Swimming to Sunday School

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Nyangandi was a girl who lived near the Ogowe River in West Africa. One day she came in her boat with some fruit to sell to the missionary. The next day was Sunday and when she was ready to leave the missionary’s wife said to her, “Tomorrow is the Lord’s day. I hope you will come to Sunday school.”
“I will come,” said Nyangandi, “if I am alive.”
The next morning Nyangandi was at Sunday school. No one knew how she got there, but Afterward she told the missionary that during the night some one had stolen her boat. None of her friends would lend her one, so rather than not keep her word she swam across the river alone. The river was deep and wide, the current swift, and crocodiles were there too. But she had made it safely across, and who can say but that the Lord helped her. In these days of cars and Sunday school buses, very few of our rears have had to swim a river in order to be at Sunday school and learn about Jesus, the wonderful Saviour.