Children—H. Walker
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General Meetings. Wheaton, July 1982. Children's Meeting. Hugh Walker.
Boys and girls, mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers.
This is a very special meeting for our children and special welcome them to all the boys and girls. If there are any boys and girls who would like to sit up a little closer, there are a few seats up front. But if you're more comfortable with mom and dad, I understand that because that's the way I was when I was your size too.
I'd like to ask you to sing with me.
Hymn #32 On your hymn sheet. It's not on the last page in the middle of your hymn sheet. Hymn #32 What can wash away my sins? Who knows the answer?
Thank you.
So that not one spot remains.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood.
God bless me, quiet as a snow.
No longer.
You cannot give up the blood of him in the house.
I was very nicely sung, boys and girls, very important truth in that little hymn, because often it says in that him nothing but the blood of Jesus. And that's absolutely true. There is nothing that can wash your sins away, nothing that can wash my sins away except the precious blood of the Lord Jesus that was shed for me and for you at Calvary's frost so very long ago. And yet it still can wash away all.
Our sins.
Let's just ask the Lord's blessing before we go on with our Sunday school. Our custom back home is to invite children to give out to Him. So on the back page of the Gospel choruses, it says children's hymns and choruses.
If you'd like to give out a hymn or a chorus from the Backpage, raise your hand and I'll ask you to come up with the microphone and tell us the number.
All right, here's a young lady.
Here's a little reward for coming to the bicycle.
Him #46.
Spelling at work in this little hymn. So I'm going to ask a boy to come to the microphone and read out the words that are spelled out in the hymn.
There's a boy behind me.
What's that first one say?
And the next one.
Thank you. I have an A postcard for you to take home and send to a friend.
I hope you'll bear with the thundering of the light of the phone because I like to have the children to have an opportunity to speak into one of these machines.
All right, who has the next?
There's a young man right there, he likes to come with the microphone and tell us what number, please.
45 for you to say.
Too little lies too long.
You have told me to ask you a question. You know what? I'm still working for him. Oh my goodness.
Who remembers in this hymn what we only have one of?
Room right here.
Here's a microphone they've set right for children's level. We won't have to move them anymore. You come right over to this one and tell us what We only have one up in this hymn.
One what, 45? We only have one heart, right?
45 That's what That's what we sang, didn't we?
This young lady wants to sing another him who reads Just. We'll sing it in a minute here. Here's your postcard.
Be ready to say 44. Who remembers from this game what we only have one of them? This gentleman right here.
And what is that hard for?
One little heart. What do you do with it, this boy?
I hope that all of you boys and girls will remember that God has given you two of some things, but He's only given you one heart and only one tongue. And then we read in God's precious word that if we believe.
In our heart, and we confess with our mouth. Jesus is Lord. Then we are saved. So the Lord has given us two hands, the Lord has given us two ears. I'm glad that we have two ears. And the Lord gives us two eyes, but it only gives US1 heart, and he only gives US1 tongue. Now this young lady asked that we might sing hymn #44.
Into aquarium.
Some toleration we can reasonably ever has gone into me.
Now again. Now again.
Foundation story making all right now.
You know, I can't say all the children of men.
Nobody ever has No Fear to be before.
I am sure.
Sorry all I can say of my children of men.
Ever has so easy for me.
I wonder if there's any boy or any girl in our Sunday school this morning who has never before heard salvation story told. Put your hand up high if you have never heard the way of salvation before, never in your life. Any hands.
You have never heard. How do you say you have? How many boys and girls have heard it? Just once. Just once. No more, just once. Hands up.
How many boys and girls have heard it? Just boys?
No more. Well, how many boys and girls can't remember how many times you've heard the way of salvation?
Wow. You know, boys and girls, God and his mercy has given you the opportunity in this land and in many lands to hear the gospel story many, many times. But is that all God expects us to do is to hear it? You know, there's got to be a response to it. If somebody knocks at my door, I have to either pretend I'm not home or open the door and see who's there.
Add every time you come to Sunday school and sing these gospel courses, every time you open God's Word or it's open for you and read to you, you are responsible to do something with it. You can ignore it, but as we heard in the gospel last night, that is very, very serious and very, very sad. Or you can answer God's voice, answer the Lord Jesus Christ and receive him as your Savior and have all your sins.
