Sought and Saved

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 11
A young man who was brought to the knowledge of Christ as the Savior of his soul, and greatly enjoyed the peace and blessing which had become his portion through believing, soon after his conversion felt great concern for a person with whom he had been acquainted. He was well aware that this person had an objection even to enter a place where the gospel of the grace of God was proclaimed. Still, having a love for his soul, he called upon him, and told him of his own conversion, and of the blessedness of the salvation of which he was a partaker. His friend listened attentively, but smiled contemptuously at what was related. The young man, however, was not deterred by this, but continued to call upon him from time to time, urging him to accompany him to a certain place where the gospel was preached; and after repeated refusals and excuses, he at length consented. The young man had prayed to the Lord to bless the preaching of His Word to the poor sinner, and waited to see what He in His grace might do. On leaving the place after the preaching, he observed that his companion was reserved and serious in his manner, so he did not intrude too closely into his thoughts. But on calling upon him a few days afterward, he found him more communicative. He also expressed a desire to go to the preaching again, and the young man was, of course, willing to bear him company. The fact was, as he afterward acknowledged, he was converted on the first night, but was so searched by the Word of God, that he was all in a turmoil, and could not converse with his friend. Great was the joy of the young man to find that God had blessed the preaching of His Word to his soul.
O! may we, who know the salvation of God in our own souls, be at all times ready to be guides of any poor, sin-stricken souls to Himself. May our prayers and actions be in the spirit of the Apostle Paul, who said, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved” (Rom. 10:11Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. (Romans 10:1)).