Tabernacle Overview and Keys

Duration: 59min
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Just as a little bit of an introduction.
To this meeting. Normally this would be an address and.
There's several of us that have had the Tabernacle on our thoughts and on our hearts.
For a little while.
I can remember as a child, probably around the age of 10, having a series of meetings in Tacoma where Norman Berry brought his model of the Tabernacle.
And gave a series of meetings that were really helpful at that point in time to me.
Fast forward.
Early 2000.
Two or three time frame I had the privilege of building a model of the Tabernacle with my Sunday school class.
And really enjoyed the subject at that point in time. So the character of this meeting is going to be slightly different. You've noticed that the there's a studio set up to the side and I will let Mark Rogers kind of explain the.
Where's and what fours and whys? But the character of this meeting is going to be kind of like an address, but it's going to be really three brothers.
Addressing the subject and that will continue for several nights through Saturday night.
I'll turn it over to Mark and we'll go from there. So Josh called me like in January.
And said he had on his heart to teach the Tabernacle. And I think it's splendid because what Steve has said.
Those of us that are in our late 40s or even 50s hardly remember anybody coming by now and having us have a series of meetings on the Tabernacle. And so the thought is my heart is for those two that are out there searching for these truths and so doing a good solid recording to be able to put out.
There has been on my heart because there's many seeking for this. And then of course, we were supposed to do it this spring, but then.
This event came up and it was basically a good opportunity to do something like this at camp.
With that, I'll turn over Josh.
So before we pray, I think I think it's safe to say if I can speak for all of us who will be in that booth that we're not experts. And so many of you out there probably have enjoyed things that we haven't enjoyed. And we would definitely welcome any feedback, your thoughts, corrections, whatever it might be.
Please, you know, share with us and share with others and if anybody has any questions, I mean.
By all means.
Like ask around and you know we're here to enjoy.
This wonderful picture that God has put into the Bible in the Old Testament to speak of the glories of Christ and our association with him by virtue of his work and our standing in him. And, and hopefully with the Lords help, we're going to bring some of that stuff out. And on another note, you know, we're not the exercise here is not to get deep into the weeds, you know, of number combinations and all of that.
I mean that's I'm certainly not qualified for that.
But what we would like to do is skim the cream off the top, if we can enjoy the Lord Jesus together and hopefully learn something. And so we would definitely appreciate your prayers in this. It's a very different undertaking. We understand. And so we do appreciate your, your, your patience and your understanding and, and hopefully we can all profit by it. So with that, we'll just commend our time to the Lord.
Our God and Father, we just come to thee now, and we just do thank thee that.
We can come together like this and to consider such a vast and wonderful subject that speaks of thy beloved son, our Savior. We we ask thee for thy help as we undertake this these these few meetings over the next few nights and pray that there might be profit for the children to the young people to those of us who are a bit older and we looked at the that they'll just continue to deepen in our hearts the appreciation that we have for.
Lord Jesus and His work that has redeemed us and we are so thankful, our Father for the gift of thy dear beloved Son, and Lord Jesus for giving Thy life as a ransom for many, laying down thy life upon the altar for our sake and for our sins. We thank the Lord Jesus for all thou has done. We look to Thee for Thy help and we commend thee hour to Thee and we ask it in thy worthy and precious name. Amen.
Welcome to the Tabernacle table talk around the table. And it's nice to have a couple brothers with me this evening on something that's been dearly near on our hearts. And so I look at that. I like to make reductions here. And so let me swing it on over to Josh.
All right, Josh, good to see you. Hello. Good to see you. Josh. Came in 18 hour travel. Did you? I did very good. And you had it on your heart to do a little thing on the Tabernacle here. Yeah, definitely. I think it's a subject that probably isn't taken up as much as it probably should be. And as we've discussed in the past, it seems to be something that.
Has been enjoyed by others in in in the past.
Those who've traveled amongst us and who.
Had a model available to to display and to show and to teach from. So hopefully, you know, we can do something like this in a little bit of a, a unique way through this medium. Hopefully there's some profit by it. So it's good to revisit these truths and restate them.
Beautiful, thank you. Yes, there will be some lovely truths to be, to be shared as we go along. And then to your left we have.
8 get you an audio there good to see it you know the guy that we who just talked I do we spend a lot of time together very good very good yeah so it's good to have you on the desk here and look forward to enjoying these things with you as well so all right so let's swing it on over to Tim here and.
All right, Tim, you there? Good to see you again. It's been a couple years.
