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Let's look to the Lord for His help.
Our God and Father.
Come before thee again this evening and dependence upon thy help as we consider this blessed subject.
This we consider my beloved Son as our great High Priest, as we consider the priests garments, the privileges and responsibilities associated with them, the glories and beauties of our Lord Jesus Christ spied out in them.
Father, we recognize that there is much here, much that we have to learn and just pray that.
That will bless Thy word and that thou will use this as an opportunity to draw our hearts out after our Lord Jesus Christ. They count on me for Thy help. This evening we ask us in the blessed and precious name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.
Welcome to another Tabernacle talk around a table where we've been taking up precious truths of the Tabernacle I've seen in Exodus and also referenced in other scriptures. We have been taking up our Lord Jesus and his glories. And with that, I'd like to go ahead and do a brief recap of what we have been looking at here over the last.
Four sessions. The first session that we took up was the overview and the.
Keys to the Tabernacle and so we established some keys of colors, metals, fabrics, numbers. These keys we were to take and take with us as we went into the rest of the study of the Tabernacle. And it's to be very important for tonight for the topic we take up in terms of those those keys. We also then in the second session looked at the furniture inside of the Tabernacle. We saw the.
Mercy Seat and the Ark of the Covenant and also moving into the Holy Place.
The table of showbread, the Candlestick, and the altar of incense.
We also then turned in our next session to the boards that went around the Tabernacle. We talked about the coverings, what they mean as well. And we also talked about both the door and the veil that is in the Tabernacle. The door being on the outside to come into the Tabernacle and the veil to be entering into the Holy of Holies.
Then in the last session we talked about.
The court in general, we looked at particular instances of the so-called fencing or the court, the fabric, the metals, the way it was construction constructed and what that means for those of us today that.
Are looking for our Lord Jesus and how our walk might be. The brazen altar particularly is very important. We took that up last session as well, as well as the labor. And so for this session, the final session, we are taking up the priest garments.
And with that, I would like to bring in the panel here. Give me a second here and I want to say hi to Tim across the table. We've talked about this before, the priest garments several years ago, five years ago, and you've enjoyed this tremendously. So that's why you're in the hot seat under the side.
And of course we got Nate keeps coming back. Thank you, Nate and of course, Josh look forward to having closed down down by me here. So so with that, that is what we're taking up tonight is the priests garments. I will show. I thought this would be nice too to just briefly look at it. You guys can see everything on the screen over here just fine.
The priest When it comes to the priest, the priest were specifically aligned around the Tabernacle.
Specific order and we noticed time before that the whole entire Tabernacle faces east and so on the coming into the entryway we have the tribe of Judah tribe of Zebulun and the tribe of Issachar and their encampments and so the rest of the priests families align directly around the Tabernacle as well. We're going to speak about priests tonight and that's why it's good to know where the priests were living in in.
To the Tabernacle itself because we we noticed all the way throughout the God wants to dwell with his people and in dwelling with his people, he had the priests come directly around the Tabernacle. I think I'd like to stop just a second and this is a question that I was looking up and this would be something interesting to just briefly talk about because I don't know if that's going to this is going to be on the.
Power The tribe of Levi, the priest chosen initially by God.
It was related to Aaron, right, Right. And, and Aaron had the special place of being the, the high priest, which we'll talk a little bit about in a little bit.
But I'd love to hear what some of these, what Nate or Josh has to say about it.
I don't have a specific thought. Well, I just do just to jog our memories when they came out of Egypt, right, The Jehovah God says the first born are mine and because of that the tribe of Levi is going to be mine right. He he was calling out that particular tribe for himself. Is that is that sure OK and just and just to follow on.
They they when they get in the land, they don't own any particular piece of land other than they own.
The six cities of refuge, they manage those six cities of refuge when they're in the land. Go ahead, Tim, on that. So one other thing that would probably be helpful to make the distinction is they have priests and we have Levites, right? And the priests were the sons of Aaron, Aaron and his sons and the Levites, and they had to do with the priestly services and worship, whereas the Levites were.
There to to serve to help Aaron and his sons in their service. And there was we've talked a little bit about this that.
They were the ones that bore the articles that we've been talking about, the furniture articles, but they were not to go in and correct, pick them up until after the priests had covered them. And so there's a very real distinction there and we.
Would be both pretty sound Levites. We have responsibilities of a priestly order as well as a service order. Yeah. And so just to make sure we clarify the tribal Levi was sitting there and then a subset of class was was the actual priest.
Inside of the entire tribe of Levi, just to make sure that that is clear. Good.
All right, moving on. So this is the this is the Aaron is a type of Christ, our great high priest. This is what a high priest? There's various images. In fact, I'll just go ahead and just for purposes of doing a quick overview here we are talking about the priest garments tonight. And so here we have a priest arrayed in two different garments, right? We would have the ornament. Go ahead.
Yeah, we'll get into this. So just a highlight. Take a snapshot of this in your mind because we're going to talk specifically about the distinctions between the.
The person shown on the right and the one on the left, the priest on the right and the priest on the left. Got it, got it, got it.
Tim, can you just swivel your mic that way? Take your mic. Yeah, perfect.