That is what the Lord Jesus came to do. Seek him to say that which was lost. That word saved a wonderful savers word. We're trying to save one more before we open God's word together. This young man over here.
Well, this is one that everybody here, I'm sure it's some more than once and more than twice 2 Jesus loves me.
I want everybody to point to me. Who's the me?
You all know that word, Not very big word. You know that it means me. Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me.
So much and hear us. And they are. We are here to come.
Jesus, so, so he loves me. Every week I'll tell.
Of his shining point of life and still watch me where I live.
Some Slaughty.
In this last verse in Forest, I'm going to ask you to just point to me.
When the word need comes, we do this at home sometimes for the whole hymn. There are a large number of people here this morning, but if we do it right, every time the word me is printed, there will be no sound. There will just be some fingers pointing at me.
And every time you see it in the last verse and in the course, would you do that? Just point, but don't sing to the word me, but sing the word before it and sing the word after. We'll just carry on the tune that way. The fifth verse in the course.
Jesus loves, He will stand those things like all the way till I cross him, sure.
Oh my God.
She lost 1.
Of my gloves fell to me, so that was free. While done, I heard a few knees as well as the fingers pointing. That's all right.
Boys and girls, I'm going to ask you to do some thinking while I read a few verses to your parents. You'll forgive me that I noticed there are a lot of parents here this morning, and the Word of God is for boys and girls and for their parents too. So while I read it two or three verses to your parents, listen if you can, but also think of something strange. I want one or two people to be able to tell me something strange that happened to them.
Or that they have heard about. The word strange is before me this morning and I would like to have one or two boys or girls come up to the microphone and tell us about some things strange that's happened to them or that they have heard or read about. It has to be something range STRANG strange or the parents. I'd like to read a verse in the book of Psalms.
Psalm 127 and.
And verse 3.
Low children are heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward.
As arrows are in the hands of a mighty man, so are the children of the youth.
And 1St chapter 128 and verse one.
Everyone that feareth the Lord, that walketh in his ways. Verse three. Thy wife shall be as a fruitful bind by the size of thine house. Thy children, like all its plants round the boat by table. One more verse in Psalm 144.
Verse 12.
That our sons may be as planned.
Not fit their view that our daughters may be as cornerstone, polished after the similitude of a palace. Dear parents, I'm so thankful that my parents have brought me to conferences, read the word of God in our living room, prayed with us as a family, took me to the assembly meetings.
Because it was in that environment that the Lord was able to feed my soul. By the Spirit of God, I was fed and strengthened and built up in the most holy faith. I would like to say at the time of a conference, I know it's hot. There are a lot of hot people at Wheaton fanning themselves. That's beautiful. And there are a lot of hot children here. And that's wonderful because the conferences provide us with.
A wonderful opportunity of fellowship.
And more importantly, being over the precious Word of God. Don't be discouraged with children. They are in heritage from the Lord. And I remember the boy who was at a conference, boys and girls. Not here, but it's another city where I became very much exercised about whether I really was saved or not. My mother and father were saved. I had been raised in a home where the Word of God was read.
And prayer was made, but it was at a conference, and it was during the singing of a gospel. Him just as I am, but without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou it becomes to thee, O Lamb of God, I come well within a gospel meeting at a conference, that the Spirit of God seems to speak so real and so forcefully to my soul. I don't remember what the gospel preachers spoke about.
But I remember speaking from my heart to the Lord in connection with the singing of that wonderful gospel hymns. I'm glad your parents have brought your children despite the needs and perhaps some of the discomfort and traveling and maybe this time of year in the heat that you're here with your children. I just think these verses are a real encouragement. I'll tell you, parents, a little incident that happened in our home assembly.
Some of us have teenagers or even married children now, but one day those older children decided they would like to have a special dinner in the meeting room for their parents. And they did. They put on a lovely meal for their parents and we were seated as guests and served royally.
And the verse of Scripture that was the theme of that evening time together. Fellowship was the 12Th verse of the 144th Psalm. That our sons may be as planned, grown up in their youth, and our daughters may be a cornerstone polished.
After the submittal cube of a palace, the young people, I believe, were expressing in their best ways their appreciation for the parents efforts and bringing them to the conferences and the meetings and the Sunday school and the prayer meeting and the reading meeting.
And you know, boys and girls, if the Lord leaves you here, you may someday be parents too. Because once I was a little boy at conferences. Now I'm a grandfather. And so the years passed by, and we see that boys and girls do grow up. We're so happy to have you this morning.
