Higher numbers may be often found to admit of very various division, but most will be found to carry a character attaching to the simple and obvious numerals of which they are compounded.
A few cases will be found of small surplus additions, as they seem, to a regular number. Thus, "all the kings thirty and one" whom Joshua smote (Josh. 12:2424The king of Tirzah, one: all the kings thirty and one. (Joshua 12:24)). Goliath's height was 6 cubits and a span (1 Sam. 17:44And there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. (1 Samuel 17:4)). John 21:1111Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. (John 21:11), the number of fishes caught was 153. It is not clear if any common thought run through such instances.
Acts 1:1515And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty,) (Acts 1:15) gives about 120 disciples gathered in the upper room. This, as 10x12, would suggest administration in responsibility before God. And of such number was the assembly composed when first set up on earth, to administer here in the name of the Lord.
A peculiar character will be found in the numerals used in times of failure, viz. that they are often just short of usual and regular amounts. Thus, the two 1100's (in Judg. 16:55And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver. (Judges 16:5) and 17:2) have been already referred to. In the time of Nehemiah, when the remnant make a covenant and seal it, it is sealed by 23 priests, one short of the regular number of their courses, 24. Then by 17 Levites. And further by 44 chiefs of the people, not 48, but 4x11. The total number who sealed, 23, 17 and 44, is thus 84, not Israel's characteristic 144, but 7x12, i.e., administration not in its proper fullness but with mystical perfection, real in itself, but for the time veiled in its outward show. When all the nation is restored, it will be seen in 144 as in Rev. 7, sealed for the purpose.
A similar character will be found in the number of souls on board the ship with Paul in Acts 27:3737And we were in all in the ship two hundred threescore and sixteen souls. (Acts 27:37), viz. 276 all told. The ship in its danger and wreckage may well illustrate certain truths as to the church of God, viewed as a vessel in man's hands beaten of contrary winds and waves, though God is above all. Thus, when the final disaster comes, everyone on board was saved, if only on a "plank." So every believer, despite all dangers, is secured of God and will be saved. But under such circumstances, the number used is 276, 12x23, not 12x24, 23 being one short of the number of the priestly courses, 24, but it is multiplied by the 12 of administration.
On the contrary, when God sets up anything, it will be found to be with regular and complete numbers. Thus, when Israel was taken out from the land of Egypt, to stand for the one God among the nations of the earth, it was composed of 60 families, 5x12, i.e., responsible before all the world, but in full administrative order.
When, however, at the close of the wilderness journey, the families are given in Num. 26, there are but 55 or 5x11. Their responsibility is the same as ever, but the failure is marked and witnessed by the imperfect number. Ex. 6, while giving the pedigree of Moses and Aaron, tells us of 5 additional families, O had in Simeon and 4 more in Levi, not found in Num. 26. Note that Ex. 6 is when they are brought out by God, before failure. In examining Num. 26, it will be observed that Pharez in Judah, Shuthelah in Ephraim and Bela in Benjamin cannot be reckoned because their children become families, superseding themselves in each case.
With the ages of the early men on the earth, with the chronological statements, and with dates in their many details, it is not now intended to deal. But there is Divine wisdom in every word put down; and it is one of the creature's highest privileges to bow and praise the Creator for giving him a book at all. And whatsoever is written that we do not understand, dates or ought else, it is for us to accept implicitly and in the obedience of faith.
So let this little study go forth, not as defining with precision, but as suggesting food for meditation, to subject hearts and consciences.
Our Lord make it a blessing.