And so another, another one is the priest garment. So we're going to die. This is what we're going to dive in tonight is we're going to go into the various items on, on the, on the high priest, the elements of the high priest. So we'll, we'll just leave it there. So where do you want to go from here, Tim? Let's lunch into the launch into this. But based on your introduction, I think it would be good to say that yes, I have appreciated these things and enjoyed these things, but that does not make me an expert on these things.
So with that.
Yeah, we we would like to consider the priests garments and.
And I'd like to start by reading a couple of verses in Exodus chapter 28 and.
Exodus chapter 28. We're just going to read the 1St 2 verses for right now.
And take thou unto thee. So this is Exodus 28 verse one. And take thou unto thee air, and thy brother and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he may minister unto me in the priests office, even Aaron Nabab, Abayu Eliezer, and Ethamar Aaron's sons.
And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother. And this is the key phrase for glory and for beauty.
So they're going to be a lot of the colors that we've already spoken of specifically having to do with the gate, the door and the veil, the ceiling curtains. Just recap those colors again for those. Yeah, well, we're going to get into OK more when we get into this, but.
I wanted to make a distinction at the very beginning because, as we've said from the start, everything that has to do with this.
Tabernacle and its order point to Christ everything, every single thing and Aaron fulfilled that role as the high priest. He's the type of Christ. His sons are a type of Christians and their garments were different from the standpoint that.
Aaron, the picture that you put up there of the of the high priest was dressed only in white on the Day of Atonement. He wore only the the fine twin linen and a girdle on that. That's it. He didn't have.
Any of those other garments for glory and for beauty and we're going to talk a little bit about that, but I wanted to.
Going to speak to Aaron and his type of Christ and relate that back to some scripture that we have in Hebrews.
So on the Day of Atonement, Aaron the high priest, and he alone went in. There was an there was a sacrifice offered. Blood from that sacrifice was taken into the holy place.
He had a sensor that he carried with him, and he went once a year on the Day of Atonement into the holiest of holies, not without blood, and he sprinkled blood.
On the ground before the mercy seat and then actually sprinkled blood on the mercy seat itself while he was also carrying that sensor with him and that.
That was the Day of Atonement, and he applied the blood there on the mercy seat and then left. And that gave the other priests the ability to do what they did. And, you know, just thought it would be nice to talk just a little bit about.
The Lord Jesus as our great high priest, because that's really the type that we see in Aaron. He is a priest after a heavenly order. He couldn't be a priest after an earthly order because he was the tribe of Judah and.
So while he was on earth, he was a sacrifice. When he finished that work, he is now a heavenly high priest for us. And so we have some verses in Hebrews that speak to those things.
Let's turn there next.
And I would just say again, and Josh and Nate and I have been talking about this through this past week, that we would highly recommend everyone go back through and read Hebrews again after these this study, because it changes your perspective on what is brought out in the book of Hebrews.
First, we'll start in chapter 8 of Hebrews.
And I know we've read some of these verses before and.
It's repetitive for a reason that we keep kind of returning to some of the same principles and thoughts. So Hebrews chapter 8, verse one. Now the things which we have spoken, now of the things which we have spoken, this is the sum.
We have such an High priest who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty and the heavens.
A minister of the sanctuary and of the true Tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.
For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices. Wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer. For if when he were on earth he should not be a priest, seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the Law, they serve unto you the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the Tabernacle. For see us sayeth he foresee.
That thou make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the mouth. But now hath he ordained a more excellent ministry.
By how much? Also he is the mediator of a better covenant.
Which was established upon better promises and then in Chapter 9.
Verse 11.
That Christ being come and High priest of good things to come.
By a greater and more perfect Tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building, neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood, He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
And then to drop down.
Verse 22. Now almost all things by the law, purged with blood and without.
Without shedding of blood is no remission.
Verse 24 For Christ is not entered into the holy place, is made with hands, which are the figures of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.
And then we know if we were to go into Chapter 10 again, we would read about his sacrifice that's associated with that offering. So we can clearly see here that these were foreshadows, as we've spoken of before, of a better sacrifice and a better.
A new way, if you will. And so Aaron did that on the Day of Atonement, and that opened the door for the other police to garments to be worn.
And I'm going to turn this over to Nate for a thought that he had shared with us that I really enjoyed regarding why Aaron didn't go into the Holy Hope Holies wearing those garments of of glory and beauty. Go ahead.
Yeah, so this is not an original thought, but I've heard it myself and enjoyed it. We know that in Leviticus 16, Aaron didn't enter with those garments of glory and beauty, the one that we saw with the blue and the purple and the red and all the colors and the gemstones.
He didn't do that because what we see in those garments really is the effect of redemption.
Which in the Old Testament hadn't occurred yet, the Lord Jesus.
Was able to offer himself on the cross to allow that redemption to take place and we see a lot of the fruits of that redemption coming out in in some of these garments that he he enters into the holy place as as we read.
In Hebrews 9 and verse 12, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
Now he's there presently in heaven, representing us before God, bearing us our names on his heart, on his shoulders, and interceding for us. And so those garments of glory and beauty couldn't be worn by Aaron because redemption hadn't taken place.
