THE apostle Paul did not stay long at Ăń tĭ-ŏch, but soon started out for another journey among the churches already formed and into new fields. He went through Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, the country around Ań ti-ŏch, and then to the region near Täŕ sus, which had been his early home, everywhere preaching Christ. He crossed over the mountains and entered into the heart of Ā́ siȧ, Mī́ nor, coming to the land of Gā̇-lā́ -tiȧ. The people in this land were a warm-hearted race, eager to see and to hear new things. They listened to Pa̤ul with great joy, and believed at once in his teachings. Pa̤ul wrote afterward that they received him as an angel of God, as though he were Jesus Christ himself, and that they were ready to pluck out their own eyes and give them to him, so eager were they to have the gospel.
But soon after Pa̤ul went away some Jeẃ ĭsh teachers came, saying to these new believers, "You must all become Jews̝, and take upon you the whole Jeẃ ĭsh law, with all its rules about things to be eaten, and fasts, and feast-days, or you cannot be saved.”
And the people in Gā̇-lā́ tiȧ turned quickly away from Pa̤ul's words to follow these new teachers; for they were fond of change, and were not firm in their minds. There was danger that all Pa̤ul's work among them would be undone. But as soon as news came to Pa̤ul of their sudden turning from the truth of the gospel he wrote to them a letter, "The Epistle to the Gā̇-lā́ tians̝." In this letter he called them back to Christ, and showed them that they were free, and not slaves to the old law, and urged them to stand fast in the freedom which Christ had given them.
Pa̤ul went through Phry̆ġ́ ĭ-ȧ., and from that land came again to Ĕph́ e-sŭs, which he had visited before, as we read in the last Story. This time he stayed in Ĕph́ e-sŭs more than two years, preaching the gospel of Christ. At first he spoke in the synagogue of the Jews̝, telling the Jews̝ that Jesus was the Anointed Christ, the King of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and proving it from the prophets of the Old Testament. But when the Jews̝ would no longer listen to him, but spoke evil against the way of Christ, Pa̤ul left the synagogue, and spoke every day in a school-room which was opened to him. His work became so well known that almost all the people in Ĕph́ e-sŭs, and many in the lands around the city, heard the word of the Lord.
God gave to Pa̤ul at this time great powers of healing. They carried to the sick the cloths with which Pa̤ul had wiped the sweat from his face, and the aprons that he had worn while he was at work making tents, and the diseases left the sick, and evil spirits went out of men. These wonderful works drew great crowds to hear Pa̤ul, and led many more to believe in his words.
There were in that city some Jews̝ who wandered from place to place, pretending to drive evil spirits out of men. These men saw how great was the power of the name of Jesus as spoken by Pa̤ul, and they also began to speak in Jesus' name, saying to the evil spirits in men, "I command you to come out, in the name of Jesus, whom Pa̤ul preaches.”
And the evil spirit in one man answered two of these pretenders, "Jesus I know, and Pa̤ul I know; but who are you?”
And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped upon them, and threw them down, and tore off their clothing, and beat them, so that they ran out of the house naked and covered with wounds. Everybody in the city, both Jews̝ and Greeks, heard of this, and all knew that even the evil spirits feared the name of Jesus as spoken by Pa̤ul.
And many of those who had dealt with evil spirits came and confessed their deeds and turned to the Lord. And some who had books claiming to tell how to talk with spirits brought them, and burned them as bad books, although the books had cost a great sum of money. Thus the word of the Lord grew in
Ĕph́́ e-sŭs, a great number believed in Christ, and a large church arose.
Pa̤ul now began to feel that his work in Ĕph́ e-sŭs was nearly finished. He thought that he would go across the Æ-ġḗ an Sea, and visit the churches at Phĭ-lĭṕ pĭ and Thĕs-sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ and Bē̇-rḗ ȧ, in the land of Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ, and then the church at Cŏŕ inth in Greece, and then go once more to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā-lĕm.