And just for for those that are watching to the first two, Josh and Nate love working together and Tim and I like working together as well. So anyway, so let's start with you, Tim, and let's go over a little bit. Let me pop up on the screen here, The Tabernacle. OK, so let's go over the Tabernacle. We have the Tabernacle.
Sitting in front of us and a lot of people don't know what that is. And they're going to find out as we go along here what the what the Tabernacle is. But let's go over a little bit how they get to the to this place. OK, so let me just buzz some slides here. So take us back a little ways. This is a picture of, of Joseph, you know, reuniting with his father, right? Tell us, get us to where? What did, how did that work? How did this happen?
Timeline and such, yeah. You know, last night Mark debut and his address talked a little bit about God's timeline and he mentioned the fact that there were about 430 years between Abraham and the time that the children of Israel left Egypt in Exodus chapter 12, and that 430 years, you know, starts with Abraham leaving.
The land of Ur and going down into Canaan.
He has a son named Isaac.
Isaac has a son named Jacob. Jacob has twelve sons.
One of which is Joseph, who is taken into slavery and in Egypt there's a famine in the land. The rest of the brothers come to Egypt and they end up sojourning there for a period of time.
During that time, the children of Israel enjoyed a great deal of privilege for a while in that land. And then there was a king that knew not Joseph, there was a pharaoh that knew not Joseph, and the children of Israel were placed into ******* during that time. We don't, to my knowledge, necessarily know the exact duration of time, but we know that that was happening when Moses was born.
In Exodus chapter one and we know that.
Moses was 80 years old when he and Aaron went and approached Pharaoh to ask that Pharaoh would let the people go.
We know that there were a series of plagues that God brought into Egypt and that culminated with the Passover where the first born that were not sheltered by the blood were slain and fail. Let the people go, they left Egypt.
And entered into the wilderness.
They came to the Red Sea with, with Egypt pursuing them and the Lord provided for a miraculous escape for them through the Red Sea. And Egypt was destroyed and trying to pursue them through the Red Sea. Let's just let's stop right there. We got it on the screen here, we got Moses a picture of the children of Israel in the water and the water, a wall of water on both sides.
That was something else, wasn't it? When when they come rolling up on the Red Sea and they looked back and they could see Pharaoh's army coming right, or could hear him and they look forward and there's an ocean. And this was God's way of sending through on, as it says, dry land. Isn't that beautiful? And tell what happened, what happened to Pharaoh's army. So it's something that's been described as God's redemption of Israel by power as they passed through the Red.
And in the morning, Israel exited the Red Sea on the other side in Pharaoh's army, pursued the men, and Moses turned around and at God's command raised his rod, and the seas closed on Pharaoh's army, and they drowned in the sea. And as Israel was on the other side, they saw.
The armies of Israel, the bodies washing up on the shore of the sea, and they knew that they were delivered.
From from Egypt and so then as they journeyed into the wilderness, we know that God.
Called Moses up to Mount Sinai, and he delivered to him the Law, and he delivered to Moses the directions.
For the subject of the Tabernacle that we're going to take up, and I got a map on the on the screen there too, you can see the general path where.
That came on the left hand side, right. They came out of that part of Egypt was a beautiful, beautiful place. And they crossed the Red Sea and came on down into Mount Sinai, which is the bottom, apparently the bottom part, right. That's where God was going to give him the the law. And so while they're there, God gives Moses this direction and Moses comes down from the mount and.
And in obedience to God's command, they ask that the people of.
Of of Israel give a free will offering of the things that they had for the.
Construction of this this Tabernacle and over the course of about a year.
This work is completed and and the first day of the first month, I believe, of the second year.
They have the Tabernacles.
Bill and and the Wilderness.
Yeah. So you have that on the screen here. This is a general picture here of what the Tabernacle look like and so.
Josh, why don't you go over just a highlight of what we're seeing here on the screen in terms of just give us a brief high level overview of encampment, who's, who's near the, who's near the tent and just just a couple, just a high level viewpoint here real quick. We're not seeing that. We're not seeing that. Oh, my bad.
And that's good. And that's why we let's do this here. Second here.
There we go.
OK, so I'm sure everybody can see this and it probably is redundant for me to read it all out, but you could see that the children of Israel encamped around the Tabernacle, the court, and.
And the Lord had specific instructions about this, didn't He? And so you can see on on this slide the specific names, where they were positioned. There was a certain way in which they were to leave, get up and leave, and so on.
And I think this is this is a point that we will come to again and again in our study on the Tabernacle. And again, we're just doing an overview, but a salient point is, is that God is a God of order. And, and he gives very specific instructions as to how his people were to be gathered together, how are they, how they were to move about and all the way down to how this.