It's a beautiful thought, I really enjoyed it.
So to just kind of sum up the.
The service of the high priest, not only was the Day of Atonement part of that, and we see that in our Lord Jesus, Nate mentioned he's also interceding for us. So there's some other verses to that service that the Lord Jesus is doing on our behalf is our great high priest.
Hebrews, Chapter 7, verse 25.
Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God, by him, seeing he ever liveth, to make intercession for them. And then if we go back to chapter 4, verse 14.
Seeing then that we have a great high Priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession, for we have not an high Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was at all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly under the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help.
In time of need.
And so there's an additional work that is being done by our Lord Jesus on our behalf there in heaven. And maybe Josh and Nate could have some additional thoughts to that. I'd like to add one more verse to what you've already read in Romans 8, verse 34.
Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yeah, rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
This salvation in Hebrews 7 is not our eternal salvation. That is Speaking of right. This is a daily salvation that that we experience when we come to Christ as our high priest. We can come to him 24/7. There's.
There's no limit and no no limit on our access to His high priestly work on our behalf before God. It's beautiful, isn't it, to think that the Lord Jesus is living for us.
They're representing us on high, before God.
For our our can I say our success down here spiritually that we might make it without failing. And when we do fail, well, that's a different aspect of his of his work as not as a high priest, but as an advocate to restore us when we do fail as we have in first John one. But but his high priestly work is there to help his people along the way in the wilderness.
Is that right?
Do we want to take a look at some of the pieces of these garments? Yeah. Before we do that, I'd like to just read one stanza from him #114 I couldn't get this out of my head this week as we were considering these things. It's such a beautiful depiction of exactly what we're talking about. Hymn #114.
We we actually sang this earlier in the week. I can't remember which day. I think I had to do the day that we had.
The the Ark and the Mercy seat I believe but.
The verse that I specifically.
Have in mind is the third verse, but I'm just going to read the whole thing real quick. The holiest we enter in perfect peace with God, through whom we found our center in Jesus and his blood. The great may be our dullness, and thought and word and deed be glory in the fullness of him that meets our need. Much incense is ascending before the eternal throne. God graciously is bending to hear each feeble groan to all our prayers and praises Christ adds.
Sweet perfume and love, the sensor raises these odors to consume. Oh God, we come with singing, because thy great high priest our names to these bringing nor ere forgets the least for us He wears the mitre where holiness shines bright for us His robes are wider than heavens and solely life.
It's kind of a bit of a down, even though these other garments are familiar for beauty. It's kind of a little bit of a step down when we start considering these things, but we wanted to make sure that we we brought out first.
The specific character of our Lord Jesus Christ as our great high Priest before we went into the rest of this. So turn back to Exodus chapter 28 and we'll look at some of these garments that have been described here for us.
These priests.
Did you you were thinking of some verses towards the end? I don't know how much we need to read.
Verse 4 might be a good summary. Verse four, Yeah, go ahead.
And these are the garments which they shall make, a breastplate and an ephod, and a robe, and embroidered coat, a miter and a girdle. And they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. One more verse.
And they shall take gold and blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen. Yeah.
There was an order that the priests were clothed with these garments, and maybe we'll just start with the.
At the at the bottom, if you will, there was a a pair of breeches that were worn at the very bottom.
On top of that was a fine twine linen robe that They were bound around the waist with a girdle. Then on top of that was a blue robe that.
Had no other colors on it was strictly blue but along the hem of it there were pomegranates and bells and brothers. If I speak out of turn or a mess please correct me on this so.
On top of that was almost like a a combination of a breastplate, an apron and a girdle that had the breastplate in the E5.
Ephod, the word means to gird on. So it held the breastplate in place, and the breastplate was of gold. The ephod was of gold, of blue, of purple, of scarlet and fine twine linen. Same thing that we've been considering in these other articles. So the difference, though this time there's gold, and we talked a little bit about that before, but gold speaks of.
Unrighteousness. The blue speaks of the Lord Jesus's heavenly glory.
His glory is the Son of God.
Is kind of relates to the Gospel of John.
The purple.
Has has to do with His glory as the Son of Man.
Speaking of, the day when he will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords may be more focused on the nations.
And that relates to the gospel of Luke, right? And then after that the scarlet, which is his.
His glorious, the Son of David, the King of Israel, and again looking forward to a future day in which he will have his rightful place as the King of kings and Lord of Lords with Israel as well. And then, then that fine Twine linen, Speaking of the Lord Jesus in his moral glory. And again, I forgot to say this. Pardon me for going back to say this.
You know, when the Lord Jesus came down here, Speaking of Aaron, when he went in on the Day of Atonement, the Lord Jesus's other glories, those glories that are depicted in these garments, most of them were veiled largely, right. Besides having the Gloria and the Mount of Transfiguration, they were. He was arrayed with that purple robe at his crucifixion and there was a sign put on the cross. This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. So.
And in Matthew he was with scarlet robe. But largely all of those beauties were.
Bail, but not his moral glory. It was impossible to veil his moral glory, and that was what gave him the ability to do that work. So sorry for that deviation, but I forgot to mention that earlier. And you're referring to the Day of Atonement when Aaron went in with the whites, right? Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm. That's what I was referring to. So.