And I just thought that would be a little encouragement before we speak directly to the children, to you parents who I know sometimes go home very, very tired from conferences. But praise God, the effort is worth it. Now, has anybody thought of the strange story? Strange happening. There's a boy way back. They're gonna have to come all the way up here. Tell us your story.
His parents are looking a little apprehensive.
That's all right.
And then chop the wind. Go. And then she chopped the head off.
That is one of the strange stories I learned in a long time. A lady tied 2 Chickens, two and three. She shot the wings off and then she shot the heads off. My father used to do that the opposite order.
Wow that's strange story. Does anyone any girl have a strange story that they have?
This morning.
Where's that little boy? I didn't get his postcard.
Thank you for your story. Is there anyone else who has a Green story boy? If a girl doesn't have one, we'll have to go to the boy. Any girl on the street? All right, there's young ladies and we're going to go for girls first. Then we'll catch you back there.
Somebody might have to help me if I can't see a little girl far away. Just tell me this one, this big girl.
Last chance for a girl to illustrate nothing strange happens to girls.
Where's that boy? Back there? Way back. All right, you come up, please, and tell us your strange story.
Right over here, the microphone. Just your size.
Are real high and the cat is on its skin.
That is really something that's go up. Kidney, the high roof and everything. Do they? Thank you for your strange story. I hope that cat got down safely. Thank you. Good. All right. One more chance for a strange story. Just one more chance.
Any girl this time?
All right, here's a little girl I see somebody pointing. All right, dear, if you come up and tell us your strange story.
You are very brave to come up with this microphone.
Right over here.
Garbage can and then broke down in front of us and house.
Goes down.
A garbage truck rolled down right in front of their house.
Great story.
But thank you for sharing it with us.
Found that 144th sum now the boys and girls that vital in terms of Saint chapter that your parents are looking at with me and we've got some things about strange children's agreed about this morning the great.
2 verses the 144th Psalms Verse 7 Sand thine hand from above, rid me, and deliver me out of great waters from the hand of strange children.
And verse 11.
Written and delivered me from the hand of.
Strange children whose mouth speaking vanities and their right hand is the right hand.
All good boys and girls.
I discovered that in this chapter there are.
Two times these words.
Strange children. Now our friends and that little girl get her postcard. Our friends that came up and told us that their story holds about string happenings.
But the word of God that we have before us, right there for those of us who have, our Bible speaks of great children.
I wonder if there are any strange children in the room this morning. You don't look strange. You all look very clean. You all look very healthy.
Most of you look very happy, but the word of God says that.
Twice in this chapter there are such things as range children.
Well, I would like to use this or a little story or two from the Word of God first of all.
Back in the book of Genesis, there is a story about a strange child. Do you know why I think this strange child is strange? Well, it wasn't because he looked strange. It was because of what he did. I think it was very, very strange. His name was Kate.
What strange thing did this boy came to? You know their stories?
Still the brother.
That is a most strange thing for a boy to do. Kill his brother. Well, you know, boys and girls, this man, this man who loves a boy, his name is James. He had a heart exactly like mine.
I have one. I have one brother. I'm sad to say that there were times we didn't always agree.
And I have recollections of the past one time or another, saying I could kill you. My heart was exactly like Katie's heart. Strange. Strange killed his brother. Well, that's what Sin has done.
Result stand We have strange hearts and we do strange things.
Well, and they further on in the book of Genesis, there's the story of a man who was put in a deep pit.
By his brothers.
Now who knows who I'm Speaking of this time.
This young lady who takes dress.
Joseph is right. In fact, there was Joseph.
With his brothers, they took him, they took his coat off and they put him in a pit. Really, they wanted to do to him exactly what Kane did to his brother Abel. But he had one brother that wasn't quite as green, and they put it in a pit and sold him into the land of Egypt as a slave. You like your brother to be a slave, the land leader. Would you like your sister?
To be a slave in the land with Egypt.
Far off her home.
Not knowing the language, not used to the custom, well, these brothers did what we might say a strange thing to your brother.
Well, we could go on. There's a story in Samuel or Samuel about two sons, two young men. Their father's name was Eli. Who was Eli?
You've been up to CBS.
You got a postcard yet? Well, we'll get something. There's a girl down there who is Eli here.