This ought to be constructed and put together and so on.
They're not to deviate from it at all. So, you know, this is a nice little visual, I think, to just give you an idea as to how things were maybe arranged. The Tabernacle wasn't just something way on the outside and the people were, you know, strewn about in a disorderly way. That wasn't the case at all. But it it's a beautiful thing to see just how the Lord took up residence in the midst of his people. And I think this this.
Picture really shows us that and that is the desire of God is to dwell amongst his own and we will touch in on that I'm sure as we go through this. But that's the one thing when I look at this, I see the Lord dwelling amongst his people and the same is true for us today as Christians, isn't it in the sense that the Lord Jesus being in the midst of those gathered unto his precious name and and.
And wanting to unite his people around himself.
And all of that. So it's beautiful. Yeah. And just to reiterate there, Josh, to that cloud coming up off the 10th, that must have been beautiful. There was a million people out there, right? Million people. And they can look out there in the middle of that encampment with this Tabernacle. And out of the Tabernacle was this Shekinah Glory was inside, but was it a smoker? What was a cloud cloud going up? Yeah. And we're not going to take it up in the future sessions, but that cloud encompass.
The entire encampment during the day it was a shadow from the heat, and at the night it was warmth for them. God provisioned a pillar of fire by night. Beautiful, beautiful. All righty. So with that, Josh, what?
But where were you going to go from here? Well, I think we're going to read a few scriptures here and I'm going to kick it over to Nate to do so just to read the 1St 9 verses of Exodus 25. And then once Nate has completed that, I think what we'll, we'll, what we'll do is, is just introduce this subject.
And I think we've we've called them Tabernacle keys to help us unlock the.
The interpretation of some of these materials and numbers and and metals and so on. South Nate, I'll kick it over to you. We'll read Exodus 25 verses 1 to 9, and then we'll go from there.
Exodus 25 and verse one and.
The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart. You shall take my offering, and this is the offering which you shall take of them. Gold and silver, and brass, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goat's hair, and ram skin dyed red, and badger skins, and shittim wood.
Oil for the light, spices for anointing oil.
And for sweet incense, Onyx stones, and stones to be said in the ephod and in the breastplate, And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them, according to all that I show thee, after the pattern of the Tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, Even so shall you make it.
All right, so I think as Mark's probably going to bring up some slides here for everyone to see, but.
What I find really sweet is that the Lord allows his people to participate in this work.
And it says that of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart shall take my offering. Think of what?
Was a David who said of thine own have we given thee, you know, I mean everything that comes through our hands, everything that we possess and own.
All that the Lord has afforded us by by virtue of of his goodness and touches in on our material goods comes from Him. And when we hold these things with an open hand, it's easier to give it back to Him for His service. And here we have these people.
You know, and it's interesting, it's not as though he's commanding them to bring it, but it's, it's of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart. I think there's a lesson for us as Christians in that.
Just that alone, you know the service of God should emanate from our hearts. It needs to start there, doesn't it needs to be an active of devotion. The Lord values that.
And wasn't there a time, Josh, was it in the wilderness or was it in one of the kingdoms where the abundance came in so great? I think those later on in the Kingdom, but the abundance of the giving was so great that they had to stop the, you know, tell the people to stop. But to your point, in the wilderness, they were giving to make all of this work, right? And if I could add to that too, it was prescribed what to bring.
They weren't giving of their own choice of what they brought. It was given to them of God what to bring. It was his choice, not theirs. Beautiful.
And, and just to make sure where they got it from, they got a lot of it from Egypt, right? They plundered Egypt as they left Egypt. Yeah, it actually says that.
That they were to borrow from the Egyptians in the King James Version, if my memory serves me right. But it's actually, I think it says something to the fact that they actually asked of them. They didn't ask to borrow it. They basically were asking to have it and the Egyptians were willing to give it up. Obviously they they were quite shaken up by all the happenings in in the land at the time and.
And the Lord moved the Egyptians to give Israel of these material goods.
Very good. And did you want to jump into the let's go to the slides here, All right, And give me a second here while we post up.
All right, so we have, we have these are let's let's just make sure Tabernacle keys. And I've, I've labeled this on the slide because if you're taking notes, if you're studying the Tabernacle, there's going to be some keys that are going to unlock the rest of the study. So take down these notes because of of the the fact is, is every, every single every single thing that comes along generally is going to have keys that you've got to get a hold of in order to continue to study and so.