With the breastplate, it was made of gold. On the shoulders there were two stones. There were two oak stones, Onyx stones. On each of those stones were inscribed six. Yeah, good. So on the shoulders to Onyx stones that each had six of the tribes of Israel.
Inscribed upon them and it's interesting that the words that are used.
And scripture? Really.
Are very important, I think chapter 28 and verse 10 six of their names on one stone, and the other six names on the rest of the other stone, according to their birth. But the work of an engraver in stone, like the engravings of a signet. Shall thou engrave the two stones of the names of the children of Israel? Thou shalt make them to be set. And ouchers of gold. Those names were unerasable. They were in those stones, and no one could have ever.
Move them and being set on the shoulders of the priests that speaks of being set in a position of security and power on the priest and kind of have more of a collective sense to it, right, Because there's six and six now down on the on the chest or the breast of the priest. The breastplate was and there were 12 Stones and and 12 precious stones.
And laid in that breastplate each of them.
Having a name of the children of Israel, of a tribe of the children of Israel as three rows of four. Am I getting that backwards? That's exactly how it's on the picture. OK, three rows of four. And each of those stones again had the names. Same exact language is used. They're engraved in the same way, but more of an individual character this time with the stones rather than the collective. And what was the position of the stones? They were on the?
And it says specifically, I think it's four rows of 3-4 rows of three. Yeah, yeah, if I set it backwards, my apologies.
Let's see where the if you guys should help me put my finger on a verse. It talks about the breastplate's position over the heart.
Which number verse 15 is over here talking about?
So that describes it, but.
There's actually a verse that says that where their names over their heart.
2929, Thank you, Nate.
And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place. So.
Speaks of the place of, of God's affection and, and you know, kind of, I didn't, I hadn't thought of this before, but Josh was Speaking of the rings when we were talking about the various pieces of furniture and we're talking about the construction of the Tabernacle building itself. The rings speak of.
Of love, eternal love. And in this case it's wonderful to see that that ephod was bound to the the breastplate which had golden rings. Verse 28 And they shall bind the breastplate by the rings thereof of unto the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue divine love.
Eternal divine love.
In that sense, could you say his priestly work for us is eternally linked to bearing us on his heart? Yeah. And there's nothing. The ephod bound the breastplate there. There was no the the breastplate did not move. It was secured in that position with those stones on his shoulders and with the stones on his heart. And the ephod secured it in that position.
So just to summarize, I guess what you're saying, Tim, is we've got.
The stones on the shoulders, which were embedded in gold.
Which would represent the the people of God.
In the place of of where it's the strongest in the body, it's the shoulder speaks of strength, right? Luke 15, five, right. The shepherd went out and took the sheep that he found and carried at home on his shoulders. Nobody was going to displace that sheep. So there's strength there. There's love that we see in connection with the breastplate and the 12 tribes represented.
With all these different types of stones in the breastplate really bringing before us the individuality of the Saint of God.
And the various cues and colors and characteristics that are unique to that stone and that stone alone. So we're all different, but we're precious to the Lord. So we find ourselves not only in a place of strength, not our strength, but his strength, but also in a place of, of affection and love and care.
By the Lord Himself bearing us on his heart.
There's that eternal love that we see in the rings. We see his character coming through with the ribbon of blue, his heavenly character linked up with with all the beauty of his personal and official glories as as the son of of David and the Son of man and and his holy humanity is tied into that.
And He is there on our behalf in all the beauty and virtue of His person representing us before God. And the 12 names would show all His people are represented there. I put that up on the slide here. I've got a slide here with the 12 Stones here with the various colors. And I don't know that it's an exact match, but these stones are also spoken of.
Revelation chapter 20 in regards to that holy city, the new Jerusalem, again representing the believer and, and the beauty of the Lord as the light of that city shining through them. And so, but like Josh said, I think it's, it really does bring before us the individuality of each believer.
And there's recent chains of gold too that attach the shoulder pieces to the top of the breastplate, as I understand it as well. So again, these.
These keys, as Mark had put it, continued to feed into the interpretation of the type. But we just see the the wonderful character of Christ coming through here on our behalf. It's it's, it's not us, it's him. It's all about him and, and.
You know, further to that, you're probably going to touch in on it, but there is something else that was hidden I think in the ephod as well, correct? Yeah. So tuck behind the breastplate was the umum and the thumam. Is that what you were talking about, the urum and thumbum? Yes, I've just mispronouncing it. So and that speaks of lights and perfections that the provision of God.
In directing his people, right, right. Yeah, no, it. So I'm just trying to think of this in a simple way.
And seeing what characterizes our great eyed priests Strength, love and affection, wisdom and guidance in the Urim and Thummim.
And that's all available to us as believers today, correct?
And so when we read that verse in Hebrews, that he is able to save them unto the uttermost that come unto God by him, another translation I think says that he's able to save them completely.
So we really have no reason to fail in our life because he is there on our behalf, interceding for us and we can access him for help, for guidance.
