“THAT day." Thus does the Apostle Paul speak of the coming time when all secrets shall be revealed, and when we all shall stand before the tribunal of the Lord Jesus Christ. That day was constantly in his thoughts; in the midst of his gospel work he looked on to it; in the sorrows and the joys of the Christian path it was before his mind.
The end of a year recalls our thoughts to the end of our life-work, and to the time when we shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ. We address the Christian, for to speak of the judgment to the unbeliever is but to contemplate destruction. But the Christian does look forward to "that day" when every motive will be laid bare, and every act made manifest in its true character.
We were walking with a Christian not long since; he was looking on in his thoughts to “that day," and his mind turned to an old servant of Christ now at rest. " It was about thirty years ago," said he, " that old Dr.— of our town, was speaking to me thus: I was thinking that by-and-by, when we come to appear before our Master, it will be found how many a great name amongst us will be unmentioned before His tribunal, while the names of unseen workers will be had in remembrance, and in that day He will say to the little-thought-of labourer in His Name, Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.' “
How true this testimony, dear Christian worker and waiter for Christ! How much that now earns the reward of the approval of our fellow Christians will be found as but wood, hay, and stubble in “that day“! while the despised, the unknown, will receive the welcome smile of the Lord when seated upon His throne.
Seek to keep before the heart the wholesome memory of these two words, “that day.” They will be a check upon many a purpose, and will restrain from many an action. To follow the holiness and gentleness of Christ would be more before us as our aim, did we but consider this future more deeply. As we take leave one of another once more, our parting words shall be, "that Jay."