These are keys that that are very prominent. We're not going to spend a lot of time on them, but as the sessions go on, we would like to refer back to them maybe in a little depth and where they are. So, so let's so there's the Tabernacle keys, the colors and the linen. Why don't you run these, run these down here? Sure. And and I think when we, you know, before we get into all of this, I mean there's going to be.
Things that we're going to bring forward here that we need to be careful about, being too dogmatic about.
And I mean, there's, these are pretty straightforward, these what we dub is keys and these will, will, will assist us in understanding the typical teaching of the Tabernacle itself. And they will be recurring themes throughout. And what I think we will notice is there's going to be is a lot of repetition.
But for good reason, the Spirit of God has He writes with method and and not haphazardly.
And so these things will continue to come up. So I think as an introductory meeting to the subject that we have before us, it's imperative that.
We start with some basic interpretation as to the colors and linens as we have here.
So blue, obviously, is heavenly grace. This will come up.
Time and time again.
I look up to the sky and what color is the sky wall is blue, right? So that, that's an easy one. It, it's the heavenly color. It's heavenly grace.
Purple, What we have here is Christ royalty in relation to the Gentiles or what you know. We could also see him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and I understand that it was.
Normal for emperors who were was a king of kings to this was the imperial color that they would that they would wear and and so purple is is denotes that Christ is the king of kings and his relation to the Gentiles. Scarlett here is the royalty of Christ in relation to Israel as the king of Israel right and so he is looked at here as the.
Son of David now again, sometimes others who have written on the subject see.
Something of the blood of Christ in the scarlet. And that's, that's perfectly fine too. I think you can find.
Application for that, but I think you know primarily we probably see it more in connection with his royalty as the King of Israel.
Then the fine linen, of course, is the spotless purity and practical righteousness that we have in the person of Christ, His impeccable humanity, the spotlessness of his person. That's what we see there. And of course that then is transferred to his people, that same righteousness. We are clothed with that and we will bring that into the study as we as we go through.
Beautiful. Here's the Tabernacle. Keys of the metals. There's three metals in the Tabernacle. Yeah, 3 gold, silver, brass now.
On the gold, you'll, you'll find that there's usually gold spoken of two different ways we have it here, pure gold and then gold. And I think when you interpret the the types, what we have in the pure gold is really the divinity of Christ, his deity, and is exclusive to him and him alone, being that he is God.
But when gold is spoken of, it's more divine righteousness. And again, that being something that we partake in because of, of, of what Christ has done and, and we'll notice that, but his righteousness, he is our righteousness as the Bible tells us, silver, the, the, the word or the metal. Silver is redemption or I've enjoyed, as another has said, the blessings of.
And then you have brass and this is divine righteousness, but it's divine righteousness in judgment. And basically it it takes up man in his responsible position. And so we have divine righteousness and judgment. I also have a couple of the bullet points here. You can also see divine power in it or the price of atonement. So in the silver you get the blessings of atonement.
And the brass you get the price of atonement. Now what's interesting is that in our.
King James Version, if that's the version you're using, is that it's, it's translated as copper, but it actually should be brass. And I'm I'm no metal Smith or anything like that, but I think if I got it right, is copper not an alloy of brass or something like that. Anyways, the point is, is that copper has.
A is weaker, it's not as strong, it doesn't with withstand the heat like pure brass does and and so brass is actually the right.
Translation of what that metal is. Can you go back to silver just a second? Because in silver scripture.
When you're redeeming something was with silver, correct, 20 pieces of silver or something like that, Is that, is that correct? Is that what you see in the scriptures? That's that's a, that's a redemption. A redemption. There is, there is atonement money. There was redemption money, yeah. And it was, I believe it was silver, wasn't it?
All right, next key, I'll just pop this up here in a second here. Here we go.
So numbers you notice we don't have all the numbers listed out, but I think these are kind of primary numbers that we will encounter. I think when we had started in on this, we, we indicated that, you know, our desire here is not to get into the multiples of the different number combinations and all of that. I'm sure we will touch in on it here and there as we see it has relevance. But you know, we don't want to get too deep in the weeds on that.
There is meaning behind numbers in Scripture and and so and and they are abundant in in the Tabernacle. So three, and we're probably well aware of this, but it's good to go over this ground. Three is abundant testimony. 4 is the universal number.
Five is human weakness and human responsibility.
Seven is spiritual completeness, others say it's the number of perfection. 10 is human responsibility toward God, and 12 is administrative completeness. So 5 and 10 you, you, you. You see human responsibility in both of them, but one is more geared towards men as we have in the five, and 10 is more geared towards God.
So that's just a quick overview of these keys. The other thing I don't think we have on the slide that we will encounter more often than not is the measurement and qubits are used and I think that generally.