You know, his love is there to to to help us along the way. He cares for us and and his strength is, is there for us. He can give us strength and, and so everything that we need in our times of need, he is there to minister those very things to us, isn't he? Yeah.
So there's absolutely no reason that we should ever doubt our security and our salvation or His love for us, His eternal divine love. It was a love of choice and.
These things bear that out. So on that as we consider all of these beauties.
That characterize our Lord Jesus Christ.
The priests puts these garments on.
Tremendous privilege.
Tremendous responsibility.
My brother took that up the other night and wanted to sing messages. Privilege and responsibility going together. So there's character that is associated with each of these things that should there's there's characteristics of each of these things that really.
Should define us as priests that.
Find twine linen that was closest to the person speaks of our walk.
Our moral uprightness in our manner of life, right?
The blue that went on next speaks of our heavenly character. There's a dignity and bearing that's associated with that that we need to bear in mind and make sure that.
We're walking in accordance to. Hey, Tim. And I've just got it up on the picture here. You just mentioned those two things. The fine toy and linen. Linen tunic was underneath everything. Correct. And then it went to this blue robe, which we see the blue robe right, Right here. Yeah. And then we haven't gotten to this, but it was that where the bells and pomegranates were hanging on there, bottom of the blue. OK. What was the purpose of having bells and pomegranates on the bottom of the rope? So testimony and fruit and the priest.
That going in so that the people could hear them in their service before the Lord. And you know, I think there's many applications that can be made from this, but has to do with the gospel. The gospel bells are ringing. And if the if that is effectual through our service and the work of the Lord, there would be fruit associated with that work. But I'm sure there's many other considerations to be brought out with that.
They go together, right?
But if you don't have fruit, then the gospel bells ringing may ring hollow from the the messenger. So just so we're we're not mixing things up and we're, we're clear here there there's I think Tim, you were touching in on the characteristics that should be seen in us as the people of God.
That are similar to what is characteristic of Christ as our great High Priest. We are priests now. He, though, is our great high priest. He is our great high priest and speaks of Christ. Aaron's sons are priests as well, which speaks of the Church, right?
But the foremost?
I guess meaning behind what we see in the priest garments of glory and beauty speaks to us of our Lord, correct. Yeah. My whole point with it is that we put we, we carry that and there's responsibility associated with carrying that, that testimony, if you will, of of the Lord. Yeah, I just want to characterize that because I yeah, thank you.
So there is that.
Robot blue, right? Yeah.
Verse 31. And thou shalt make the robe of the ephod all of blue, and there shall be a hole in the top of it. In the midst thereof it shall have a binding of woven work round about the whole of it, as it were the whole of a hebridge, in that it be not rent. And beneath upon the hem of it thou shalt make pomegranates of blue, and a purple and of scarlet round about the hem thereof.
And bells of gold between them roundabout.
A golden bell and a pomegranate, A golden bell and a pomegranate upon the hem of the robe roundabout. And it shall be upon Aaron to minister, and his sound shall be heard when he goeth in unto the holy place before the Lord, and when he cometh out that he die not so again, Blue, Speaking of his heavenly character, and you've already mentioned it, but bells would be his testimony.
For God and pomegranates would be fruit for God. I think that's another application and probably has even more. Probably has even more.
Relation to what we're talking about here as believers, I mean the gospel is certainly there. We see that as you brought out yesterday with the with the court, we see that there. But ultimately it is.
Consecration for the Lord, right it's having.
Our hands full service for him that would that would bear fruit for him.
So then underneath that then there is this.
Robe of.
And so that really what we have here in verse 39, thou shalt embroidery the code of fine linen, and thou shalt make the miter of fine linen, and thou shalt make the girdle of needlework. So.
That garment would really speak of the his. His holy humanity is spotless purity.
Which we in no way have the ability to live up to ourselves. And so that's where that type may be fall short, but we see that in Christ, right? But we do have his nature. Yeah, that's right. And that miter then was there as he would represent his people again in all of his purity and holiness.
He represents us there in in.
In that character, that's a form of intercession, isn't it? That that miter with the plate of pure gold in verse 36?
And grave upon it like the engravings of a signet. Holiness to the Lord. We know we could look within ourselves and see elements that are not holy. And the Lord bears the iniquity of that as we read a little bit further down. And he puts a sign on it all and says holiness to the Lord. He's he's dealt with all the imperfections and unholiness in our lives.
When he represents us there.
And the mitre is something that he wore on his head, correct, Right. Yeah, it was on the mitre, the the plate in front with a lace of blue.
That tied it to the miter itself as I understand it, which was a gold was made of gold, and like Nate Red, it said holiness unto the Lord.
And it was on the forehead, right, right, frontal, front and center.
Maybe just read verse 38 as well. And it shall be upon Aaron's forehead that Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy things, which the children of Israel shall hollow in all their holy gifts, and it shall be always upon his forehead that they may be accepted before the Lord. So here you have the children of Israel offering gifts, and there's iniquity in those gifts.
And yet the high priest handles it.
He bears the iniquity of those things, that they may be accepted before the Lord.
So our worship and our praise may fall far short a lot of times. Most times all the time, maybe, And it might be.
