Take Courage.

DANGERS stand thick on every hand, suggests Faintheart. How can we help being anxious? “Only believe.” The Lord “is a shield to them that put their trust in Him.” Silver-tongued temptation may assail us? “He is able to succor them that are tempted.” But poverty may be our lot? “The Lord heareth the poor.” What if riches be ours, and we are cumbered with many cares? Give to the poor, and “thou shalt have treasure in heaven.” Should we be homeless? Our Lord had “not where to lay His head.” Friendless? There is a friend that “sticketh closer than a brother.” Afflicted? “He bindeth up the broken-hearted.” Unjustly accused? “The Almighty shall be thy defense.” The night cometh? “He that keepeth thee will not slumber.” Accidents may befall us? “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in.” Pain and sickness? The Lord will “make all thy bed in thy sickness.” The infirmity of age? “They shall still bring forth fruit in old age.” Wearisome nights may be appointed to us? “He giveth songs in the night.” But if death come? “It is well with the righteous when he dieth,” and “death is swallowed up in victory.” To the believer, every providence is but another stroke of the chisel upon the marble block, shaping it for its position in the heavenly glory. E. H.