Soul, This Night

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
ELLEN was a very lively little girl, and a favorite in our Sunday-school. She was full of fun; rather too much so, her teacher sometimes said. But he was one of those patient, persevering Sunday-school teachers, who had taken for his motto, “My class for Jesus." He toiled on, Sunday after Sunday, month after month, and many of his little scholars were brought to know that they were sinners, and to believe that Jesus was their great Saviour.
But Ellen was not converted. She was very regular, and said her text perfectly, but she was without Christ. She would often come and give us to understand that she was not going to pay any real attention to what was said. Often, at the close of the meeting, I heard her teacher pray that Ellen and others like her might have no rest until they had given their hearts to Jesus.
Well, Ellen had taken her library book home as usual, and intended having a good read, as she called it. While she was reading her book she came to a text of the word of God: “Thou fool, this night thy' soul shall be required of thee."
Ellen put the book away, and began to occupy herself with other things. But it was of no use; the words, "Soul, this night," kept ringing in her ears, until at last she went to her own room in secret. There the reality of heaven and hell filled her young heart. What could she do? How happy for her to have learned of Jesus and His love as she had done, in the Sunday-school. She went to the loving Saviour just as she was, and told Him all about herself.
Do you think He received her? Oh yes, He did; and there was rejoicing in heaven over this little repentant child, who had so many times turned a deaf ear to the words of love. Ellen was truly in earnest, she really believed in her heart, and all her sins were taken away, and she passed from death unto life.
Ellen and I have often spent happy hours together, talking over old times, when she was a little girl, and I remember her saying, " If any one had no rest until she came to Jesus it was I."
And now, dear little children, it is my earnest prayer to-day that you may not rest until you can say from your heart, “Jesus is my Saviour."
“Oh, come, for time is fleeting fast,
The day of grace is basting past,
And Jesus He will come at last,—Come away.