Special Notice to Our Readers

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We beg to remind our readers that, should they have any old books, pamphlets, periodicals or tracts, lying past, they might make good use of them by sending them to “ Mr. W. R. Hartridge, 106, Grosvenor Road, Highbury New Park, Islington, London, N.”
We who live in highly favored England have very little idea of the delight, comfort and edification which might be imparted to the beloved people of God, in distant lands, by the very books and tracts which he unused in our drawers and on our bookshelves. May all the Lord’s people be stirred up to think of these things!
The dear friend above named is only too happy to serve as a channel of communication in this good work, and we trust that the reader will at once look out all his superfluous odd numbers of periodicals, and all such tracts and pamphlets as he may be able to dispense with, and forward them to our friend Mr. H.
December, 1874.