, nothing but thoughts of him, of the word she said. I put off my coat. How shall I put it on? I washed my feet. How should I defile them? These are the little foxes that spoil the vine so fast, The fruit.
There is not a good excuse Satan can give you. There isn't any.
Too much trouble to put her coat on.
Well, that's not a good excuse. Too much trouble to slip her sandals on.
Little factions, that's what we have here. Little fox. Excuses when you get away. Satan gives excuse this fast.
The rest of them, you know, in Luke 14, as the gospel goes out, they all one accord made excuse, but there wasn't a good excuse there either, was there? Now what? Now there's four speaks of the pastor's heart. That's the Lord, the shepherd. It's demonstrated here. The Spirit of God does that for us.
When we get away, the Spirit of God begins to work with us.
And so notice my beloved put his hand by the whole of the door. My bowels were moved for him. You see, there's a response when the Lord went with the two on the way to Obeyus, He walked with them seven plus miles on that dusty Rd.
And then, when he showed them his hands by breaking the bread, they knew who it was. He revealed himself to them. The hearts burned. What's the next thought? Even he's not at their sight.
Because what he was doing was bringing them back, and when their hearts burned, their feet turned to that very night. They went back to where they got off. That's what's happening here. It's just a glimpse. I rose up to open to my beloved and my hands dropped with myrrh and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh upon the handles of the lock. You know, myrrh is bitter, but here we have sweet smelling myrrh.
Both. You know it. It's really an interesting thing. She has mixed emotions.
She knows her failure, she knows what she's done. She knows how she caused him sorrow. But.
He is wounding her back. That brings in sweet smelling her, the bitter and the sweet mixed. You know we love to sing. That, I believe, is what happened when we remember the Lord. It does to me and it does to you. 2:45 We have this thought with joy and sorrow. Mainly we would remember Thee. We see that cup of wrath that he had to take, and there's nothing but myrrh.
Bitterness is soul.
When we're reminded it's our sins that caused him to go through that terrible judgment for us. But then our portion, the cup we have is filled with joy, love, something but love. And so it's it's bitter and sweet. It's joy and style mingle. Here it is because she realizes her part and realizes his love that never changed, never changed going out to her now.
Six, I opened to my beloved, but my beloved had withdrawn himself and was gone. You know, he vanished out of their sight. Luke 24 That's the reason. And he gave her a glimpse. It was working with her soul, of course, and her heart. She gave her a glimpse, but he wants her to come back.
My soul failed when he spake. I thought him, but I could not find him. I called him but he gave me no answer why he's not there. She's back in the city in the ninth of the Broad Rd. That's where she is.
Stop there.
He's not there, he's in her, working as he is with us.
But he's with his lilies in the gardens.
So it's confusion now. This time she exposes herself to harm and injury and loss of dignity. The first time there wasn't that much damage, rather than every time you go back into the world, every time you get away, there's lots. Don't think there isn't. There's loss.
There's damage.
Verse 7, The watchman that went about the city found of me. They smote me, they wounded me. The keepers of the wall took away my veil from me. And there it is. It's now the thorns and the little foxes have had their work with her. She was warned, We're warned.
Not only did she get hurt injured, but notice they took my veil from me.
Now she's just like the other women of the city in the world. She's lost her testimony. She's lost the light. She says one roving that is one that belongs to the garden. She lost her dignity as a believer, as part of the private Christ. There it is, the real damage. What a terrible thing to happen, brethren.
Warning for all of us, it happens. You can't go into the world and have that dignity that you have the blind to the king as being a child of God part of the pride. Now notice verse eight. I charge you women of the cities, daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved that you tell him that I'm sick of love. That deep longing has returned.
That's like the two on the way to obey us, their hearts burned.
They returned how the work is going on in her.
He restores my soul. I just love that in Psalm 23. It means he brings me back with wandering. She says I'm sick of love. Now notice what the women of the city ask her. What is thy beloved more than another beloved? Hold out fairest among women? What is thy beloved more than another beloved? That thou does no charge us. This is a beautiful thought here because first Peter chapter 315 says this.
