LITTLE TEENIE was only six years old, but she loved to hear stories of Jesus and His love.
Children’s meetings were held that summer at four o’clock, and Teenie often coaxed her two older sisters to go in with her, as they passed the hall, on their way home from school.
But one day she went alone, as neither of her sisters cared to go with her. They were playing with their dolls on the doorstep when she returned.
Her little face was aglow with the joy in her heart, as she ran to them, holding up a pretty little book which had been given her at the afternoon meeting.
“Look!” she cried, “see what you’ve lost by staying away from the meeting.” Then in earnest tones she went on, in her childish way: “And that’s not all you’ve lost, for you’ve lost to know that ‘the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.’ "
Now little Teenie had only spoken to her sisters on the doorstep, but her words reached the ear of her mother inside, and sank into her heart. Before long she came to know the value of the precious blood that cleanses from all sin. Then her face was bright and happy, for her heart was full of joy. Now both Teenie and her mother are shining for Jesus.