He was free to get a poster. He had two very strange songs. It tells us if we were to look at a chapter in First Samuel which we won't look at, it tells us that they do not the Lord. Did they have any chance of knowing the Lord yet? They had a father who was.
Perhaps the greatest prophet at the time and the land of Israel, he knew the Lord.
Bought his sons knew not the Lord. They were strange boys. Well, we could go on talking about strangers in the the word of God.
And then we get our chapter here speaks twice of being delivered from strange, strange children. Well, you know, there was a crop at once and he didn't have a lot of hair on his head.
And something some children tried to make fun of him. What did they say? That this prophet didn't have a lot of hair on his head? You come up and tell us something.
Oh, they insulted this prophet. They said go up S long head, go up S long. And they were strange children, but something very strange happened to them.
Somebody who has been out.
Some various kingdoms killed us. Some bears came out and killed those boys and did this strange thing. They were strange children. Now we're just about running out of time. Here's what was on my heart. Boys and girls, we know from the Word of God that strange things happened in the Bible.
And sometimes it was children or young men.
There you are. Sometimes we find in the word of God the strange things happen, and sometimes it was children who did strange things. Strange things. Well, since here deliver me or with me, get rid of deliver me.
From the hand of strange children whose mouth speaks vanity. That means you talk about silly things. You just have no time to speak of the Lord whose mouths do not confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Deliver me from those kind of children.
And whose right hand is the right hand of falsehood? You know, the right hand is often strong hand, the right hand is off in the hand that we throw a ball with unless we are left-handed. And we can maybe switch to the left hand and speak at the left hand. But for those who are right-handed.
The right hand is the strong hand, but sometimes that right hand is used in strange ways. Well, Thomas David, deliver me from such children. Rid me from such children. Well, you know, boys and girls. I think there are many strange children. I hope not in this room, but in Wheaton, IL. I know there are many strange children in the city where I live. I know there are many streets.
Children in the United States of America because I think I believe with all my heart that every boy and girl who has heard the way of salvation and refused to come to the Lord Jesus Christ is unfair people various dreams child, why would anybody.
Who is being offered such a wonderful gift? The gift of God is eternal life.
Why would any boy, why would any girl, be so very, very strange as to refuse God's wonderful gift? You know, if God said you may be saved, you may have eternal life if you work very, very hard for it. There are many boys and girls in this room who would say, I want to start right now at work for eternal life.
Just two or three weeks ago, we were in the city Of Montreal.
And we saw a lady climbing up a flight of stairs, maybe 50 stairs, I don't know. I didn't count them semantic stairs.
And this lady didn't walk up. Do you know how she went up those stairs? The most strange way I've ever seen anybody walk here. She got down on her knees and on her knees one spare time. Up she went, every one of them. We watched her go right to the top. screen How very, very strange to watch this lady going up the stairs on me. Well, you know, she was doing it because she thought in her strange mind that God was going to forgive someone for sins if she walked upstairs on her knees. Well, gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And the Lord is looking down in this room this morning at Wheaton and he's seeing.
A lot of children, I wonder, I wonder, go up this morning and wisdom God looking down with his all powerful eyes sees any strange children in the room this morning. I don't, but I don't have the eyes of God. Maybe your parents don't see any strange about you. But if you have never come to that fresh Savior who shed his precious blood on Calvary's cross and passed him, that's not hard. You know, you asked for ice cream. You asked for a drink of water.
It's exactly the same comes from your heart and you ask the Lord Jesus to be your savior. Then you are no longer a strange child, but you're one like because it's written about in the first John will close with one verse there in first John chapter one. It says I pray unto you little children because he has known the father and it also says I write unto you.
Little children.
Because your sins are forgiven. How many of them All of them, 100% of them. John would write those and address them as the liberal killed negative know a lot of verses. They didn't know a lot of what we call doctrine, but they knew two things. Their sins were forgiven and they knew that God was their father. Just two things they accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and dear children.
They are screaming to children because in heaven there will be no strangers there. We will know even as also we are known. And so I would just leave this Father, if you, if you know in your heart this morning you are a strange child and God sight, you don't have to stay that way.
Jesus this morning invites you to come to Him. He died for you.
Loves you, he sang out with his Father. He wants you, He wants you. Come and no longer be a strange child of one of God's own dear children. Now at 1 short course word of prayer.
41 Thank you.
#41 please.
Now let's just pray our loving God.