Be ready.
Always to give an answer to everyone that asketh you, the reasons, the hope that's in you. Lord forbidden this so she could confess.
Isn't that wonderful? It's going to be the thing that brings her back. Confession of him is a wonderful thing. It starts the separation. It starts the exclusiveness. They don't want you that often is the result, at least for those of the city. So they said, what is I beloved? You know she was ready.
She was ready. Are you ready? When you're in the world and they ask you, are you really ready?
Ready to speak like she spoke here. Wish I was already ready to speak like she spoke here. It's beautiful. Let's listen to it. My beloved is white and Ruddy. The cheapest among 10,000 white. You know that speaks up Purity. That's his person who he is. Ruddy a piece of blood. That's his work. She just said there's nothing like him.
Chief is about 10,000. There's nothing like him, his person, what he's done.
Then she says that his head is as most fine gold. I want to mention. Remember when he described her when he spoke of his pride 7 features?
The number scripturally of heavenly perfection. But when she speaks of him, 10 features.
Because that's the number of individual responsibility to God. She meets it here, 10 features she describes. I just want to because of time. I said I do an hour and a half, so I must go a little faster. She starts out with his head fine goal. You know what that is divine righteousness. She ends up with his feet, 15 fine gold. You know what that is divine righteousness.
And she has in the middle 1St 14 his hands.
As gold. You know what that is? Divine righteousness.
From the head to the feet.
All righteous and everything he does, everything he does is righteous. Beautiful description, isn't it? We could go into every feature. We don't have time, but it's beautiful to see it. Now notice how she concludes verse 16. His mouth is most sweet. That speaks of his word. What comes out.
Is that the way it is with you and me? I hope it is.
I was telling a little girl here, this is my necessary food. I call that my lunch bucket. Most sweet. I love that. I can't get enough, you know, it says.
The lights I saw in fatness.
A fat soul is a happy, healthy soul as far as the Lord is concerned. You can't overeat, brethren on this precious book, Harry Hale used to say. I'd love to hear him say it almost every time he preached. You can have all of Christ you want, and your life tells others how much you wanted.
That's it. She loves it now. Both sweet. What comes out of his mouth, his word. Then she says, yeah, he is altogether lovely. You know what we say first Peter, Chapter 2.
Think it's five, maybe 7.
Under you, which believe he's prashant. I think that's even a higher thought, actually. JND says he is the graciousness. Everything about Jesus is righteous. Everything.
Altogether lovely.
This is my beloved. You know what that speaks of her affection for him.
Over two dozen times, my beloved. Her affection for him. That's what, that's what it is. This is my friend. That's his loving kindness to her. Is that lovely? His loving kindness. Oh, how sweet. Well, I can tell you His name is Jesus.
You know, it really speaks here. This is such a high. This is such a high thing for answer. It almost speaks to me like Second Chronicles. I forget the chapter, but I think it's.
Diner. Someplace in there, but the Queen of Sheba.
But she came to try.
Solomon without questions.
You know, when she saw his asset, a bunch of the throne, no spirit left in her, no spirit left in her. But this problem with this one is about the bride. So we are.
But she had to say the half hasn't been told.
Whether what's it going to be to be there and see him in all of his glory of beauty? Well, that's what she's bringing out now. Chapter 6. I call it restoration again, because this is really the story of love, but it's redeeming love and restoring love to buy.
The women of the city say to her, after she made this beautiful description, Whither is thy beloved gone, all thou fairest about women? Whither is thy beloved turned aside, that we may seek it with thee?
This is a rebuke to the pride.
That's what it is.
Hearing the description of him that she gave him.
It was an impossible thought to deliver the city that she never leave him.
And it said if we ever do.
They said he must have turned aside from thee. Now where did he go?
That's a review.
She says this, my beloved is down, is gone down into his garden. Oh, Alex, she has grown. She doesn't say about lilies. Now she knows where the lilies are. They're gathered together in a garden.
To the beds of spices to feed in the garden. She knows there's more than one now.