Accepted measurement for a cubit is about 18 inches. I've heard that. I think an Egyptian cubit, if I remember right, is something like 21 inches, and there might be another.
Measurement for cubits. But I think generally, if you look at the writings of those who have taught this truth in the past, I think generally 18 inches is the general understanding as to how big a Cuban, right? So it's as I understood from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. That's a good, a good measurement. Measurement of a cubit. And and one of the quick things here too about the number three. Let's just this is an easy one. I love it.
Three is abundant in the Tabernacles.
Right. Yeah. So we're going to go over three distinct sections of the whole Tabernacle session, right? You just talked about 3 metals. What are the threes that we have?
Well, you tell me I enjoyed it. I had my notes somewhere else that I was so enjoyed it on the notes. But anyway, I just there's a there's a lot of threes related. I was just enjoying that. So yeah, I think you have the the court and then you have the the holies and the holiest of all.
That what you were thinking of Yeah. And then also inside the ark, when we get to the ark, there's three things inside the ark as well, right. Yeah. So anyway, these are beautiful things to to take out. All righty. Oh, so 7th, 7th, 7th pieces of furniture. We were talking about that earlier today. Sure. So perfection, completeness.
I think.
You know, with the study of the Tabernacle again, we had talked about it a little bit earlier, but I don't think we can under.
Our overstate rather the the importance of order that God has in in this in the construction of this incredible building and and everything that went into it and you know you get this.
The, you know, we read it in verse nine that the Lord was very specific in the materials in verses 1 to 9 and and onward. But in terms of what he wanted to see in that construction, as Nate pointed out, he was very specific with what he wanted. God is God of order and you know, God hasn't changed. You know, we were saying it tonight, Israel's God is ours dispensations.
Changed. God's method of dealing with man has, has has altered.
By God's principles don't change and nor does his character. It remains solid today as it ever has been. And we need to recognize that as Christians, don't we? Because I think this is something that, you know, the, the idea that we can get loosey goosey. Pardon my bad language, but you know what I mean. Get loosey goosey about.
Scriptural principles, scriptural teaching, we need to be very careful on that because God, you know, God doesn't leave us to our own imagination. He doesn't he doesn't as we have in the Tabernacle and as we go through it, we're we don't see him just leaving it up to the imagination of the people at all, right at all. And so he says at the end of verse 9, according to all that I show thee after the pattern of the.
And the pattern of all the instruments are of Even so shall you make it. And so that that was that was that was pretty important. And and this gets repeated I don't know how many times, but time and time again the Lord comes back to this statement. Listen, make it according to the way in which I have told you to make it. Don't deviate from it at all. And so we and I'm just, you know, we're looking for some practical applications to us as believers today.
How does that apply to me as a as a Christian? Well, I am to take the word of God at face value. I have no liberty as a Christian to start interjecting my thoughts into the scriptures and and and basically, you know, forming.
A man made doctrine out of things that because it just suits my fancy or or whatever. We need to be people of the book, don't we? People of the book and and I trust that we all are that we adhere to.
The instructions that God has given to us in the Scriptures and, and and cherish it and value it. So that would mean the the pattern is meaningful to God, doesn't it, That there's something more to it than just gold and and stones and boards. There's there's something more to it. So what would that be?
It was a pattern of the heavens, right? But had to help come from him and I just on that I wanted to read 2 verses in Exodus 39 where God commends Moses because he did exactly what he said.
That according to all, verse 42, according to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so the children of Israel made all the work, and Moses did look upon all the work, and behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded. Even so had they done it, and Moses blessed them. Obedience.
On that, on that note, Tim.
You have this all rehashed out.
Later on in Exodus, when Bezalel was employed to.
Make these things and in in the latter chapters of of Exodus. And so we have the Lord's commands, his word, what his instructions. And then there was obedience that followed from it. It wasn't well, but or you know, I'd like to tweet this a little bit because I think, Lord, you don't really have it quite right. No, no, it was the Lord had it right exactly the first time.
And there is no room for man's thinking in this.
Well, one of those examples, and we're not going to take it up during the sessions, is when Aaron's two sons brought in strange fire, right? We're going to talk about how they're, they're supposed to take fire off this brazen altar when you first enter into this court and take it all the way in the back. And yet somehow those two boys brought in fire from their own campfire in God's slum.
On on the importance of this, just one thing to point out that I've.
