Story of a Tract

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 5
The sun shone very bright one July morning, as a young girl tripped merrily along a country lane on her way to the town. She was full of eager expectation, for she had heard of a lady, going to reside in France, who was wanting a trustworthy nursery maid to go with her. It had long been Ellen's wish to go abroad, and see the countries she had read so much of; and this seemed a likely realization of her desires. Now she was on her way to see the lady, and to make arrangements to go with her.
At a sudden turn in the road, she saw an aged man.
“Good morning, my young friend," said he. "Stop, I have something good to give you," at the same time offering her a tract. She paused, took the tract, and thanking the old man, passed on.
She read a few words of the tract, then with an impatient gesture she thrust it into her pocket. She was in no mood just then to read about Christ or heaven, and her own soul's salvation was giving her no concern. On her arrival at the town, she called on the lady, and, in a little while, all was settled as to her going to France.
Very eager was Ellen to reach home that night, and to tell her friends all about it. Soon her whole mind was engaged making preparations for the journey.
All this time the little tract remained undisturbed in the pocket of her dress. It was only when she arrived at Cannes that the tract was discovered. She then put it in the bottom of her box, to read it sometime.
After being a few months in France, trouble came. She was laid upon a sick bed. Now she had time to think; her past life came vividly before her; she remembered how many times she had heard the gospel preached, and heeded it not. What if this sickness should end in death where would her soul be? This was the question that was present with her now by day and night.
Very lonely she was in that far-off land, and she longed for some kind friend to come and speak to her about Christ, and tell her what she must do to be saved. But, alas! those who were about her, knew not how to answer her question. They were as far from God, and as ignorant of His love, as she was herself.
The family were kind and attentive, but they did not understand Ellen's trouble. In her distress she remembered the little tract given to her by the old man. Quickly she dried her tears, got out of bed, and reached her box. She searched and found the little treasure. With what different feelings did she now open it. How anxiously she read over the pages to find the answer to the question that was filling her soul. Nor was she disappointed. The little book told of the love of Jesus, who left His Father's home of light, came down to this dark world, and died upon the cross for guilty, lost sinners.
This was just what Ellen's poor thirsty soul was longing to know; and she then and there, as a lost and guilty sinner, trusted Jesus as her Savior; rested her weary heart on Him and the sacrifice He made for her, and she was filled with "joy and peace in believing.”
Now she could praise Him who had done so much for her, and soon was telling those who were around her about the loving Savior, who loved her and gave Himself for her.
It pleased the Lord to restore her to health again. She could not rest till she went home to her friends to testify to the grace of God in saving her soul.
Reader, perhaps like Ellen, you are too busy with the hopes and prospects of the life that now is, to give much heed to the life beyond; too much pressed with pleasure or business to think of eternity. But life has its lonely hours, when people are compelled to face these momentous realities. It will be better to have your soul's salvation settled now. Jesus is willing today. Are you?