Wonderful when we realize how many assemblies are in this world.
All by grace. He's in the midst and he just beats.
Together lilies, you know, sometimes it takes 1 hole just for himself. That's really what that means. He got his one out of his garden and takes it up in the glory just for himself.
Exclusively for himself. It's beautiful, isn't it? Precious in the sight of the Lord, of the death of his Saints.
I like that. I think it's not 160 verse 15, but I like that download is what she says. This is a higher note than the first time. Verse three. I am my beloved. My beloved is fine. He feedeth among the lilies the very high note. Now she has reached the highest, but it's a high note.
Now he in verse four on describes some more her features, although again he's speaking at this end of the chapter primarily Israel, but again we have features like in chapter 4, but nothing is said in these verses of her having been away.
You have nothing like this in this arm of Solomon, because you know the father.
Sees us as accepted in His beloved. He only sees us in Christ. He never calls a Sinner a Sinner again. Brethren, once we're in Christ, that's the side of this love. That's the side we're looking at in the Song of Solomon. He speaks nothing of her. Been away. It's all grace. And so he says in verse 9 by dove, He loves to say that, but under fire.
Don't forget that's a term reserved for when there's been failure by under fire. The only one, the choice one. You know, I, I think of this, the Pearl of great price. When he found one Pearl a great price, he sold all that he had it. He bought it. Choice what? That's how he looks upon her. That's how he looks upon his.
Pride. That's how he looks upon us. The only prayer we have, the whole prayer of the Lord.
Is John 17? What's the subject, you and I?
He's thanking his father for that. Thou hast given me 7 times. You have that expression. It's the key.
Let's go to Chapter 7, first of Titan, how beautiful are thy feet? I call this chapter.
She'll grow.
The term perfect is used in scripture in different ways, but when it's Speaking of the believer if if you're if you're perfect, your folk grow as a believer and can take strong beat.
She's there.
There, beautiful. How beautiful are thy feetly shoes on, Princess daughter? You know what he's speaking about now? A godly walk.
That results from growing and being full grown in God's sake, Dudley Walk. But he tells her more than that. He he he brings her in relation with the king, you see, and and and he lets her know she's in the royal family.
She's getting high thoughts now.
And, brethren, we ought to have those high thoughts.
We're nothing.
But our fathers, the Cape, let's never forgive it. That kind of a thought. It gives a dignified walk, a walk of dignity without pride. That's becoming things, a lot of dignity in this world apart from it, but without any pride because we're not worthy of it. It's disgrace. Now notice he describes her again.
She's in his full favor again and you've got 7 features. We won't go into them again, but I want to mention.
Verse 5.
At the end, the king is held in the galleries. The king is held in the galleries.
This is what she means to him.
You know what one can hold the chain in the galleries. That one has a real attraction.
That's what he says about her. He's in law.
And her beauty is that lovely the bride turn this out. 45 It might be nice to see this Psalm 45. I believe the thought is the same. There sound forth toward a virtual evidence of Psalm 45.
So shall the king greatly desire by beauty, for he is thy Lord. Worship thou here, He greatly desires thy beauty. That's what we have here.
Time for us to understand it. But the Lord sees such beauty in US.
But it's what we are in him, the perfection of what he's done for us.
Beauty surprise. And so let's go on.
We'll get out to verse 10 because the descriptions of her are beautiful, but I don't want to take time. Now she's learned verse 10 is probably the highest note in the South. I am my beloved and his desire is towards me. That's the high note. She only sees herself in relation to him.
That's a high note. If you can only see yourself in respect to Christ, you've got a high note. And if the one thing that delights you and occupies you is that he has a desire toward you, that's a high note. She's reached it. It's beautiful. Now notice she says it's come by, beloved. Let us go forth into the field. Let us live in the villages. She's done with the cities.
She's done with the broad roads at night.
She's full growth.