That was pointed out by one of the writers that I really enjoyed is how important this was to God is that the Spirit of God records that in three chapters, Exodus 2526 and 27, we have God's commandment for this building. And then in Exodus 3637 and 38, three chapters, we have the obedience and the exact pattern that they follow. There's 98 verses of commandment and 98 verses of obedience. That's not accidental.
That happened because God saw the value of that and He appreciated their obedience.
I think maybe it would be good to give us an overview just quickly of of these chapters that we're going to look at. So in Exodus 25 to 27, basically we have the vessels described in those chapters that manifest God. And then from 28 to 29 we have the dress and the consecration of the priests. And then in chapter 30, we have the priest garment or the vessels that are described that that are vessels of.
Approach to God, which would be the the the golden altar and the brazen labor and.
This is, you know, normally you would probably look at that and and think that that is a little bit odd because.
You know, we would naturally bend toward the, the, the, the position or perspective of looking at everything from, from how we see it. You know, we, we come into the through the gate into the court.
And there's the progression into the Tabernacle building. But God doesn't. God doesn't present it that way.
And and you know, it's not my method to go into all of that tonight because, you know, in the next meeting, we, Lord willing, hope to look at the the inside and look at the ark first. But God, God starts from the inside out. You know, there's something there that to be said. I think that the Lord wants to come out to man and meet him.
The the the one thing that is preventing that.
Is, is that's the heart of God, but the thing that stands between God and man is sin and that needs to be dealt with. And we'll get into that. But then after he he comes out and he manifests who he is in this typical teaching from going the from the inside out. Then he speaks to, you know, our our place in Christ, again, speaking from a typical standpoint, and then our our approach to him, which is the brazen labor and the.
Sensor, which we won't get into now.
But I think it's beautiful. You know, earlier we were having reading meetings on Exodus 12 Comment was made that it's the bloodshed that God sees and we get this time and time again in the Scriptures that that the Lord wants us to appreciate his perspective first because that that sets everything in order, I think.
You know, dealing with our peace, dealing with our having right thoughts, all of that. We, we need to get God's perspective 1St. And, and this is the order that we have, I think in these latter parts of Exodus as the Tabernacle is presented to us. So Josh, on that note, I have the Tabernacle back up on the screen for just a second here. Talk to us a little bit about that order that you're Speaking of there. Let me just pop this up here.
God has written down in his Word a specific order in which he's saying you approach me starts on the inside, right? Go. Can you go over that? Because this is how our meetings are going to follow.
Go into a little bit detail about that in terms of he starts with the inside and he works out, but then when they build the stuff, they start on the outside and they and they come in. Is that how that works? Yeah, I, I, I think that's right.
I guess maybe from from.
A I'm not sure if this is going to answer your question here, Mark, and I'm not sure I could give any more than what I've already given. However, what I have appreciated is the progression from the outside in from our perspective, right. And and now I'm, I'm coining this from AJ Pollock, who has a great book on the typical teaching of the Tabernacle. But you see at the start, you know, there's the gate.
Which would be the Sinner seeking? And then there's the brazen altar.
Which is the Sinner getting saved, then the brazen Laver, which is sanctification, and then we move in to the holy place or which would which would bring before a service and then into the holy of holies, which is the second compartment within where God's present presence was. And that's satisfaction beautiful and and I you know so the Lord.
Presents himself to us so that we can we can know him.
You know, He wants us to know Him, He wants us to know His heart, and then He presents it from the outside. We can see our place coming in, in this progression that He has laid out for us to come into His presence and totally be satisfied. And I love it, right? I mean, is there any greater joy? Is there any higher thing than to be found in the very presence of God with peace?
In relationship and enjoying His presence and that that is the heart of God. That's what He wants for us.
One of the central components of what we're going to be talking about, I know we're going to go into this in much further detail later, is atonement, right? And atonement is made-up of three things. It's made-up of propitiation, substitution, and reconciliation. And we're going to see all of those things. We'll, we'll talk more about this later, but propitiation relates to the mercy seat. It's God's side and his satisfaction with the work of Christ.
In regards to his holy nature.
And substitution has to do with the brazen altar and man's side of having a substitute for sin that would bear that judgment in Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ was both the substitute and the propitiation with the result of bringing us to God. We have that in first Peter 318, all three aspects of atonement.
Brought out there, I think it's a very familiar verse to all of us, but it says for Christ.
Hath once suffered for sense propitiation, that just for the unjust substitution that He might bring us to God. Reconciliations beautiful.
Yeah, and and there there's going to be these things that we appreciate as Christians are are are layered throughout the teaching of the Tabernacle. So you pointed out three things there that you know we.
We we spoke about sanctification.