Not totally acceptable. There might be things in that, that maybe of the flesh or not quite accurate or or what have you. But the Lord handles all of that, filters it all out and presents what is acceptable to God on our behalf. And it is through Him that I guess Hebrews says it. Maybe we can read that verse. Hebrews 13, right?
So Hebrews 13 says that verse 15 by him. Therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually. That is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. So it it it goes through him to God. While we're on that topic, we should read first Peter two and verse five as well.
He also is lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to OfferUp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
There you go. So there's actually, since we're here, Grade 9 and Grade 9 as well. But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and holy nation, a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who have called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
I think that's the thought that the hymn writer brought out in 114 says to all our prayers and praises, Christ adds his sweet perfume and love. The sense of raises these odors to consume.
So then maybe kind of wrapping this up, what?
We read at the end of Exodus 28 about Aaron's sons and it says in verses 40 to 43 little description about what they should be wearing, right?
Aaron's sons thou shalt make coats, and thou shalt make for them girdles and bonnets shalt thou make for them for glory and for beauty, and thou shalt put them upon air, and thy brother and his sons with him, and shalt anoint them, consecrate them and sanctify them, that they may minister unto me in the priest office, And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness.
From the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach, and they shall be upon Aaron and upon his sons, when they come in unto the Tabernacle of the congregation.
Or when they come near unto the halt, or to minister in the holy place, that they bear not iniquity and die, it shall be a statue forever unto him, and his seat after him. So as you pointed out, Tim, that.
This is what they wore in their priestly service on a regular basis, right? So what? What does this speak to us of then?
That's what they wore when they went into the holy place, right? And that's where the priests lived. That's where they did their work was in that holy place where it was the Candlestick and the showbread and that golden altar of incense. That's where their priestly work took place. And that, as we've already talked about, brings up, brings out the the thought of communion at the table of showbread and praise and worship at the altar of incense and.
Burying those beauties of Christ before them as they were in that service. What an incredible privilege. I mean in the last, the last.
Several days I've come to a whole different appreciation for.
Immensity of the privilege that we have of bringing.
Bring in our offering, our sacrifice of praise to God. That is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
The priest I think Nate mentioned this earlier about.
No one but a priest had any access past that brazen altar. None. There was a great deal of privilege that was associated with that priestly office. Then there was the labor which required the washing of the hands and the feet, the sanctification, in order to move forward into that place of great privilege where they were in the heavenlies. And.
Communion with God.
And we actually have, you can take it even further because now we have a rent veil. And so we're not just in the holy place. We have access like we've read multiple times in Hebrews chapter 10 into the holiest of holies. We have boldness to enter into that place through the veil, that is to say his flesh.
What we have in Christianity is one room, not 2.
The veil is still there because it still represents Christ, but there's no impediment, there's no barrier, right?
So Christ should be seen in our walk, in our ways, in our service.
As representing him in this world as priests, We're a holy priesthood, we're a royal priesthood.
Holy priesthood is is toward God, right? And our royal priesthood is toward the world. And that's the dignity piece. We are a royal priesthood. Yeah, it's beautiful. It is.
So He represents us in all the beauty of his character and person, in all his perfection, bears us up, helps us along the way, gives us strength. His love is there that just surrounds us, right? He gives us light and wisdom as we need it. And He has called us to a service to go represent Him before a lost world.
And so we we really have everything. He's outfitted us with every advantage.
To live for His glory in this world.
So there's a character to their service and I think is what you're bringing out, right. But there's also the position that they've been placed into which is unchanging. You have these, these garments and in verse 4041 and so on, verse 41 Says and shall to anoint them and consecrate them and sanctify them, that they may minister unto me in the priest office.
And then if you go to chapter 29 and verse 8, Speaking of the same garment.
Thou shalt bring his sons and put coats upon them, and thou shalt gird them with girdles, Aaron and his sons, and put the bonnets on them. And the priest office shall be theirs for a perpetual statute, and thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons. So there's the positional aspect of that as well, that once we're saved, we are priests. We ought to be priestly, but even if we're not, we still are priests.
So when we look at this.
Picture again with the two priests garments with one is the fine twin linen white and the other one is with all the beauty we've discussed with the stones and the everything. The one on the right is the one that the that the priest, the daily priest would be wearing, is that correct? The white. So the priests that were out there working with the sacrifices in Washington Labor and even going to eat the showbread once a week, they would be wearing their white linens, is that correct?
Yeah. And then the priests, then the high priest would be wearing the colorful that we've discussed heavily here. Is he wearing that on a daily basis out there or is he only wearing that when he, I mean, when is he, when does he wear that specifically?
All the time.
Do we read that he ever wore it?
I don't know. I don't know the answer to that mark. OK.
It's just trying to get a handle on this, and we know this. We know that when the high priest went into the Holy of Holies, he did not wear that. He wore the white linens at that point.
So going back to practical for a believer to have our to have our garments unspotted, if you will, and certainly stop by the labor and wash is an important thing for a believer and to have that communion with him through washing our our garments and such is very, very important for today.
