Walking by Faith, and not by Sight.

“NOT by sight” can we guide our feet,
Safe through the perils we each day meet:
Easy and smooth as the path may seem,
Dangers lurk where we least should dream;
The snare is not spread in sight of the bird,
‘Mid Eden’s flowers was the Tempter heard,
And great is the need, when life looks fair,
That we closely cling to our Father’s care,
O keep us, Lord, when the world seems bright,
Walking by faith, and not by sight.
“Not by sight,” when, a few steps on,
All the brightness of life seems gone:
Our earthly sunshine is clouded o’er,
We see the joy of our hearts no more.
Shall we sit desolate? Nay, but rise
By faith to the good that beyond this lies:
God is preparing in cloud and gloom
Showers of blessing whence grace shall bloom,
So keep us Lord, through Thy Spirit’s might,
Walking by faith, and not by sight.
“Not by sight,” it is best to lean
On the Hand that is guiding us, though unseen;
Best in suspense to linger, till
God’s time is come to reveal His will.
Best in perplexities to wait
Till He shall the “crooked things make straight,”
Best for the honor of His great name,
Best for the blessing we then may claim.
So keep us Lord, through Thy Spirit’s might,
Walking by faith, and not by sight,
O foolish those who would walk by sight!
What will ye do in death’s dark night?
It is faith alone can triumph then,
Faith in the Saviour of sinful men.
Thousands have told with their last faint breath,
How He Whom they trusted was near in death:
He has brought them safe where they see at last
The meaning of all the mysterious past.
O keep us Lord, till we meet in light,
Walking by faith, and not by sight.
(Selected) G. M. T.