Special Notice to Our Readers!

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All business matters concerning this publication will be carried on as usual by the Bible Truth Depot, 1112 N. Taylor Ave, St. Louis 13, Mo., although the business has passed to new owners and is under new management. There is also a new editor and a statement of policy from him is herewith given.
It is with some measure of fear and trembling that the editorship of the “Young Christian” is undertaken, for we realize that it is only as guided by the Lord that the food in season can be supplied. In these days when error is on every hand, it is very important that the truth presented in these pages should be kept pure; correctness of truth, however, is not enough; truth to be seasonable, must be that which the Spirit of God would have to go forth at the particular moment.
We purpose to bring before our readers some articles and extracts taken from the ministry of men of God in the past; these will be presented largely in the form in which they were written, with any changes indicated. There will also be some present-day ministry, including articles that deal with current trends, subjects, heresies, and problems; all of which we trust will be handled in a way that is pleasing to the Lord, and strengthening to the saints.
For the benefit of young Christians, we expect to present some gospel truths, not so much as gospel stories for the unsaved, but that which will be used to establish those young in the faith. It is very desirable that they should not stop at the threshold of the knowledge of sins forgiven, but go on into a deeper knowledge and enjoyment of their blessings in and through Christ.
One change that is being made is the giving of the initials of the writers or speakers where these are known. This will enable our readers to keep informed on the general source of the ministry. We shall also keep a file of articles used so that anyone who is interested, may address a card to the “editor” and obtain information as to which particular book or article any article was taken from. The request for information should contain the title given to the article in the “Young Christian” and also the month and year of publication. In asking for information regarding “extracts” please give the first few words of the “extract.”
We desire that our God may be pleased to continue to use this publication for His own glory and for the blessing of His own. We would greatly value the prayers of the saints in these exercises.
May the truth presented through this periodical be used to call to our remembrance the precious things we have known, so that editor and readers alike may be encouraged to more whole-hearted devotedness to Christ, and thus be found holding fast and occupying until He comes.