Well, we had these slides and I think it's just worthy of just doing quickly. So you have the E fod. We just to do as a recap, we have the E fod for the high priest Christ. High priestly work has been established in righteousness bearing the heavenly character. Blue, golden blue, royal glory, purple and scarlet spotless perfection as man, fine twin Leonard, just kind of in layers.
In the girdle, we talked about Christ and his faithful service of high priestly work. Girdles that belt feature that means you're working towards His people.
And then we have the shoulder plates. We talked about those. Those are the ones that have the stones, correct, the stones of the six tribes on each, each shoulder. And then we have the breastplate where again, those were the the 12 Stones were sitting there in those rows with those beautiful colors, individual people of God represented by Christ in his love and affection.
And then they had the robe on the outside. The heavenly character blew of our great high priest.
In Christ fruitfulness. That was the pomegranates and the bells. That was a beautiful thought there too. Nate. I appreciate that in terms of you have in order to have the bells to ring, you got to have the pomegranates there as well. And then the embroidered coat, spotless perfection of Christ, the plate of pure gold on the mitre again on the on the forehead was that gold plate. The worship of the believer fully accepted before God, born before God and all the righteousness of Christ filtering out the imperfections.
And then lastly, the mitre Christ in all his perfection represent his people before God. That was the that was the hat.
Correct. And then we talked about Aaron's sons with what they had as well. The coats, the girls, the bonnets and the linen breeches.
Where are we at with time, Mark? We are at what? We're 730 right now.
Time for that poem still or do you want to don't hold off on that sure we can do that we can do the poem is OK with that sure I brought the book over because there's a poem you know we one of the other things that we would like to do is just mention all of the.
The various resources that are available through BTP for typical teachings on the Tabernacle, there's there's a lot on.
STEM Publishing. But why don't you just scoot the Tabernacle away for a second and then, Nate, maybe you can take a couple of these. Nate You could you could just I'll, I'll zero in on the camera.
There you go. Turn, face them your way. There you go. And let's just go through these real quickly here.
Nate, you have enjoyed the foreshadows, correct? This is the first Tabernacle book I read and it's left an impression on me.
Very good. And so let's make sure and later on in the recording, I'll go ahead and drop in specific thing that's that's foreshadows by Pressland. Yeah, OK.
And then next we have the typical, typical teachings, typical Tabernacle teachings by scooting up, go towards there you go allergen Pollock, which actually has been very helpful as well, very easy to read.
And Times new favorite.
The Tabernacle, Its Structure and Symbolism by Walter Scott.
And then this is Mr. Arnett. It's a little hard to read. A little older book by Mr. Arnett. Was that say, Notes on the Tabernacle? JT Armand, have you gone through that one? Yeah, it's, it's very good. It's easy, very easy to read.
And I, I think kind of the go to for me on the Tabernacle has been Preston Pollock and Scott. They've they're very easy to read. And the nice part, sorry, I'm kind of hijacking.
Good, not done with your books.
I think the point here is that there's a lot of ministry on the Tabernacle and avail yourself of it. And listen, this is been an exercise here of us that I mean, we felt our weakness in it. It just because there's so much like we honestly, honestly, we just scratched the surface. We didn't have time to go into all of it, nor do I even feel qualified to go into all the finer details.
I mean, you can have a little bit of a Bible conference at home, just pull like four or five 6-7 writers who've all written stuff on the on the Tabernacle and they might be saying the same thing, but they might say differently. That is kind of the aha moment for you. Or they present different things. And like, like we've been saying through these these meetings that there's a duality in the types where.
Where there's beautiful thoughts there, there's not just maybe one solid application. We can't be too dogmatic on this.
I've read a number of these books, and sometimes I get to three different thoughts that are not They're all correct. They're all all beautifully right.
And it's just it's impossible for us to bring all of this out.
So sorry. There's another one here by Ride Out Lectures on the Tabernacle. Henry Salto is, you know.
I think popular but probably less easy to read. Yeah I agree Saltal is kind of hard to read so I would I would.
And he's got two of them. I wouldn't really recommend him, although I wouldn't persuade you not to read him. But I think there's there's probably better writings on him. Dennis, another one. OK, typical teachings on Exodus. Yes, a fantastic book. And Macintosh has Macintosh CGM is good. Of course, Mr. Darby in the synopsis, he'll give you the little Nuggets here and there. I mean, the list is long. You, you can, I mean, there is a lot written.
On on this subject and so I would just encourage.
Everyone here to immerse themselves in it it is beautiful it is so so beautiful So what happened over the course of the preparation for this week is that I figured out how much I didn't know and I have about five of these different books already I have five more or so that are in my my queue to order I didn't want to order them before this because.
I didn't want them to arrive at my house while we were up here.
And my, my goal is to go home and just get even more into this because I'm, I just realized how much I don't know. And so on the other note of resources, Norman Berry, there's recordings of his meetings chapter Brown, I believe.
There's you. You put in the Tabernacle. I did this the other day, on Whose Faith follow, Whose Faith follow or Bible conference recordings. And there's a long list, a long, long list of various.
Ones that have spoken on this and so maybe if you don't necessarily have time to open the book yet, listen to it on your way home from work or something and it's I I know you got Michael Bryan listening to Norman Barry's 1985 It's a Beautiful thing series of four meetings Norman Berry.