Excuse me? So you know, that's another very relevant truth for the Christian as well. What is sanctification and and?
As you mentioned, Tim, propitiation and substitution and reconciliation and.
You know, these are for, you know, some of the in the audience that might be younger. These are big words, but you know, hopefully we can break them down into bite sized portions so that we understand, you know, God wants us to understand these things and, and he has layered them into this as a type. So I, I mentioned it earlier today that, you know, I had a discussion with a with a man who is a brother in Christ and.
He he didn't take up the Tabernacle at all because he thought it was for Israel.
It's just a bunch of, you know, repetitious instructions that really didn't he felt anyways had any relevance to him in his life. But we miss a great deal as believers that now we can view these things through the lens of the New Testament and as Christians and see what God had has for us in terms of spiritual truth. And there's it's, you know, so the Old Testament is like a picture book. The New Testament is like the instruction manual.
Right. And we need them both. And so I mean, it's that's that's an encouragement for all of us to take up with all of Scripture. But Josh, when we were kids, right? And there's nothing like getting yourself a picture book, right? It was a little bit of words and it was harder to read words, but you love the pictures. But both are necessary. Eventually as we grow older, we have to have the words to go with it. And that's where many people are missing.
Paul's doctrine of the doctrines of the apostles, particularly, Those are the words, but these are the pictures. We're going to go over some pictures here in in its type. It's a beautiful thing. Yeah, you mentioned the word type and you mentioned the word picture. Another word could be used as foreshadow.
Yeah, basically illustrations of something that there's there's more to it than what's on the surface. And I think what we'll see with the Tabernacle and all of the Word of God is that it points us to Christ. And on that note, I just want to read a verse in John chapter 5.
Read verse 39. This is the Lord speaking. Search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life.
And they are they which testify of me, and.
And drop down to verse 46 of John 5 for how do you believe Moses? He would have believed me, for he wrote of me. So here we are reading. The Tabernacle is in the book of Exodus, which was written by Moses. The Lord said Moses wrote about me.
And I'm sure Tim is flipping the Luke 24. Go ahead, Josh. No, you go forward.
Yeah, I was just thinking in the same thing. You know, when the Lord met the two on the road to Emmaus, what did he do? They were, they were leaving Jerusalem. They were discouraged. And he drew alongside them. And there's some key verses that he brings out there. It's Luke 24.
And verse 25.
Then said He that is the Lord Jesus said unto those two that were on the the road to Emmaus, O fools and slow of heart, to believe all that the prophets have spoken, ought not Christ?
To have suffered these things, and to enter into His glory, and beginning at Moses.
And the prophets he expounded unto them, and all the scriptures, the things concerning himself.
I have no doubt that that included this Tabernacle. And what was the result? The result was a little bit further down. He reveals himself to them in the breaking of bread, and they turn around and they return to Jerusalem and they share in verse 35 and they told what things were done in the way and how he was known of them and the breaking of bread. And then earlier it says.
That they said in verse 32.
They said one to another, did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened unto us the scriptures And you know, that's my hope for these discussions is that it would have that result in each of our hearts that the reason that God brought this out in the Old Testament is to display the glories of his beloved Son.
One of his masterpieces and as we consider these things.
It should cause our hearts to burn within us.
That's why the pattern mattered, because we can learn something of our Savior through it. Yeah. And so to reiterate this that you two brothers have have touched in on it that the Tabernacle.
Its primary focus is Christ. It brings before us the glories of Christ, the holiness of God. We come into the teaching, typical teaching as individuals and corporately.
By the way, but the foremost intention that God has here is to bring something.
To us to illustrate the glories of his beloved son. And I love that verse thing that you read. You know, did not our hearts burn within us as he talked with us, by the way?
I, I, I share that that sentiment that, that if there's any profit out of what we're doing here today and over the next few evenings is that it is going to cause us to burn.
For Christ.
More than it did. More than my heart burned yesterday.
And, and just to have up on the on the screen, another key, this is beautiful. We're not going to take up Hebrews 9, but I, we would say that there if, if those are listening have any doubt as to why this is turn to the book of Hebrews and look in Chapter 9 and even verse 10, first 10 verses of the 10th chapter, 15 verses. But there's three verses here that I think are extremely helpful.
And that is Hebrews 885.
The shadow of heavenly things. And maybe, Josh, you could just you have it there in front of you. Read the whole verse. Hebrews 85. Hebrews 85 says, Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the Tabernacle. For see saith He, that thou make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the mount.
Beautiful. And then the second one is in Hebrews 923, the pattern of things in the heavens.