Isn't it wonderful to reach it? It's wonderful to reach it. You're spoiled for the world. That's the thought. And brethren, go on with the Lord at the word of his grace. You'll be spoiled for this world. You know, you'll lose all attractions. It's the it's the fields now in the villages, you see. Let us get up early to the vineyards, place of joy. Let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender great appeared in the pomegranates but forth.
There will I give thee my love, No, my loves.
Notice everything now is us and we. She can't think of herself apart from you. She can't think of him apart from herself.
One that lovely one there will I give thee, my love. That's a beautiful thought. Everything's for him now. The Mandrakes give a smell at our gaze, and all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee.
My beloved. 24th time all my beloved.
You know what I read here? It loves new and old.
Even though she grew cold, and even though she did get away and though she was in the wrong place, she never committed spiritual adultery.
She didn't get her love to another. I think it's precious. Now that she's back, she says they're all for thee. I've laid them up.
And the old and the new.
I never turned to another. Never.
Beautiful thought brother, beautiful thought. He doesn't want to share us.
He doesn't want us to turn to any other.
And she didn't.
It's all his grace, and she didn't because he brought her back. You know, every time I want to mention seven, I told you, is the scriptural number of heavenly completion and perfection. So this ought to end, the Song of Solomon said. And it does. That's it.
The 7th chapters here, we've gone through it.
These chapter is merely a recapitulation of the whole. That's what it is. I'll just give you a few thoughts here. It stands by itself. These chapter stands by itself.
Verse three His left hand under my head, His right hand should embrace me. You know what this thought we had we twice before.
She she sees herself.
In the fullness of his love and his affection, and completely in his control.
Folklore. That's all folklore. I charge you all Daughters of Jerusalem, verse four, that you stir not up to wake, my love, until he flees. There it is.
Has changed again, if he will the as the Lord will. She has that thought again. Her desire is His pleasure.
Six, set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine heart. For love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave. The colds are of our coals of fire, which has the most vehement play. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.
She says love is strong as death.
This is the one thing that's new.
And in tight it speaks about that love, greater love hath no man than this, that he laid out his life for his friend.
Brother, we were at Elise when Christ died for us. That's divine life. That's divine love. Divine love goes out because of what it is, and it reaches out to the unlovely faith.
However, she is grasped now and it's so strong.
That many waters can't quench it. That's his death fur his death for her. He gave himself escalations. 220 at the end, The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
You ever grasp that love she's grasped, but she's not got it. Floods can't drown it. I forget what salvage is. You remember what salvage is. I should remember 42, seven and a deep call. It wasn't deep, but the noise of my water spot spout. All thy waves and my billows are gone over me. That's the cross. All thy waves, thy bills are gone over me.
Joke tells how far down he went.
Although you can't measure it, you can't. Well, this is that thought. Verse 1819, verse 8-9 and ten speak of Israel.
Particularly, I could say exclusively, I want to just get to the end because our time is up 13 and 14.
Thou that dwellers in the gardens. Oh how she has grown. She's not a babe like chapter one. She's not only knows he has gardens for the lilies where he gathers them.
But He dwells there where two or three are gathered together. By they there am I. In the midst. He dwells there. The Lord always wanted to dwell among His people. It's always been His desire. That's why the Tabernacle, That's why the temple.
Now there's a clean place to dwell.
It's where they're gathered to his name. Separated from this world, She learned that he dwells there. The companions hearkened thy voice. Now look at her desire.
Caused me to hear it. Was that a beautiful truth? Caused me to hear it.
Her final thought, Verse 14 Make case, my beloved, be thou like to a row, or to a young heart. Upon the mouths of spice. So ends the precious song of songs and the beautiful. She fervently longed for her beloved's return, for her and you. Oh what I hope we have, brother. What a blessed hope we have.
The lawyer occupied with him, a lawyer feeder detached from this world. You got a good walk, a pleasant walk, happy walk, a light. You know the last thought I had there with the word of God is Even so come Lord Jesus, who said that the bride.
Where you get the thought and the Spirit of God, verse 17 of 22, the Spirit and the bride say the thought is the spirit. Let's never forget it. We never have that thought of our own, but the words, the expression of it are the bride. Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come.