So kind of wrapping this up for the evening I was one of the things that I enjoyed from Walter Scott book is a poem that he didn't write but is listed in the last part of his book. And considering this is Saturday evening, I believe that this poem is very relevant to us tonight because it's called a meditation.
At the Lord's Supper. It's a little bit long, so bear with me.
Agony of agony Oh, listen to that awful cry. Fishing through a mysterious night When cloudless sun gives out no light, Hark, it beats against black brass sky. Eli Lama Sabachthani. Agony of agony. But the pain of Calvary. Not the mocking taunt, nor blow, not the thorn that tears the brow, not the great indignity of sinners. Striking Deity.
Not the rod that furrows plowed. Not the rye bald soldier crowd blinding first, then even hitting.
The violence on his features spitting Jew as well as Gentile spitting on the face so greatly scarred.
Soon by deeper sorrow mar was not these that forced the cry Eli Lama Sabachthani.
Agony of agony, let the pain of Calvary never moan, nor grief fraught whale follows the nerve tearing nail. True he speaks, he is but pleading for his slayers interceding.
Mika slammed to slaughter come cheap before her shears. Dumb.
Tis not shame, his spirit grieves as he hangs betwixt the thieves.
Tis not shame, the spirit grieves as he hangs betwixt the thieves, not the guide of passers by.
Nor more cruel priests that cry Savior he of others save self he cannot from the grave.
Even not the cruel smart added to that gentle heart, when he, with true human pain looks for pity, looks in vain.
It needs still deeper agony.
In and E to Wake the cry Eli Lama Sabachthani.
Agony of agonies this the pain of Calvary thou my soul in Solomon from the foot, the sandals, jaw. This is truly holy ground. Here is mystery profound. View the words, but let thy thought be with deep emotion, fraught tremble. False truth speaks to guilt.
Telling why that blood was spilled. Weep meanwhile Mercy's voice.
Bids thy broken heart rejoice, praise, whilst love and truth unite, flooding heart with heavenly light, trembling, weeping, praising. Learn, let it be, let it in thy spirit burn thy sins. Thyself has caused that cry. Eli Lama, so back then I.
Pause nor shame, escape a sigh or tear. Thine eye be dues melting soul and brimming eye fits the scene on which she amused Zion here speaks not of grief. Gentle tears are Love's relief. Yeah, for since I've learned my part, and that solemn scene I ponder memories of a broken heart tenderly must linger Yonder.
Whilst he makes such visions clear.
No lens like a contrite tear.
But in whilst the city walls these sad echoes back are flinging, golden sunlight once more falls, and the birds resume their singing. That dreadstorm has passed, forever past to be repeated, never this. His voice again is heard in the calm of Conqueror, sending forth his spirit with a word to his Father, all commanding.
Speaks but with no breath. Breath of sign does, but with no sign.
Dying thus he's numbered with the dead, for by man no broke, his bone is broken.
God alone may bruise this, This bread man may lose loves. Mightiest token one last blow. The soldiers spear fills our cup with wine to cheer. Never more shall unbelief put its cruel mark upon him. Nevermore shall pain or grief leave as their scarring traces on him. Henceforth love alone shall pour on his feet.
Her richest store, seeing the angels see whose eyes long to scan redemption story see your crate.
Arise but now robed and other glory. Hail your Lord your God again as a lamb that hath been slain. Seeing ye Saints who know the bliss of thy word. Thou art forgiven. Know the rapture of God's kiss. Be not out. Praise by heaven, which think ye should love him most Sinner saved or Angel host.
Sing my soul. Each saved one cries as we sit around his table.
Mind the song whose notes shall rise, if I were able St. And Angel, Angel I doubt vie. None can know so much as I.
Though my fullest song is faint though my fires but smoldering ember, Though my praise often turns to plain Lord, I can at least remember this. I do now as we sub, break the bread and drink the cup.
Well, that is comes our conclusion to the Tabernacle Talks around the table. It has been a joy to be with you and we hope that you have taken away.
Specific little Nuggets along the way.
Of our Lord Jesus Christ as seen in the Tabernacle. And may this be an opportunity for you to dig deeper, Dig deeper and find Him sweeter. And we'll be here as a resource and an event you want to reach out.
And so with that, we'll sign off and we'll.
See you here, there, or hopefully in the air when the Lord comes back.
Our God and Father.
We thank you so much.
For giving us these things from my word.
To bring before our hearts the glories and beauties of thy beloved Son.
How little we enter into these things, but as we consider this.
Type in the Tabernacle we see again, Father, one of Thy masterpieces and presenting our Lord Jesus Christ and His Person and His work.
But a place of privilege that has brought us into Father.
As priests, how far short we come, Father of offering appropriate sacrifices of the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Help us, Father, as we consider these things to draw our hearts more fully.
To burn and our desire to know more of our Lord Jesus and to follow after Him.
We thank the Father.
For giving these things to us for these past few nights, and we just ask for thy blessing on their word.
Lord Jesus.
As we consider this, what can we say?
Thank you.
The decisive and thy precious and low worthy name. Amen.