A realization of man’s responsibility will energize me to preach the gospel. If I understand clearly the awful end of a life without Christ and, on the other hand, know something of the love of God for those lost souls, it will give me an earnestness in bringing the gospel before them. I will have a heart that goes out to them, sheds tears over them, and pleads with them to accept Christ.
A realization of God’s sovereignty, on the other hand, will give me peace and rest in preaching the gospel, and will keep me from a frantic and fanatical attitude that assumes that souls will go to hell if I do not reach them all.
More than this, we must recognize that it is a sovereign work of God by His Spirit to save a soul, whether to initiate the work or to bring it to completion. We may be instruments in His hand, and it is a blessed privilege to be one, but we must remember that we are only instruments, not agents.
How beautiful, complete and balanced is the Word of God! W. J. Prost