Sunlight on the Resurrection Morn.

SHE, weeping, stood before His empty grave,
And through her tears she sought to find her Lord;
She stooped and looked within the sacred cave,
And sought Him Whom her stricken heart adored.
What trancing vision met her longing eyes?
Whose glory lit the dwelling of the slain?
Two visitants were there from Paradise
To guard the rock-tomb where the Lord had lain.
One at the head, the other at the feet,
And none beside; the tomb was empty now;
They hailed her with heaven’s blest compassion sweet
And questioning lips of love, “Why weepest thou?”
She answer gives, “Because my Lord has gone,
I know not where they laid Him when He died.”
Then turns away to where One stands alone,
One Whom she knows not yet — the Crucified.
“Why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou?” again
The question comes. Again the soul’s request
Gives answer, “Tell me where my Lord is laid,
For I would bear Him hence and give Him rest.”
One word alone in answer, but it gives
The hidden meaning to a thousand fears―
“Mary!” Behold her at His feet. He lives;
“Rabboni!” Heaven has shone upon her tears.
So shall it be to other hearts than thine
Who seek the Saviour in love’s glowing dawn;
For He will call thee with His lips divine,
And glory crown thy resurrection morn.
R. W.