You know, I was thinking as we were, as we were looking into this, God has created the entire universe. All the galaxies are out there showing the power of God. And here now in the Tabernacle, He's going to show us and manifest to us the glories of His beloved Son. That a beautiful thing. I mean just beautiful because we can look up our physical eyes and we can see all the glory of the Hubble telescopes and all that showing all that manifested glory of power.
But now we get to look and we're going to unfold the Tabernacle. The Lord leaves us here and helps us along the way to unfold this and see the these glories of the Lord Jesus Christ. So I think it'll be helpful. We should read these verses. So in 923 it says it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.
And then it's just, it's like clockwork. Hebrews 85, now Hebrews 923 now Hebrews 10/1. Shadow of good things to come.
Yeah, so it says for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. Those are just three verses amongst others that are in Hebrews, just Hebrews alone, that tell us that this is designed of God to illustrate spiritual, something spiritual for us.
It's just not. This was a historical fact.
Happened Children of Israel.
Went through the wilderness and they have this Tabernacle and all of that.
But we can see intelligently now what these things mean as Christians because we have it through the lens of the New Testament.
The only other thing real quick before we close here and just as we as we wrap up here, I'm going to go ahead and just pop this up here. There's a couple things here that we wanted to note. The Tabernacle is now showing the first time that God dwells with man. Isn't that beautiful in the Garden of Eden, The Garden of Eden, he walked with man, right? With Abraham, He visited with him in the tent shadow. But this is the first time that God dwells with man.
The beautiful thing.
And then we have.
Instructed by divine command. This is just in summary. So these are some of the notes here. Instructed by divine summary and then a heavenly divine pattern. I think we touched on that already too. It's a beautiful thing. And then the devotedness of people to God. We started that off with the fact that people were offering and free will giving of everything that they can. And also we're not going to get into sacrifices in this series, but there are some of the sacrifices that were of a, of a, of a free will offering, right?
Commandments and so people would give offerings out of their own heart as well. It's a sweet smelling savor unto God. Yeah. And can I share a quotation from Edward Dennett? I I put it down because I enjoyed it so much. And it goes to to what you had just pointed out, Mark. God never. So this is Edward Dennett quoting him. God never dwelt among his people.
Until after the crossing of the Red Sea, the Tabernacle was a proof of redemption.
God not only wants to save His people, but also to bring them near to Himself in relationship, He being their center around whom they gathered beautiful.
And then?
So those are just a couple points there along the way is that we we've taken along the way.
And then and just to as we wrap things up and just this is a complete overview. We see here that the tribes were were arranged in a certain way around the Tabernacle. And we saw that at the Tabernacle itself faced E as well. And the and as we saw before the the priests and the Levites were gathered were centered directly around the Tabernacle itself.
So that's.
Was there anything else that you were? That's what we have and so we would like to close every session with answering 2 questions.
Two questions and one of the first question is we're going to try to answer this question as we go through here. Where do we see the loveliness of Christ? Where do we see the glories of Christ in the topic of the of that we've taken up right? But more important and another aspect is how does that affect my walk with the Lord Jesus and as we go through here.
I believe we should see this. The different the details that are being brought up should affect my walk with the Lord Jesus along the way.
I don't think there's anything of that to answer today, but those, that's the, that's one of the mantras that I had going forward. I think it is important though. We kind of stated this earlier, but it's important to recognize that in the Tabernacle, the central theme is the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, his person and his work. Now there are other applications and things that can be taken and made from that, but that's the central thing. And you know, I used to think that atonement was.
The goal being reconciliation, but that's part of it. But there's.
God's purpose is to present the glories of his beloved son in this in this model. And so that's our goal is to be able to look at those things.
To draw out from them those things that would cause the hearts to burn. And then from a practical standpoint, you could see how the Lord prescribed all these.
Materials and gave them the pattern and so practically you can take that for yourselves as as believers today that he he's given us his word. It's not left to our own opinions or ideas about how we ought to meet for worship or ministry or service. Everything that we do for the Lord gives us instruction and direction for we don't have to come up with our own ideas.
It's going to come from a place of pride if it does.
Beautiful, All righty. Well, that was a lovely that's a is that a wrap for tonight? And so we'll step on outside.
Just commend ourselves. Our God and Father, we thank thee so much.
But that is desire to open and unfold the beauties, the glories, the majesty of thy beloved Son. I thank you for giving us this type that we can consider.
That would show my thoughts of my beloved son.
Father, we just ask for Thy blessing on the Word tonight. We seek Thy help for what's to come.
Thanks in the name of my beloved Son of Lord Jesus, Amen.