"And after I have been there," said Pa̤ul, "then I must also see Rōme.”
So to prepare for his coming into Mac-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ, he sent Tiḿ o-thy̆, and another friend named Ē-răś tus, while he himself stayed in Ĕph́ e-sŭs for a time longer. But soon after this a great stir arose in that city over Paul and his preaching.
In the city of Ĕph́ e-sŭs was standing at that time an idol-temple, one of the greatest and richest in all the world. Around the temple stood a hundred and twenty great columns of white marble, each column the gift of a king. And in it was an image of the goddess Dī-ăń ȧ, which the people believed had fallen down from the sky. People came from many lands to worship the idol-image of Dī-ăń ȧ; and many took away with them little images like it, made of gold or silver. The making and selling of these little images gave work to many who wrought in gold and silver, and brought to them great riches.
One of these workers in silver, a man named Dē̇-mḗ trĭ-ŭs, called together his fellow-workmen, and said to them, "You know, my friends, that by this trade we earn our living and win riches. And you can all see and hear that this man Pa̤ul has persuaded and turned away many people, not only in this city, but also throughout all these lands, by telling all men that there are no gods which are made by hands. There is danger that our trade will come to an end, and danger, too, that the temple of the great goddess Dī-ăń ȧ may be made of no account. It may be even that the goddess whom all Asia and all the world worships shall fall down from her greatness." When the workmen heard this they became very angry, and they set up a great cry, shouting out, "Great is Dī-ăń ȧ of the Ē̇-phḗ s̝ians̝! Great is Dī-ăń ȧ, of the Ē̇-phḗ s̝ians̝!”
And soon the whole city was in an uproar; people were running through the streets and shouting, and a great multitude was drawn together, most of them not knowing what had caused the crowd and the noise. In the side of the hill near the city was a great open place hollowed out, having stone seats around it on three sides. It was used for public meetings, and was called "the theater." Into this place all the people rushed, until it was thronged; while Dē̇-mḗ- trĭ-ŭs and his fellow-workers led on the shouting, "Great is Dī-ăń ȧ, of the Ē̇-phḗ s̝ians̝!”
They seized two of Pa̤ul's friends who were with him in the city, Gā́ ius and Ar-ĭs-täŕ chus, and dragged them with them into the theater. Pa̤ul wished to go in, and try to speak to the people, but the disciples of Christ would not let him go; and some of the chief men of the land, who were Pa̤ul's friends, sent word to him, urging and beseeching him not to venture into the theater.
The noise, and the shouting, and the confusion were kept up for two hours. When the throng began to grow tired, and were ready to listen, the clerk of the city came forward, and quieted the people, and said, "Ye men of Ĕph́ e-sŭs, what is the need of all this riot? Is there anyone who does not know that this city guards the temple of the great goddess Dī-ań a, and of the image that fell down from the heavens? Since these things cannot be denied, you should be quiet, and do nothing rash or foolish. You have brought here these men, who are not robbers of temples, nor have they spoken evil against our goddess. If Dē̇-mḗ trĭ-ŭs and the men of his trade have a charge to bring against any men, the courts are open, and there are judges to hear their case. But if there is any other business, it must be done in a regular meeting of the people. For we are in danger for this day's riot, and may be brought to account for it, since there is no cause for it, and no reason that we can give for this gathering of a crowd.”
And after the city clerk had quieted the people with these words he sent them away. When the riot was over, and all was peaceful again, Pa̤ul met the Disciples of Christ and spoke to them once more. He had been in Ĕph́ e-sŭs for three years preaching; and while there he had written, besides the epistle or letter to the Gā̇-lā́ tians̝, that to the Rṓ mans̝, and two letters to the Cō̇-rĭnth́-ĭ-ans̝, the believers in Christ at Cŏŕ inth in Greece. He now sailed away from Ĕph́ e-sŭs, across the Æ-ġḗ an Sea to Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ, where he had preached the gospel before on his second journey.