A train was going through a solitary part of the country when one of the cylinders of the engine broke.
The engineer got down, and, with the materials he had at hand, began to mend it. To do this he had to get under the engine; so, to ensure that it should not move while he was there, he put on the brake.
His task completed, he took his place on the engine, turned on the steam, and expected it would move as before. It remained motionless.
He got down, overhauled his work, and tried again, putting on more steam. Still no progress.
“Have you taken off the brake?” asked a gentleman standing near.
Ah! there was the hindrance, the brake was still on. The driver removed it, and the engine steamed forward directly.
Thus it often is with young Christians. They have life; they are saved; they have the Holy Spirit within them, as power, but there is no progress, because the brake is on. Something here hinders them; something to which their hearts are clinging, and which they will not give up.
Young Christians, take away the brake, give up what hinders. Then, and not till then, will you truly advance in your Christian course, and grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.