Summary of Events of the Year

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 12
The events of this past year have been so numerous that their importance is apt to be overlooked. Perhaps never before have so many history shaping events taken place in one year, and all of them pointing in one direction: the coming of the Lord and the end of this age. It is well that we should take cognizance of these things and thus be reminded that the days of our earthly sojourn are rapidly nearing their end; and if the end is that near, "What manner of persons ought [we] to be in all holy conversation and godliness." Surely if the reality of our departure were laid hold of we would be less concerned with earthly matters and want to learn more of him with whom we are so soon to spend eternity.
During the year Great Britain left India, which was then divided into two separate nations. Prophetic teachers have long expressed the thought that the British would have to leave India; in fact, from prophecy it seems apparent that there is little room in the coming era of trouble for more than a Western confederation (the Roman Empire being the focal point of all Western civilization), the confederacy of Moslem nations north of Palestine (the King of the North-the enemy of the Jews), and Russia and her Satellites as described in Eze. 38 and 39. If Britain were to retain her control of India and at the same time become an integral part of a Roman Empire there would be a conflict of spheres and zones of influence.
Russia pushed forward during the year and made immense gains in Europe, but (temporarily at least) has been halted by united Western pressure on about the line of the old Roman Empire. It seems likely that she will be held at about that point, but that the breach between East and West will continue. The threat, however, that Russia poses has crystallized Western opposition; and under this threat the union of Western European nations (although still in swaddling clothes) has been formed. The idea of such an alliance has taken hold of men who are thus being prepared for the coming events.
Jerusalem passed from the hands of Britain to those of the United Nations-just another change in Gentile lords, which Gentile control must continue "until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." But perhaps the most astounding event of the year was the formation of the nation of Israel. Many of us have expected developments which would open the way for an apostate Israel to accept the Antichrist -the false prophet-but the suddenness with which the new nation came into being surprised many. There it stands today ready for the Antichrist. What an answer the Jew is to all infidel reasonings! After centuries of scatterings, persecutions, and forced mixing with other peoples, the seed of Jacob has emerged as separate and distinct as before the days of Nebuchadnezzar-over 2500 years ago.
The assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden, the United Nations mediator in Jerusalem, added extra emphasis to the truth that Jerusalem is still being trodden down of the Gentiles. He and his party were riding through that city as visible evidence of Gentile control. It also brought home to another nation-Sweden-that Jerusalem is "a burdensome stone."
Another unusual event that perhaps should not be overlooked was the formation of the World Council of Churches, at Amsterdam. It was said by some to be the greatest Protestant event since the Reformation. But at this point we should remind ourselves that "that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." That great ecumenical conference is but sad proof of the tendency of Christendom; all is heading toward the last stage of the professing church-"rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing." Combination, amalgamation, federation, or union is the aim of men today in almost every line, but in ecclesiastical matters it is always accomplished, through indifference to Christ. At the Amsterdam meeting, modernists-those who hold false doctrines, and deny the deity of Christ and His atoning death-joined hands with some who were perhaps true but misguided Christians. May we remember the words of our Lord to Laodicea, "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would that thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth." Rev. 3:15, 1615I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. (Revelation 3:15‑16). Any religious combination that sacrifices allegiance to the glory of Christ and the truth of God is evidence of indifference -lukewarmness-which is so hateful to Him who is Holy and True.
So then, whether we view the events of the year as showing the preparatory stages of the nations, or the trend in the professing church, all indicates one thing; namely, "the coming of the Lord draweth nigh."