Tell Me the Story of Jesus

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
Tell me the story of Jesus,
Write on my heart every word!
Tell me the story most precious,
Sweetest that ever was heard;
Tell how the angels, in chorus,
Spoke as they welcomed His birth:
"Glory to God in the highest;
Peace and good tidings to earth."
Tell me the story of Jesus,
Write on my heart every word,
Tell me the story most precious,
Sweetest that ever was heard.
Fasting alone in the desert,
Thus was His service begun;
Tell how through faith and obedience
Victory o'er Satan He won.
Tell of the years of His labors,
Tell of the sorrows He bore;
He was despised and afflicted,
Homeless, rejected and poor.
Tell of the cross where they nailed Him,
Suffering in sorrow and pain;
Tell of the grave where they laid Him;
Tell how He liveth again.
Love in that story so tender,
Clearer than ever I see;
This is the story most precious—
Love paid the ransom for me.